AAMC - Association of American Medical Colleges

07/12/2024 | Press release | Archived content

House Appropriations Committee Approves FY 25 NSF Spending Bill


Devan O'Toole, Legislative Analyst
For Media Inquiries

The House Appropriations Committee on July 9 approved the fiscal year (FY) 2025 Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS), and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (PDF) with a vote of 31 to 26 on party lines. The bill maintains the same spending level proposed by the House CJS Subcommittee of $9.3 billion for the National Science Foundation (NSF) for FY 2025, a $198.6 million (2%) increase compared to the FY 2024 enacted level [refer to Washington Highlights, June 28]. Within the total, the bill would provide $7.5 billion for Research and Related Activities, an increase of about $370 million (4.9%) compared to the FY 2024 enacted level.

Section 553 of this bill maintains language that will prohibit funding for several diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within the NSF.

The House floor vote of this bill has not yet been scheduled.