House Republican Conference

07/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/21/2024 13:51

Far Left House Democrats Own the Biden-Harris Record Of Failure

This afternoon, Joe Biden announced that he would not seek reelection, finally bending to Far Left Democrats' anti-Democratic demands, which overturned the will of 14 million Democrat voters who elected Biden as their nominee and part of a desperate attempt to cover up the fact that Joe Biden is unfit for office.

For the last three and half years Far Left Democrats and their loyal stenographers in the mainstream media rushed to Biden's defense, claiming that the clearly diminished Biden was as sharp as ever and accused House Republicans of peddling conspiracy theories when we raised questions about his fitness to be our Commander-in-chief. Every single one of these people especially Vice President Kamala Harris who participated in this coverup must be held accountable.

MAKE NO MISTAKE: Biden's announcement will not save Far Left House Democrats from being held accountable by the American people. Far Left House Democrats own Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' failed record. They are just as responsible for causing inflation to skyrocket, gas prices to reach record highs, a historic invasion at our Southern and Northern Borders that has turned every community into a border community, and America's weakness on the world stage has plunged the world into a state of constant chaos.


• Since Joe Biden took office:

◦ There have been OVER 9.7 MILLION illegal immigrant encounters nationwide.

◦ There have been OVER 7.9 MILLION illegal immigrant encounters at our Southern Border.

◦ There have been roughly 2 million known gotaways who evaded U.S. Border Patrol.

◦ There have been more known gotaways than in the previous decade combined.

• In May, there were 170,723 illegal immigrant encounters at our Southern Border.

◦ This is a 185% increase from the average May under President Trump.

• May was the 39th straight month where monthly illegal immigrant encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under President Trump.

• In June, NBC News reported that over 50 illegal immigrants with ties to ISIS were on the loose in our nation after having been released by the Biden Administration.

• Under Biden, over 350 of these individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the Southern Border.

So far in FY24, there have been 90 individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist who have been stopped trying to enter the U.S. illegally between ports of entry at the Southern Border.

◦ Click HERE for details about the national security threats posed by the Biden border crisis, courtesy of the House Committee on Homeland Security Republicans.

So far in FY24, there have been a record-breaking 31,077 Communist Chinese nationals encountered at the Southwest border.

• The Biden border crisis is costing the United States approximately $150.7 billion each year.

◦ The burden of illegal immigration on U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling with the gross cost per taxpayer at $1,156 every year.

• In May, the Committee on Homeland Security Republicans released documents showing the Biden Administration secretly flew over 400,000 illegal immigrants into the country.

• Biden's Far Left Democrat open border policies are to blame for this historic crisis.

◦ There are OVER 60 instances of Joe Biden and his Administration taking actions that undermined our nation's border security, including halting the construction of the border wall.

◦ In August 2022, Biden and his Administration decided to make the border crisis WORSE by formally ending former President Trump's successful 'Remain in Mexico' program."

The Biden Administration announced on May 10, 2023, that it would allow for the release of some migrants into the U.S. with no way to track them.

▪ Biden's Department of Homeland Security has now admitted that 40% of catch and release migrants have disappeared.


• Inflation is a tax on ALL Americans.

• When Joe Biden took office, inflation was at just 1.4%.

• Since Joe Biden took office, inflation has risen by 20.1%.

• Americans are paying more for just about everything because of inflation since Biden took office:

◦ Motor vehicle insurance is UP 52.9%

◦ Home insurance is up 52.9%

◦ Gasoline (all types) is UP 48.7%

◦ Motor vehicle repair is UP 40.1%

◦ Eggs are UP 38.9%

◦ Admission to sporting events are UP 33.7%

◦ Airline fares are UP 32.0%

◦ Baby food and formula are UP 30.5%

◦ Delivery services are UP 28.9%

◦ Cigarettes are UP 27.3%

◦ Pet services including veterinary are UP 27.2%

◦ Financial services are UP 26.2%

◦ White bread is UP 25.4%

◦ Uncooked ground beef is UP 24.7%

◦ Checking account and other bank services is UP 24.5%

◦ Frozen fruits and vegetables are UP 23.9%

◦ Pet food is UP 23.8%

◦ Chicken is UP 23.7%

◦ Lunchmeats are UP 22.9%

◦ Eating out is UP 22.7%

◦ Breakfast cereal is UP 22.3%

◦ Public transportation is UP 22.3%

◦ Rent of primary residence is UP 21.5%

◦ Groceries (Food at home) are UP 21.3%

◦ Hospital services are UP 14.7%

• Americans are spending over $13,000 more annually to buy the basics because of Bidenflation, compared to three years ago.

