Mike Huckabee

09/23/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/23/2024 14:04

“Protecting women’s health”

ByMike Huckabee

September23, 2024


Google is often accused of slanting news and search results to favor Democrats. But it apparently forgot to censor its citizen reviews. While Kamala Harris continues dodging questions about how late is "late-term abortion" and using fuzzy euphemisms like "women's reproductive care," the pro-life group Live Action compiled some firsthand reviews of what women experienced at Planned Parenthood clinics.


Warning: Some of these accounts are disturbing and not for the squeamish. Judging from these reviews, if these clinics weren't performing abortions, they would have been shut down for practicing dangerous and painful quackery. I'll remind you: as California's Attorney General, "tough prosecutor" Kamala Harris turned a blind eye to shocking revelations about Planned Parenthood and instead prosecuted the undercover reporters who exposed them.

Once again, this shows that for all their yak-yak about "protecting women's health," pro-abortion Democrats just want unrestricted abortion at any cost, and hang the high cost to women's health.

On that subject, here's how the leftwing news outlet ProPublica is lying about abortion laws in pro-life states to try to help Democrats scare women into voting for them.


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Permalink: https://www.mikehuckabee.com/2024/9/protecting-women-s-health

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