European External Action Service

05/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/17/2024 02:36

Team Europe boosts water supply in Cholpon Ata, Issyk Kul region

Over 19,000 citizens of Cholpon Ata have now regular access to safe drinking water and sanitation services thanks to a joint investment of EUR 5.1M provided by the European Union (EU), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). On 11 May 2024, the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic Akylbek Zhaparov announced the project completion and participated in the opening ceremony of the water intake.

The EUR 3.1M European Union grant, together with an EIB and EBRD investment loan of EUR 2.25M, funded a ground breaking improvement of this Water Supply System that had never been upgraded since 1986, when it became operational. It will help to reduce the risk of water borne diseases and to improve Cholpon Ata citizens' quality of life.

The European Union has granted over 100M EUR, which leveraged 205M EUR investments, in support of the water, solid waste, and energy sector of Kyrgyzstan. A total number of 14 cities and 8 villages across the country have benefited from this support. Thanks to this support, over 376,000 people will benefit from the access to safe drinking water, energy resources and better solid waste management services.