European Commission - Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology

07/12/2024 | News release | Archived content

Sixth Meeting of the European Board for Digital Services

During this meeting, Digital Services Coordinators (DSCs) reviewed the latest developments on issues regarding the designation and empowerment of Board members, ongoing cases and submitted complaints, their activities and priorities.

The Board also discussed the work done by the ad-hoc Working Group on the draft report on the European Elections, as well as an update on the DSCs national elections. Besides, the Board debated the complementarity of DSA Cases and enforcement actions under other instruments, such as consumer protection. It also examined the Annual Work Plan.

Other points in the meeting included the composition and candidates for vice-chairs of the Board's Working Groups, the results of the pilot project on data access for researchers, as well as an update on the conversion of hate speech code of conduct.

Finally, the Board analysed and adopted a visual identity for its communications.

The next Board meeting will take place on 25 September in Brussels.


The DSA fully entered into application as of 17 of February, and now applies to all online intermediaries in the EU. It also created the obligation for Member States to appoint and empower, by that date, Digital Services Coordinators, which are independent regulators that work with the Commission to ensure the correct application of the DSA in their respective areas of competence.

The European Board for Digital Services is an independent advisory group that will ensure that the DSA is applied consistently across the EU and will be consulted on the enforcement of the DSA.

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