Georgia Department of Natural Resources' Wildlife Resources Division

10/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/09/2024 18:12

Seen a Spotted Skunk? Here’s What to Do

See the brushy-tailed critter in the center of this game camera image?

That's an eastern spotted skunk. The photo, taken July 29, is the first documented sighting of this species in northwest Georgia's Walker County.

But DNR Program Manager Katrina Morris is convinced there are more eastern spotted skunks in that region of Georgia, and even across the state.

Once common in the eastern U.S., eastern spotted skunks - unlike striped skunks, their larger cousin - have become rare. Why is unclear.

However, with skunk sightings typically increasing as the weather cools and more game cams running as deer season nears, Morris is encouraging Georgians to report any spotted skunks seen. Upload images and details to the Eastern Spotted Skunk project or email them to her (include latitude/longitude coordinates, data often tagged in smartphone photos).

Whether from live shots, incidental captures by trappers or even road-kills, the reports will help researchers better understand the distribution and status of these scarce and secretive stinkers. Learn more.

Top: Eastern spotted skunk (Austin Bradford/special to DNR)

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