12/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/12/2024 15:01
The 2025 City of Midland Calendar and Services Guide will soon be delivered to Midland residents' mailboxes. Residents can expect to receive their new calendar within the next one to two weeks.
The City's Calendar and Services Guide serves as a handy, year-round source for information on City meetings and functions, programs and services, and contact information for City departments. It also features photos depicting the beauty and uniqueness of the Midland community that were submitted by residents during the City's annual calendar photo contest.
City of Midland residents who do not receive a City calendar in the mail by December 23 can contact Community Affairs at 989-837-3304 or [email protected] to have one mailed to them. Non-City residents may pick up a calendar in person at City Hall (333 W. Ellsworth Street), the Law Enforcement Center (2727 Rodd Street), the Municipal Service Center (4811 N. Saginaw Road), or the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library (1710 W. St. Andrews Road) beginning January 6, 2025.