12/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/11/2024 13:18
Application for standards review committees open now through January 27
(BATON ROUGE, LA) - The Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) will review the state's student standards for math and English language arts (ELA). The Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) approved the review process during their meeting today and the standards review committees application is now open. Louisiana teachers, administrators, school system staff, higher education faculty, parents, and community members are encouraged to apply.
"This is a profound opportunity to pursue academic excellence in Louisiana classrooms," said Louisiana State Superintendent of Education Dr. Cade Brumley. "Professionally, I'm excited about an increased focus on phonics, grammar, and foundational math skills."
Standards Review Committees and Application
The online application will be open until January 27 at 8 a.m. Selected participants will be notified in late February and submitted to BESE for approval in March.
The standards committees will consist of a steering committee and content expert workgroups for ELA and math. The committees will be composed of Louisiana stakeholders. Meetings will begin in April, continue through July, and be open to the public.
Standards Review Process Goals
Louisiana's current math and ELA standards were last revised about a decade ago.
The goals of the standards review process in ELA include:
The goals of the standards review process in math include:
Standards vs. Curriculum
Student standards are different from curriculum in that standards define what students are expected to learn in a particular subject and grade, and a curriculum defines how teachers will teach to ensure students learn the standards.
In Louisiana, the LDOE works with stakeholders to set and review high-quality student standards. School systems make their own decisions to choose a curriculum. To support local school systems in selecting and implementing high-quality instructional materials, the LDOE provides reviews of instructional materials per statute, the Instructional Materials Professional Learning Partner Guide, and the tools and resources found in the Teacher Support Toolbox.
Please email [email protected] with any questions.