ACRE - Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe

12/14/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/14/2021 13:14

PRESS RELEASE: Meloni congratulates Legutko and Fitto for being re-elected in the ECR Group

"Congratulations to Ryszard Legutko and Raffaele Fitto, re-elected today co-presidents of the group of Conservatives and Reformists in the European Parliament. To them goes my thanks for the extraordinary work done in recent years to strengthen ECR, which represents the conservative voice of Europe and one of the main political forces in Brussels. Their re-election gives continuity to the commitment of making ECR an increasingly important player in the political scene of the Old Continent. My best wishes for a good work also to the deputies Kozma Złotowski, Roberts Zile and Karol Karski who will be the candidates of the ECR group to the posts of President, Vice-President and Quaestor of the European Parliament". This was stated by the President of European Conservatives Party (ECR Party), Giorgia Meloni.