Jacky Rosen

09/19/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/19/2024 11:27

Rosen Helps Introduce Resolution Affirming Women’s Right to Access Emergency Health Care

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) helped introduce a resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that every patient has the basic right to emergency health care, including abortion care, regardless of where they live. This comes as new reporting from ProPublica shows anti-choice abortion bans are preventing women from receiving life-saving emergency care, resulting in preventable deaths. Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade over two years ago, nearly two dozen anti-choice states have banned or severely restricted access to abortion. These strict laws have created confusion around the treatment doctors can provide even when a pregnant woman's life is in danger, as physicians fear that they may lose their medical license, be sued, or even be charged with a felony and face time in prison if they perform life-saving emergency care.

"Since Roe v. Wade was overturned more than two years ago, extreme abortion bans across our nation are restricting women's ability to get life-saving care," said Senator Rosen. "All women, regardless of where they live, should be able to access the emergency medical care they need, which is why I'm helping introduce this resolution. I'll continue standing up for women's freedom to make decisions over their own bodies and working to restore Roe."

The full text of the resolution can be read HERE.

Senator Rosen has been working to restore reproductive freedoms and oppose anti-choice efforts to restrict access to reproductive rights. Senator Rosen recently blasted anti-choice extremists for pushing to overturn the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) in order to deny women access to emergency reproductive care, which the U.S. Supreme Court sent back to lower courts. Earlier this year, she joined legislation to protect IVF treatments in federal law. Senator Rosen also helped introduce the Let Doctors Provide Reproductive Health Care Act to protect health care professionals from being prosecuted for providing reproductive care to their patients, which Senate Republicans recently blocked. She also voted to protect women's constitutional right to access birth control.
