The eRulemaking Program

09/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/30/2024 07:07

Access to Information; Privacy Act Provisions

22 CFR Part 171
[Public Notice: 12539]
RIN 1400-AF86

Access to Information; Privacy Act Provisions


Department of State.


Final rule.


The Department of State is removing Personality Index to the Central Foreign Policy Records, State-29, from the list of system of records notices (SORNs) for which Privacy Act exemptions are claimed. The Department has determined that the personality index search tool covered by this SORN was disposed of when the State Archiving System (SAS) was decommissioned in May 2020, and this SORN has been rescinded.


rule is effective on September 30, 2024.

For Further Information Contact

Timothy J. Kootz, Senior Agency Official for Privacy; U.S. Department of State; Office of Global Information Services, A/GIS; Room 4534, 2201 C St., NW; Washington, DC 20520 or by calling on (202) 304 5979.

Supplementary Information

The System of Records Notice (SORN) State-29, Personality Index to the Central Foreign Policy Records, has been rescinded. See 89 FR 43974 (May 20, 2024).

Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a (k)(1), (k)(2), (k)(3), and (k)(7), records in State-29 were exempted from subsections (c)(3), (d), (e)(1), (e)(4)(G), (H), (I), and (f). This rulemaking amends 22 CFR 171.26 by removing STATE-29 from the lists of exemptions.

Regulatory Analysis

This rulemaking is published as a final rule with immediate effect due to the good cause exemption of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B) and 553(d). Since State-29 is no longer a SORN, it cannot be listed in the lists of SORNs exempted from the Privacy Act. Therefore, the Department finds good cause to promulgate this rulemaking, with immediate effect (5 U.S.C. 553(d), and finds that public comment on this rulemaking would be unnecessary.

List of Subjects in 22 CFR Part 171


For the reasons stated in the preamble, 22 CFR part 171 is amended as follows:

Part 171 Public Access to Information

Regulatory Text

1. The authority citation for 22 CFR part 171 continues to read as follows:


22 U.S.C. 2651a; 5 U.S.C. 552, 552a; E.O. 12600 (52 FR 23781); Pub. L. 114-185; Pub. L. 95-521, 92 Stat. 1824 (codified as amended at 5 U.S.C. Ch. 131); 5 CFR part 2634.

2. Section 171.26 is amended by revising paragraphs (b)(1), (2), (3) and (7) as follows:

§ 171.26 Exemptions.

* * * * *

(b) * * *

(1) Exempt under 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(1). Records contained within the following systems of records are exempt under this section to the extent that they are subject to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(1).

Table 2 to Paragraph ( b )(1)
Title No.
Board of Appellate Review Records STATE-02.
Congressional Correspondence STATE-43.
Congressional Travel Records STATE-44.
Coordinator for the Combating of Terrorism Records STATE-06.
External Research Records STATE-10.
Extradition Records STATE-11.
Family Advocacy Case Records STATE-75.
Foreign Assistance Inspection Records STATE-48.
Human Resources Records STATE-31.
Information Access Programs Records STATE-35.
Intelligence and Research Records STATE-15.
International Organizations Records STATE-17.
Law of the Sea Records STATE-19.
Legal Case Management Records STATE-21.
Munitions Control Records STATE-42.
Office of Inspector General Investigation Management System STATE-53.
Overseas Citizens Services Records STATE-05.
Passport Records STATE-26.
Personality Cross-Reference Index to the Secretariat Automated Data Index STATE-28.
Personnel Payroll Records STATE-30.
Records of Domestic Accounts Receivable STATE-23.
Records of the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for International Claims and Investment Disputes STATE-54.
Records of the Office of White House Liaison STATE-34.
Refugee Records STATE-59.
Risk Analysis and Management Records STATE-78.
Rover Records STATE-41.
Security Records STATE-36.
Visa Records STATE-39.

(2) Exempt under 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(2). Records contained within the following systems of records are exempt under this section to the extent that they consist of investigatory material compiled for law enforcement purposes, subject to the limitations set forth in 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(2).

Table 3 to Paragraph ( b )(2)
Title No.
Board of Appellate Review Records STATE-02.
Coordinator for the Combating of Terrorism Records STATE-06.
Extradition Records STATE-11.
Family Advocacy Case Records STATE-75.
Foreign Assistance Inspection Records STATE-48.
Garnishment of Wages Records STATE-61.
Information Access Program Records STATE-35.
Intelligence and Research Records STATE-15.
Munitions Control Records STATE-42.
Office of Foreign Missions Records STATE-81.
Office of Inspector General Investigation Management System STATE-53.
Overseas Citizens Services Records STATE-05.
Passport Records STATE-26.
Personality Cross-Reference Index to the Secretariat Automated Data Index STATE-28.
Risk Analysis and Management Records STATE-78.
Security Records STATE-36.
Visa Records STATE-39.

(3) Exempt under 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(3). Records contained within the following systems of records are exempt under this section to the extent that they are maintained in connection with providing protective services pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 3056.

Table 4 to Paragraph ( b )(3)
Title No.
Extradition Records STATE-11.
Information Access Programs Records STATE-35.
Intelligence and Research Records STATE-15.
Overseas Citizens Services Records STATE-05.
Passport Records STATE-26.
Personality Cross-Reference Index to the Secretariat Automated Data Index STATE-28.
Security Records STATE-36.
Visa Records STATE-39.

* * * * *

(7) Exempt under 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(7). Records contained within the following systems of records are exempt under this section to the extent that they consist of evaluation material used to determine potential for promotion in the armed services, but only to the extent that such disclosure would reveal the identity of a confidential informant.

Table 8 to Paragraph ( b )(7)
Title No.
Human Resources Records STATE-31.
Information Access Programs Records STATE-35.
Overseas Citizens Services Records STATE-25.
Personality Cross-Reference Index to the Secretariat Automated Data Index STATE-28.
Security Records STATE-36.
Timothy J. Kootz,
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Global Information Services (A/GIS), Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2024-22297 Filed 9-27-24; 8:45 am]