Expro International Group Ltd.

06/27/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/27/2024 07:57

International Women in Engineering Day 2024 - Marília Hammes de Carvalho

Name: Marília Hammes de Carvalho
Location: Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Job Title: Cement Coordinator

Tell us about your background?
Chemical Eng, Federal University of Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

During college, I was a Teaching Assistant for the course "Process Analysis and Design" and interned at Unilever Brazil LTDA, for the Enterprise Support - Information Management Operations area, within the subareas of Supply Chain and Finance, focusing on Latin America and North America. After completing my degree, I worked as a Chemical Analyst for LASSARAT Services and Projects at the Ecovix/Engevix shipyard for Petrobrás.

What does your job involve?
It involves hard skills, such as technical proficiency in the oil and gas sector, foreign language skills, and technological competence. It also requires soft skills, particularly communication competence, teamwork, multiculturalism, the ability to work under pressure, and adaptability.

Can you tell us about your Expro career so far?
I joined EXPRO as a TRS Operations Technician, and after 2 months with the company, I was assigned to oversee the 36" tubular machining project at NUCLEP (Nuclebrás Heavy Equipment) due to my experience in shipyards. Intending to expand my knowledge, I made my first trip to the USA for training and to learn more about the machining process. After completing the project, I accepted the challenge of learning about the cementing line, which allowed me to live in the USA for 2 months, and acting as the focal point for the implementation and development of the line in Brazil, taking on roles in technical support and operations coordination.

What's been your biggest career challenge so far?
Balancing life expectations as a woman with the ambition to grow in your career. It requires self-knowledge, adaptation, and a careful analysis of priorities to achieve a successful career without compromising personal values and goals.

What would you say to someone considering a career in engineering?
Be curious, open to new experiences, master technologies and foreign languages, always seek more knowledge, be resilient, and believe in your potential to achieve your goals.

What has been your Expro highlight so far?
The training in the USA, which allowed me to expand my knowledge, meet and work with people from different cultures, contributing to my personal and professional development. This experience defined for me the true meaning of being a global citizen (citizen of the world).