• June was the 39th straight month with inflation at or above 3%.

• Real wages remain lower than when Biden first took office.

• Inflation-adjusted average weekly earnings were $397.90 when Biden took office and are now $381.34 - the Bureau of Labor Statistics adjusts to 1982-1984 dollars - meaning Americans have seen a 4.1% decrease under Biden.

• Bidenflation outpaced wages for a majority of Biden's presidency - both year-over-year real average hourly earnings and real average weekly earnings were negative for 25 months.

• Under Biden, the mortgage rate climbed to over 7% nationally, and housing affordability has plummeted to record lows.


• Under Biden, U.S. average gas prices reached a historic high of over $5 nationally.

◦ Under Biden, the price of a gallon of gas has been above $3 per gallon for well over 1,000 days in a row.

• Americans have lost over $4,400 paying higher energy costs since Biden took office.

• In January 2024, the Biden Administration announced they paused all pending non-FTA export permit applications for liquified natural gas (LNG) export projects, empowering countries like Russia and Iran and hurting our allies who depend on U.S. energy.

• The Biden Administration is kowtowing to environmentalists by having his Department of Energy undertake a review of LNG export terminals and the climate considerations for their approval.

• By cutting off exports from the United States, Biden is pushing our allies, including the European Union and other countries, to dirtier sources.

• American-produced LNG has 41% lower lifecycle emissions than compressed natural gas from Russia when exported to the same destination.

• Since 2012, the Energy Department commissioned three studies on the impact of gas exports focusing on the economics of the trade. Those previous reviews had consistently found gas exports benefited the public.

• The Biden Administration has continually passed the buck by blaming domestic energy producers:

◦ Biden's regulatory assault destroys ANY incentive for domestic energy producers to invest, and it worsens energy market volatility.

◦ Most recently, Biden announced that his Administration would no longer hold court-ordered offshore oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska. • On day one of Joe Biden's presidency, he launched his war on American energy when he killed the Keystone XL pipeline, which could be supplying 830,000 thousand barrels of oil from Canada to U.S. refineries.

• Biden has sold off more than 40% of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and in 2023 America's stockpile at the SPR plunged to 40-year lows.


• Biden has failed to stand up to our adversaries in Beijing, Tehran, and Moscow.

• Biden's strategy of appeasement toward Iran has resulted in the deadliest attack against the Jewish people since the Holocaust, hundreds of Iranian-backed terrorist attacks on American service members, and plunged the Middle East into chaos.

• On October 7, 2023, the world witnessed Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists perpetrate the deadliest attack against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

• To appease his pro-Hamas base, Biden withheld aid from Israel.

• In May, Biden told CNN that he would withhold military aid to Israel if Israel continues their campaign against Hamas terrorists.

◦ Biden's decision greenlights Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran to escalate attacks following his failed foreign policy of appeasement.

• Biden went into hiding for nine days as antisemitic, pro-terrorist mobs overran colleges and universities, endangering Jewish students.

◦ When Biden finally addressed the country for the first time in days, he did NOT condemn the antisemitic, pro-terrorist, mobs that have overrun colleges and universities, and he did NOT say how he would protect Jewish students.

In April, Biden was blasted for equivocating on antisemitic protests happening across the country.

• To appease Iran, Biden removed the Houthis from the U.S. list of foreign terror organizations.

Houthis have fired ballistic missiles at commercial ships and attacked a U.S. warship with Iranian drones.

• In 2023, Biden gave Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, $6 billion as a ransom payment for five American prisoners, jeopardizing Americans' safety around the world.

The Biden Administration admitted that there would be no way to control how Iran spends the $6 billion dollars.

• While American service members were under attack by Iranian-backed terrorists, the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was MIA, and Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks was on vacation in Puerto Rico.

• The Biden Administration allowed a Communist Chinese surveillance balloon to traverse the entire continental U.S. over the course of 7 days, gathering intelligence and flying over sensitive military sites, before taking action.

• Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan resulted in:

◦ The deadliest attack on Americans in Afghanistan since 2011 killing 13 of our brave service members and wounding many others.

OVER 1,000 Americans were abandoned behind enemy lines for months at the mercy of the Taliban, and $7 billion< /a>in U.S. military equipment was left behind. ◦ Biden has been "privately defiant " that he made the right calls during his Administration's catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

◦ In June, Biden FALSELY claimed no U.S. service members have died during his Administration.

▪ These comments sparked immense backlash as over 15 U.S. service members have been killed in combat during his presidency.

• Under Biden, the U.S. Army fell 15,000 soldiers short of their recruitment goal for FY22, missing by 25%.