The President of Russia

06/17/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Meeting of Interdepartmental Commission on Implementation of National Programme to Assist Resettlement of Compatriots

The meeting was attended by deputies and assistants to Presidential plenipotentiary envoys to the federal districts, heads of federal executive bodies, First Deputy Governor of the Pskov Region Vera Yemelyanova, Deputy Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Sergey Nelyubov, and Deputy Chairman of the Khabarovsk Territory Government for Social Affairs Yevgeny Nikonov.

During the meeting Vladimir Kolokoltsev Kolokoltsev VladimirInterior Minister of the Russian Federationnoted that the mechanism of the national programme has now been adapted to meet the requirement of improving the quality of applicant selection. Starting already on January 1, compatriots must confirm sufficient command of the Russian language in order to apply for participation in the national programme. Special commissions have been set up in territorial bodies of the Russian Federation Interior Ministry to recognise a compatriot as having a command of the Russian language.

Chairman of the Commission stressed that the measures taken made it possible to prevent participation in the programme of 4,000 applicants who have no connection to Russia, who do not speak Russian and, in fact, are not compatriots.

According to the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, along with toughening the selection of potential migrants, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also taking measures to simplify the procedure for participation in the programme for certain categories of compatriots, for example, from unfriendly states.

Participants in the meeting discussed creating conditions for temporary accommodation of compatriots in the Far East, additional support measures for compatriots moving to the Far Eastern Federal District, as well as the implementation of regional resettlement programmes in the Novosibirsk and Pskov regions.