IUF - International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations

09/09/2024 | News release | Archived content

Philippines: Sofitel Philippines Plaza Manila workers win agreement on recall rights

Protests and mobilizations at the Sofitel Philippine Plaza have resulted in an important agreement between IUF affiliate NUWHRAIN and the owner Philippine Plaza Holdings, Inc. (PPHI) to rehire hundreds of workers when the hotel's renovations are complete.

The agreement, signed under the supervision of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and the National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB), stipulates that:

  • When the hotel reopens, workers who wish to return will be called back within 15 days with the same working conditions as at the time of closure
  • An improved severance package has been negotiated for those who do not wish to return to the hotel
  • Management will continue to recognize the two unions at the hotel
  • DOLE and NCMB will closely monitor the compliance with the terms and conditions of the settlement agreement

IUF General Secretary Sue Longley stated, "This agreement is a significant win for NUWHRAIN after their hard-fought campaign to protect employment. Now we have to make sure that Accor lives up to those commitments. We will be working closely with NUWHRAIN and IUF Asia/Pacific to ensure that happens."