The Aspen Institute Inc.

09/12/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/12/2024 12:16

Refining the Recipe: Elevating Workforce Development for a New Era

I love to cook and create dishes for people to gather around. I've also had an image of a kitchen I'd love to be in - one filled with chefs from some of the most diverse and influential restaurants in the country. Each chef brings a unique set of ingredients and culinary traditions, along with the creativity and innovation needed to elevate their craft. I was in this "kitchen" through the Aspen Institute's Education and Career Mobility Fellowship - hosted by UpSkill America in partnership with Guild - where leaders from some of the most influential companies and industries - health care, retail, finance, production, travel, and more - came together. Each fellow arrived with a wealth of experience, talent, and passion, and a clear mandate: to improve education and career mobility for the frontline workforce. Their companies have many of the ingredients to succeed, but like any great culinary team, the challenge was in refining those ingredients, figuring out how they come together into a recipe that could be scaled and applied effectively across their organizations.

Tackling Complex Challenges

The fellowship was more than just an exchange of ideas; it was a deep dive into some of the most pressing issues facing American business and its workforce today and into the future. Fellows came in with a clear-sighted understanding of challenges such as:

  • Building and Scaling Processes: Creating scalable systems to enable career mobility for frontline workers.
  • Addressing Barriers and Motivators: Tackling issues like educational shame to design programs and career paths that truly attract and support the workforce.
  • Increasing Engagement: Finding ways to boost participation in education and upskilling programs, especially for workers who are often too overwhelmed, overworked, or overtired to engage.
  • Adapting to a Changing Landscape: Exploring how to nurture and advance internal talent in response to the evolving job market, particularly with the rise of artificial intelligence and automation.
  • Shaping the Next Phase of Talent Management: Aligning education, skilling, and mobility programs with broader learning and talent development efforts, ensuring these initiatives complement rather than compete with each other.

These challenges are complex, much like creating a multicourse meal that must cater to diverse tastes and dietary needs. They are particularly challenging because organizations have existing processes and workflows that have yet to be integrated into a cohesive organization design strategy. The fellowship provided an open and safe space for fellows to discuss these challenges candidly and experiment with different approaches.

Advancing Together: The Fellowship's Impact

Much like a culinary team collaborates in the kitchen, the fellows worked together to refine their strategies and approaches. They shared best practices, explored new technologies, and learned from one another's successes and setbacks. The result was a collective advancement in their ability to address workforce development challenges.

  • Program Design and Problem-Solving: Fellows focused on designing programs that are effective and explored the goal of scalability, ensuring they could be implemented across large organizations. They also explored how their companies' efforts could work together for greater business success, community impact, and workforce mobility.
  • Navigating Organizational Change: Arguably the biggest challenge, fellows shared strategies for increasing understanding, overcoming internal resistance, and making lasting changes within their companies. As one fellow put it, this work helped build corporate resilience for advancing these initiatives.
  • Learning from Experts: Leaders from business, academia, and thought leadership provided insights on economic trends, the future of work, and how to measure return on investment in workforce development initiatives. A key theme emerged: big solutions are within reach, and progress is being made, yet there is much to learn and share with one another.
  • Creating Shared Impact: Through individual reflection, peer consulting, and collaborative sessions, fellows worked on creating shared meaning and aligning their efforts with the broader goals of their organizations. They tapped into deep personal motivations and connected with one another vulnerably on a profound level.

A New Recipe for Workforce Development

The fellowship wasn't just about refining what already existed; it was about creating something new - an elevated approach to workforce development that meets the demands of the rapidly changing business landscape. Just as culinary tastes evolve, so too must our strategies for supporting and advancing the frontline workforce. The fellows left with a clearer understanding of how to combine the "ingredients" at their disposal, identified new "ingredients" needed for success, and developed approaches that not only benefit their companies, but also have a lasting impact on the workers who keep those companies running.

A Revolution for Good

The work done during the fellowship represents more than just progress; it's the beginning of a revolution for good. Just as many great chefs have helped to revolutionize culinary offerings, the fellows are now equipped to lead their organizations more effectively into this new era, where workforce development is not just a checkbox, but a critical component of business strategy. They're developing strategies, programs, and approaches that center around people and business needs, leveraging technology to achieve their goals. They have many of the tools and knowledge to ensure that the frontline workers who are so essential to the success of American businesses have the opportunities they need to grow and thrive. And they're committed to calling out and pressing for the rest of the "ingredients" they need.

Moving Forward: Serving the Future

While the fellows have gained much, the work doesn't stop here. Much like great chefs, the skills and insights they've acquired will continue to evolve and improve as they put them into practice. These fellows have emerged as stronger leaders in the crucial effort to refine and implement strategies that are meaningful for both people and businesses. As senior leaders in their companies listen to them and consider their ideas, the potential for more powerful, transformative solutions becomes a reality - solutions that can profoundly improve lives and drive business success.

As these changes take hold, the fellows will keep pushing forward, ensuring that the workforce development strategies of today are not just reactive but proactive, ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Together, they've crafted a new recipe for success - one that's designed to nourish the future of American business and uplift the lives of countless workers across the nation.

About the Author

Chris Trout is a consultant to UpSkill America and Executive in Residence with the Education and Career Mobility Fellowship.

About UpSkill America

UpSkill America, an initiative of the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program, supports employers and workforce organizations to expand and improve high-quality educational and career advancement opportunities for America's front-line workers. We seek to create a movement of employers, civic organizations, workforce intermediaries, and policymakers working collaboratively to implement education, training, and development strategies that result in better jobs and opportunities for front-line workers, more competitive businesses, and stronger communities. Follow us on LinkedIn and learn more at