Government of the Republic of Montenegro

07/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/19/2024 03:28

Press release from the 41st Cabinet session

At today's 41st session chaired by Prime Minister Milojko Spajić, the Montenegrin Cabinet adopted the Decree on Amendments to the Decree on the reconstruction of buildings occupied by the central government. The aim of the Decree is to increase the pace of reconstruction of buildings occupied by the central government, which will result in reducing energy usage requirements in planned state administration buildings and public institutions founded by the state by improving their energy characteristics. This will achieve estimated energy and economic savings, along with other associated benefits. In accordance with the obligations under the Energy Community Treaty, the amendments stipulate that contracting parties annually renovate at least 3% of the total floor area of buildings owned or occupied by the central government. Previously, the requirement was to renovate 1% of the net area of state-owned buildings each year.

The National Railway Infrastructure Programme for the period 2024-2026 was adopted. Based on the state of the railway infrastructure, the National Programme determines plans for the construction of new, reconstruction, and maintenance of existing railway infrastructure, sets priorities and implementation dynamics, as well as the amount and sources, or potential sources of the necessary financial resources for its implementation. The basic concept of the railway infrastructure development strategy is determined by the long-term goal - EU membership. The railway infrastructure enters a new period burdened by obsolescence and modest functional capacity of infrastructure subsystems, and the need to adapt to the requirements of the Trans-European Railway Network. In the phase of ongoing and minor investment maintenance, the goal is to keep the infrastructure at the existing level and bring it to the designed state. Financing this phase is done with the support of the state budget and investments by the infrastructure manager from the funds obtained from infrastructure usage. In the reconstruction phase, the goal is to eliminate so-called "bottlenecks," while in the modernization phase, the goal is for the railway transport system in Montenegro to be compatible with the transport system of the European Union. Financing this phase will be done from EU structural funds and loans from international financial institutions. By implementing the planned activities, projects, and works defined in the National Programme, better connectivity with the Pan-European Corridor network and the attraction of goods and traffic flows in the region, leveraging the potential of the Port of Bar, which will have multiplicative effects on overall economic growth, is expected.

The Cabinet adopted the Implementation Plan for the Youth Guarantee Programme 2024-2026. This programme has been applied in European Union member states since 2013 as a support mechanism for young people whose position in the labour market has significantly worsened due to the financial crisis. The programme received additional political and financial support at the EU level due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and significant job losses. The main principle of the programme is that every young person receives a quality offer for a job, internship, further training, or continued education within 4 months of leaving education or training or becoming unemployed. The Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans from October 2020 provides opportunities to use available financial resources for interventions based on the EU's Youth Guarantee example. The plan defines the framework for reform and programme policies that will enable the coordination of activities among various stakeholders, pooling resources to maximize the impact on youth labour market outcomes, and primarily building national capacities to address the issues of youth exclusion and transition from education to the labour market. Adoption of the Plan will allow access to funds from the Operational Programme for Employment and Social Policy 2024-2027, as well as the start of the Pilot phase of the Youth Guarantee Programme, scheduled for 2025-2026 in three selected municipalities.

The proposal for amendments to the Energy Law, submitted by Montenegrin Parliament members Vasilije Čarapić and Uglješa Urošević, was reviewed. In this regard, the Cabinet decided to submit to the Parliament an opinion prepared by the Ministry of Energy and Mining.

The Cabinet adopted the Draft Law on amendments to the Law on Flammable Liquids and Gases. The proposed changes recognise a single authority that will issue an act granting energy entities the right to engage in the trade and storage of flammable liquids and gases, clearly defining jurisdiction. The programme and method of professional training should be made efficient and adequate for individuals handling flammable liquids and gases. Additionally, the programme and method of professional training should ensure the required level of expertise without demanding a national qualification framework, but providing the necessary level of proficiency in key skills.

The Cabinet adopted the Information on the conclusion of the Protocol between the Ministry of the Interior of Montenegro, the Police Directorate, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, the Police of the Republic of Kosovo, on cooperation during the tourist season and accepted the text of the Protocol. The document stipulates that, at the request of the Montenegrin police, the Kosovo police will send a total of 12 police officers to Montenegro from 1 July to 1 September of the current year, with two officers in six shifts of ten days each. The Kosovo police officers will assist their compatriots spending their vacation in Montenegro, without having any police or other executive powers or undertaking any activities for which only Montenegrin police officers are authorized. In joint work with Montenegrin police officers, the Kosovo police officers will help improve communication with tourists and contribute to a favourable security environment on the Montenegrin coast.

The Cabinet adopted the Information on the conclusion of the Protocol on cooperation during the tourist season between the Ministry of the Interior of Montenegro, the Police Directorate, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Albania, the General Directorate of State Police, and accepted the text of the Protocol. The Information states that since 2011, the exchange of police officers with the Republic of Albania has been continuously conducted in Montenegro to enhance security during the tourist season. This cooperation contributes to strengthening security protection through experience exchange and preventive action against international criminal activities during the tourist season. The Protocol stipulates that at the request of the Montenegrin side, the Albanian side will send eight police officers to Montenegro - four per month - from 1 July to 1 September. The Albanian police officers will assist their compatriots spending their vacation in Montenegro, without having any police or other executive powers or undertaking any activities for which only Montenegrin police officers are authorized.

The Twentieth Semi-Annual Report on overall activities within the process of Montenegro's integration into the European Union for the period July - December 2023 was adopted, which will be submitted to the Parliament for consideration according to the established procedure.

The Cabinet adopted a Proposal to redirect funds to the Judo Federation of Montenegro from the Current Budget Reserve, amounting to 200,000 euros, for organising the European Senior Judo Championship in Podgorica in 2025.

Additionally, a Proposal was adopted to redirect funds to the Basketball Federation of Montenegro from the Current Budget Reserve, amounting to 100,000 euros, for participation in the pre-qualification tournament for the World Championship to be held from 19 to 25 August in Mexico.