Dan Newhouse

10/10/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/10/2024 15:18

A Constitutional Right Under Fire

Like many residents of Central Washington, I grew up responsibly exercising my constitutional right to own a firearm. This includes knowing proper storage protocols, safety measures, and when it is appropriate to discharge a weapon. With this knowledge in mind, I can practice my right to own a firearm safely. Unfortunately, we have seen attacks from opponents of the Second Amendment who try to legislate gun ownership out of existence. Although there is no federal law that prohibits law-abiding citizens from owning firearms, state laws have grown increasingly restrictive. In fact, Washington state ranks as one of the most restrictive states for gun owners.

These restrictions directly infringe on individuals' Second Amendment rights and disproportionately impact our rural communities where police response times can be elevated. In a community like Wenatchee or Okanogan, it can be difficult for law enforcement to respond to calls-especially in the winter months when ice and snow are covering the roads and making passage much more difficult. When a home invasion can occur in minutes, it is vital for homeowners to be able to protect themselves until law enforcement arrives.

Opponents of the Second Amendment often argue that stricter gun control measures will reduce crime; however, the facts do not support this claim. Studies have shown that homicide rates actually tend to rise when law-abiding citizens cannot access firearms for self-defense, and thousands of felons stated that criminals fear armed citizens more than law enforcement. Simply put, criminals will always find ways to obtain weapons, so restricting legal gun ownership does nothing but penalize law-abiding citizens.

Gun control measures also place an undue burden on rural regions like Central Washington. As a member of the Congressional Sportsmen Caucus and Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus, I have a true understanding of the rural way of life and what is necessary to protect it. Firearms provide residents of rural areas with a means of protection to deter predators and other threats, and without access to them, their way of life would fundamentally change. Hunters rely on them as a tool and treat them with the respect they deserve. A rancher without a weapon powerful enough to take down a 500-pound grizzly bear threatening their livestock has no recourse, which is an aspect of gun control that advocates often forget or overlook.

Whether for home protection, livestock defense, or simply feeling safer when walking the streets, the right to own a firearm is deeply rooted in the foundation of our great nation. Any opposition to that right undermines our individual freedoms and sets a dangerous precedent. If any Constitutional amendment can be overturned or legislated away, none can be considered absolute, leaving everything open to interpretation. As a staunch defender of the Constitution and the right to bear arms, I will continue to stand up for your Second Amendment rights and the rural way of life.