Delegation of the European Union to Kazakhstan

10/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/09/2024 14:08

EU Statement – UN General Assembly: International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies


EU Statement - UN General Assembly: International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

9 September 2024, New York - Statement on behalf of the European Union and its Member States at the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly on the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies


I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the European Union and its Member States.

On this International Day of Clean Air, we should celebrate a number of important collaborative actions that have been taken against air pollution this year.

First, the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly adopted a new resolution on 1 March aimed at developing a global knowledge sharing platform and regional cooperation between member states to tackle air pollution. From our perspective, we see this new platform as having the potential to connect with our existing outreach activities under the UNECE Air Convention.

Second, in the UNECE region, Parties to the Air Convention decided in December 2023 to revise the Gothenburg Protocol. This revision can be expected to further strengthen efforts to reduce air pollution across Europe and North America. It is unique since the Protocol remains the only binding regional-level treaty regulating major air pollutant emissions.

In the context of Gothenburg Protocol revision discussion, Parties will also consider further outreach to other Conventions and to other regions, notably on issues like methane and biodiversity. This offers potential to enhance the Air Convention´s contribution towards addressing the triple planetary crises. It is also entirely consistent with the EU Zero Pollution vision.

Third, we have an EU air quality legislation and we have recently concluded negotiations on a revised Ambient Air Quality Directive, coherently with guidelines established by the World Health Organization. The review of the National Emission Reduction Commitments Directive, to be finalised by 2025, will offer another opportunity to reflect on the ambition of our EU legislation and to deliver the health benefits which our citizens demand.

Let me conclude by reiterating that we will continue to invest in clean air, looking to cooperate and optimise these investments with our international partners. We also remain open and committed to policy exchanges on best practice, including via the new platform of UNEA or through bilateral exchange.

Thank you.