League of California Cities Inc.

09/11/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/11/2024 15:34

Cal Cities policy committee applications due Sept. 26

By Cal Cities Staff

The League of California Cities is accepting applications for all seven policy committees now through Sept. 26. City officials can apply for a division, department, caucus, or presidential appointment online.

Developing Cal Cities policy is a dynamic process that depends on the active involvement and expertise of city officials from all over the state. Cal Cities' seven policy committees meet regularly to review and recommend positions for bills and regulatory proposals. These recommendations are then forwarded to the Cal Cities Board of Directors for consideration.

If approved, these positions become official Cal Cities policy and a part of Cal Cities' compilation of existing policy. This document is updated every two years.

Approximately 60 city officials serve on each committee. To accurately reflect the state's diverse communities and perspectives, city officials from all regions are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants will be asked to share information about their professional experience when applying.

Each committee meets at least three times annually - January, March, and June. This year, the January and March meetings will be in person and will require travel. The June meeting will be held virtually. Cal Cities does not reimburse members for travel expenses associated with attending policy committee meetings.

A summary of each committee and the policy areas they oversee are below:

  • Community Services: Reviews issues related to homelessness, child care, parks and recreation, libraries, emergency/disaster preparation and response, cultural arts, and community and human services programs.
  • Environmental Quality: Reviews issues related to air, water, and water quality, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), solid waste and recycling, hazardous materials, coastal issues, utilities, and wildfires.
  • Governance, Transparency, and Labor Relations: Reviews issues related to transparency, technology (open data), healthcare, elections and political reform, pensions, and workers' compensation reform, as well as other labor-related issues.
  • Housing, Community, and Economic Development: Reviews issues related to general plans and zoning, housing, rent control, land use regulation, and development fees.
  • Public Safety: Reviews issues related to law enforcement; fire and life safety policies, including emergency communications; and emergency services, including ambulance and disaster preparedness.
  • Revenue and Taxation: Reviews issues related to finance administration, taxation reform, revenue needs, and revenue sources at the federal, state, and local levels.
  • Transportation, Communication, and Public Works: Reviews issues related to transportation planning, technology, funding, construction, public works, telecommunications, and other related areas.

For more information, please contact Meg Desmond, associate manager, legislative administration.