ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

09/24/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 14:41

Highlights of the September ICANN Board WorkshopTripti Sinha

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Board of Directors convened in Los Angeles, California, 6-8 September to continue our work in several areas. I'm pleased to report on the progress made on a number of initiatives that are of interest to the community.

Each Board Workshop begins with series of closed sessions to update the Board on a variety of topics. During this time, the Board was briefed on the status of current lawsuits and had the opportunity to ask questions.

The New Generic Top-Level Domains Program: Next Round

In addition to several critical decisions regarding the resolution of contention sets in the Next Round, the Board decided on several other topics that impact the program. The Board adopted the pending recommendation from the Internationalized Domain Names Expedited Policy Development Process Phase 1, as well as advice from the Security and Stability Advisory Committee in relation to Name Collision Analysis. These are key components in establishing the gTLD evaluation fee.

The Board also agreed to use a portion of the auction proceeds from the 2012 Round of the New gTLD Program to help fund direct support to qualified applicants in the Applicant Support Program (ASP). The Board also spent time preparing for the consultation with the Governmental Advisory Committee on advice we received at ICANN80 related to the ASP.

Registration Data Request Service

The Board had a productive discussion around the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) demand, usage metrics to date, and improvements that have been made to the service. We plan to have more in-depth conversations with the community later this year as we approach the one-year mark since launching the service.

Pilot Holistic Review

The Board received an update on the community work being carried out to appoint the Pilot Holistic Review Team and name the team's leadership in preparation for the pilot. The Board also adopted the Pilot Holistic Review Operating Standards, which will guide the work of the review team in the months to come.

Audit Committee Training

The Board Audit Committee attended an annual training that highlighted best practices of audit committees and the important role they play. The session focused on the responsibilities of these committees, current trends in auditing, prioritization, and effectiveness.

Board Governance

The Board Governance Committee reviewed the membership slates for Board committees, working groups, and caucuses. Although the committee did not complete its slating discussion, it is working toward the goal of completing the slating in time for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in November.

Speaking of which, the ICANN81 AGM takes place 9-14 November in Istanbul, Republic of Türkiye. Be sure to register in advance if you plan to attend in person. My colleagues and I look forward to seeing you there.


Tripti Sinha

ICANN Board Chair
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Tripti Sinha

ICANN Board Chair

Tripti Sinha is Assistant Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at the University of Maryland (UMD) in the Division of Information Technology. She leads Advanced Cyber Infrastructure and Internet Global Services (ACIGS) and the Mid-Atlantic Crossroads (MAX). She has over three decades of progressive experience in Internet and Cyber-Infrastructure technologies. Her wide-ranging experience includes leadership positions in engineering, operations, finance, governance, advocacy and policy. In her current role, she is the chief executive of the MAX, which operates a high-performance regional research and education (R&E) 100G network for advanced cyber-infrastructure services and research. She is also responsible for UMD's High Performance Computing service and strategy. Tripti is active internationally as the executive and operational head of UMD's global operation of DNS root services. She previously served as Co-Chair of ICANN's Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) from 2015-2018.

In the United States, she is very involved in the Internet2 community on activities related to the US national R&E Internet backbone. She is also Chair of the Board of Directors of The Quilt whose mission is to provide advocacy for research and education networking on the US national agenda. She has served on many other non-profit and private sector technology advisory boards.

Tripti has an undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts and did graduate work in Computer Science at the University of Maryland. She was born in India and lives in the United States. As a child and young adult, she moved back-and-forth between the USA and India which gave her an appreciation for global pluralism. She is proficient in English and Hindi, and has an understanding of Punjabi, Urdu and the ancient Sanskrit language. Tripti has a keen interest in Information and Communication Technology innovation, entrepreneurship, governance and policy, and international affairs. Tripti was nominated to serve on the ICANN Board of Directors by the Nominating Committee in 2018. Her term will expire at the Annual General Meeting 2024.