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09/06/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/06/2024 05:15

London to Paris Cycle for Prostate Cancer - Day 3

The ride is complete! After days of battling the elements, technical glitches, and plenty of laughs along the way, our incredible team of Splunkers has arrived at the Eiffel Tower. Today's ride was full of highs, lows, and emotional moments, but through it all, they persevered and made it to the end, raising over £11,000 for Prostate Cancer UK. Let's dive into the final day of this epic journey.

A Special Start to the Day

The morning started with a heartwarming moment as Phil gathered the team for a special request. It was his son's birthday, and Phil wanted to do something memorable for him. At 08:30 AM, before they set off, the whole team sang a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" for his son. A touching start to the final day, and from all of us here at Splunk and the readers of this blog, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

With the birthday celebrations done, Ed, the group leader, briefed the team on the plan for the day. Two stops were scheduled: the first at the 34 km marker at Patisserie Robin (where, of course, Team Cake was excited for another sugar hit), and the second stop at the Palace of Versailles at the 90 km mark for a final break and photo op before rolling into Paris.

Torrential Downpour, but Spirits Stay High

Unfortunately, the day's ride didn't start quite as sunny as their spirits. A torrential downpour greeted the riders as they set off, drenching them and continuing almost up until lunchtime. As Ed so aptly summarized in his update: "Blog = Wet". This wasn't just a light drizzle, this was the kind of weather that soaks you to your bones. But the team wasn't about to let the rain dampen their spirits. Despite the freezing wet conditions, they powered on, keeping their eyes on the prize and leaning on each other for motivation.

Team Cake, however, was a little disappointed. They only managed one cake stop, which was a significant drop compared to the previous days of indulgence. Still, they pressed on, with visions of French patisseries surely dancing in their heads.

Pushing Through the Pain

By this point, the riders were really starting to feel the aches and pains of several days in the saddle. Some were losing sensation in their extremities thanks to the cold and wet conditions. But despite all this, one rider managed to cycle their best 50 km of the trip, a testament to their determination to finish strong. The end was near, and they could almost smell Paris or maybe it was just more cake they were imagining.

When they reached the lunch stop, things took a comedic turn. One of the riders, in need of a vegetarian dish, enlisted the help of a kind English woman to translate. What seemed like a simple request turned into a restaurant-wide laugh, as it became clear that the establishment wasn't exactly known for its vegetarian options. Nonetheless, they cobbled together something for the hungry rider, who cheekily added chips to his pasta, sparking even more laughter.

Photo Ops at Versailles and Technical Issues

After lunch, the team made their way to the Palace of Versailles, stopping for a well-deserved break and some photos. The ornate beauty of the palace was the perfect backdrop for the riders to reflect on how far they had come.

However, not all was smooth sailing. Rakesh's bike started having gear issues, likely due to the wet and miserable conditions earlier in the day. His top and bottom gears were out of commission, forcing him to finish the ride in a limited gear range. Not an easy task with all the hills on the final leg.

The Final Push to the Eiffel Tower

Despite the rain, the technical difficulties, and the exhaustion, the team pushed through to the finish line. At around 3pm, they began arriving at the Eiffel Tower, their final destination. As they gathered at the base of the iconic landmark, the emotions hit. Relief, joy, pride, and exhaustion all mixed together as they celebrated completing this monumental challenge. People nearby joined in the celebration as champagne bottles popped and cheers echoed beneath the tower.

The riders took a moment to reflect on their journey, congratulating each other for their efforts. They had cycled through freezing rain, dodged egg-throwing drivers, and fought through aches and pains-but they had done it. They had completed the journey from London to Paris, raising an incredible amount of money for a cause close to their hearts.

A Well-Deserved Celebration

After the celebrations at the Eiffel Tower, the team headed back to their hotel to rest, shower, and freshen up for the evening. Phil, ever the thorough showerer, accidentally flooded his room (and the hotel corridor) in the process!

At dinner, the laughter continued. Roland, ever curious, asked the waiter several times about which meals contained nuts, only to be met with the classic French response: "Why don't you just try it?"

Mission Accomplished

The team has raised over £11,000 for Prostate Cancer UK, an amazing achievement. Their journey has been a testament to the power of determination, teamwork, and a shared sense of purpose. Every rider played a crucial role in making this ride a success, and we couldn't be prouder of their efforts.

As the riders prepare to head home, with most of them opting for the Eurostar back to the UK, we must give a special shoutout to Phil and Ed, who are *cycling* back! Best of luck to you both, hopefully the return trip is a little drier.

There will be one final blog in this series, where we'll cover the donation being made, get some personal insights from the riders, and dive deep into the tech we used to track their ride and present it live through Splunk dashboards. I encourage you to check out the public dashboards, especially if you haven't already, as we have the two daring riders coming home - https://london2paris.livehybrid.com/london2paris_cycle_computer

Once again, well done to all the riders! You've done an incredible job for a truly worthy cause.

Read the whole journey here: