City of Santa Monica, CA

10/01/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/01/2024 14:40

The Blue Notebook A Weekly SMPD Recap September 21 27, 2024

The Blue Notebook - A Weekly SMPD Recap September 21-27, 2024

October 1, 2024 1:24 PM
by Erika Aklufi

NAACP Get out the Vote - The Santa Monica Police Department was honored to participate in the NAACP Santa Monica/Venice Branch's "Get Out the Vote" event on Saturday September 21st. Chief Batista joined Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna, SM Mayor Phil Brock, and Pastor Mack Mossett as featured speakers. The event took place at the Carter Center of Calvary Baptist Church, where community leaders addressed key topics, including the question: Where are we now? Discussions focused on public safety, protecting free speech, and ensuring the well-being of our community as we approach the November 2024 elections.<_o3a_p>

SMART Center - The Santa Monica Police Department (SMPD) hosted a presentation for stakeholders from the retail and business sectors to introduce the Real-time Crime Center (RTCC), known as the SMART Center. Attendees learned about the department's advanced technologies, including drones and cameras, which will be utilized to combat organized retail theft and support criminal investigations.<_o3a_p>

Department-wide Statistics<_o3a_p>

Total Calls for Service (CFS): 2,418. YTD (through 9/21): 95,207.

Source of calls:

  • Citizen Initiated: 1,544 calls for service. 57,595 YTD (60% of total CFS).
  • Officer Initiated: 874 calls for service. 37,612 YTD (40% of total CFS).
  • Disposition for CFS: Homeless related = 18% YTD.
  • Encampment Calls: 46. 1,205YTD.
  • 5150 Calls: 16. 491 YTD.
  • Arrests: 43 total arrests. 2,037 YTD.

Patrol Operations Division <_o3a_p>

Notable Incidents<_o3a_p>

  • Attempted Homicide - 2000 Block of the Beach. The victim, a 30-year-old resident of West Hollywood, was fishing at the waterline in the 2000 Block of the Beach. Unprovoked, and with no prior contact between them, the suspect approached the victim from behind and placed him in a chokehold, strangling him to the point the victim lost consciousness. The suspect lets go when witnesses intervened. DART officers arrived almost immediately and took the suspect into custody without incident. The suspect was arraigned on one felony charge of attempted murder and is being held on $2 million bail.
  • Attempted Homicide - 1400 Block Alley 5. Officers respond to a radio call of a physical fight between a male and a female. The caller stated that the male suspect was on top of the female victim punching her. The suspect kicked the victim several times and then ran northbound in Alley 5. The officers located the victim who refused medical attention. Despite their best efforts, the victim would not provide any information to officers about herself, the suspect, or the attack. An area check for the suspect was negative. Officers took a report.
  • Injury Report - Ocean Front Walk / Appian Way. A solo driver was riding a Vespa Scooter traveling southbound on Ocean Front Walk when they lost control of the scooter and collided with a concrete bollard. The driver was ejected from the scooter and struck a light pole. The driver sustained several injuries, including a broken leg, and was transported to a local hospital for treatment.
  • Sexual Assault - 1600 Block of 5th Street. During the early morning, officers were flagged down in front of the Public Safety Facility by a female who reported she was just raped. The victim told officers that she was sleeping in front of OPCC when a subject pulled up in a vehicle and asked if she wanted something to eat. The female entered the vehicle and the suspect drove onto the 1600 Block of 5th Street where he sexually assaulted the victim. The victim was able to exit the vehicle and ran to the station.
  • Assault w/ Deadly Weapon - 400 Block of Colorado Ave. Officers responded to a radio call of an assault with a knife that just occurred. The investigation revealed that the suspect got into a verbal argument with his mother in the valet area of the parking garage. The victim tried to intervene and the suspect produced a knife. The suspect swung the knife at the victim several times, but the victim was able to step away and avoid being stabbed. The knife was recovered by officers and the suspect arrested.
  • Assault w/ Deadly Weapon - 3000 Block of 2nd Street. Officers responded to a radio call of an assault occurring in a sub garage in the 200 Block of Marine Street. Officers contacted the victim who stated the suspect in the incident was leaning against the entry gate to the victim's garage when the victim opened the gate with his remote. This caused the suspect to stumble. The suspect followed the victim's car into the garage and confronted the subject with a knife. The suspect attempted to stab the victim who was able to step back and avoid contact. The suspect was detained by officers at Main and Marine and positively identified. The suspect was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.
  • Sexual Assault / Theft Investigation - 2100 block of Bernard Way. The victim of the assault reported meeting the suspect on the beach and drinking together. They moved from the beach to the backseat of the victim's vehicle and continue drinking. The victim fell asleep briefly and woke to the suspect sexually assaulting her. She was able to fight the suspect off and he fled. Later, the victim discovered her cell phone was missing.
  • Commercial Burglary - 2500 Block of Wilshire Blvd. Sometime overnight, an unknown suspect broke a window and made entry into a business. The suspect took two cash registers which contained approximately $1500.00. Officers located cash registers in Douglas Park near the pond.

Homeless Liaison Program (HLP) Team<_o3a_p>

HLP Team Stats<_o3a_p>

  • 104 - calls for service
  • 37- 311 requests handled
  • 73 - Self-initiated activity
  • 1 - Misdemeanor arrest
  • 28/8 - Field interviews/advisals
  • 10 - Citations
  • 73 - Referrals to services
  • 18 - Encampments addressed

DMH/HLP Clinician Stats<_o3a_p>

  • 5 - Referrals to services
  • 4 - 5150 evaluations (3 holds)

In collaboration with the Salvation Army/Clare Matrix, SMPD HLP Team members conducted successful outreach in Palisades Park. Several individuals were contacted and linked to service providers for housing, substance abuse treatment, and case management resources. <_o3a_p>

HLP Team leadership met with members of the LAPD Pacific Division to discuss issues surrounding the SM/Venice Beach border and other areas for possible HLP Team/LAPD collaboration. <_o3a_p>

A weekend HLP operation was conducted. The areas of focus were livability issues in parks throughout the city (primarily Tongva and Palisades Park) and known hotspot areas based on HLP Team input. The operation resulted in the following:<_o3a_p>

  • Periodic checks of parking structure 5
  • Periodic checks of parks throughout the city, including Crescent Bay Park, Palisades Park, Tongva Park, Douglas Park, Ishihara Park, South Beach Park
  • Misdemeanor arrest in Tongva Park for park closure
  • Three written warnings for park closure in Tongva Park
  • One Field Interview for park closure in Tongva Park
  • One written warning doorway violation at 1450 Ocean Ave (Senior Center)
  • One written warning for park closure in the 1400 block of Pal Park
  • Two homeless-related radio calls (Traffic hazard and Disturbance of the Peace)

HLP Team Officers responded to a radio call at 395 Santa Monica Place regarding a mental health (5150) evaluation. HLP Team Officers and DMH Personnel contacted a subject who was experiencing homelessness. The subject did not meet the criteria for a 5150 hold. While speaking with the subject, HLP Team Officers learned the subject was 21 years old. HLP Team Officers offered to transport the subject to Safe Place for Youth in Venice, a regional resource for homeless young people ages 16 to 25. The subject accepted and was transported to SPY. While at SPY the subject was offered services and placed at their emergency shelter in Pasadena CA. <_o3a_p>

On 09/19/24, HLP Team Officers contacted a male subject in the 3400 block of the beach regarding an encampment. The subject has been homeless in the Santa Monica area for several months and was interested in housing and employment resources. Salvation Army temporarily placed the individual at Samoshel pending substance treatment at Tarzana treatment center.<_o3a_p>

Directed Action Response Team (DART)<_o3a_p>

Code Enforcement: <_o3a_p>

  • 8 Citations
  • 126 Contacts, including 52 verbal and 6 written warnings


  • 10 Citations
  • 8 Field Interviews
  • 9 Arrests
  • 21 Encampments Advised / Removed
  • Warrant Arrest - 1500 Block of the Beach. A subject was contacted for the municipal code violation for trespassing under the Pier. The suspect tried to evade detention. The suspect was arrested for the municipal code violation, possession of drug paraphernalia, and resisting arrest. The subject was transported to the jail where he was transferred into the custody of the Long Beach Police Department for an Assault with a Deadly Weapon warrant from that city.
  • Possession of Drugs - 2000 Block Ocean Front Walk. DART officers contacted the subject for an encampment. The subject had previously been cited and advised for the violation. Incident to arrest, the suspect was searched and found in possession of narcotics.
  • Reckless Driving - 301 Santa Monica Pier. DART Officers responded on a call for service of two reckless drivers on the Pier, one riding a dirt bike and the other riding a quad. The subjects saw the officers and fled up the Pier ramp. The suspect riding the quad was taken into custody at the top of the Pier ramp. The second suspect was able to ride through a pedestrian walkway and leave the area.
  • Weapons Possession - 300 Block of the Pier. DART officers observed a subject with an open container of alcohol. The subject was identified by fingerprint reader and found to be on probation. He was also in possession of a dirk/dagger. A probation hold was granted.
  • Warrant Arrest - 1500 Block of the beach. DART officers contacted a subject trespassing under the Pier. The suspect was arrested for drug paraphernalia and a $51K SMPD warrant. Fingerprint reader used.
  • No Bail Warrant - 1600 Block of the Beach. DART Contacted the subject for a municipal code violation. He was a Parolee at Large with a no bail warrant for his arrest. Fingerprint reader utilized.
  • Municipal Code - Tongva Park. DART and HLP conducted a park closure operation at Tongva Park. One subject was arrested for being in violation of the park closure rules and for refusing to identify himself during the detention.
  • Livability Operation - DTSM/Beach. DART Officers assisted the Crime Impact Team with a Livability Operation in the BEAT 1 footprint. DART Officers contacted 7 pedestrians, made 1 bike stop, and 1 traffic stop. One citation issued for open container. Four field interview cards were completed.

Crime Impact Team (CIT)<_o3a_p>

Weekly Stats<_o3a_p>

  • 15 Traffic Stop
  • 6 Ped Stop
  • 3 Bike Stop
  • 3 Felony Arrest
  • 2 Citations
  • 6 Field Interviews
  • 1 Assists

Incidents of note:

  • Warrant Arrest - Reed Park. CIT officers observed a subject who was known to have a felony warrant in Reed Park. After confirming the warrant, CIT officers contacted the subject and took him into custody for the outstanding felony warrant.
  • Outside Agency Assist - 300 Block Wilshire Boulevard. SMPD Dispatch received suspect/vehicle information from Beverly Hills Police Department (BHPD) related to a grand theft that occurred in their city. CIT officers located the suspect vehicle parked and occupied by a male driver at 300 Wilshire Blvd. The driver was identified as a probationer (felony assault) out of Florida. BHPD responded to assume control of the investigation, searched the vehicle and discovered approximately $5,000 of merchandise from designer stores.
  • Known Parolee Contact - 15th Street and Wilshire Boulevard. Officers observed a known parolee, contacted the Parole office, and discovered the subject was out of compliance. His Parole Agent issue a No Bail hold.

CIT and the Downtown Services Unit conducted a livability operation which targeted Ocean Front Walk/ 00 Block Bay Street/ Palisades Park and DTSM footprint and resulted in the following:

  • 1 Felony Arrest
  • 2 Citations
  • 5 Field Interviews
  • 4 Traffic stops
  • 5 Pedestrian stops
  • 3 Bike stops

CIT conducted a burglary suppression operation in Beat 4 and several stops were conducted.

  • 10 Traffic Stops
  • 1 Pedestrian Stop
  • 4 Field Interviews
  • 1 Felony Arrest

Community Affairs Unit (CAU)

CAU staff assisted in coordinating Hispanic Heritage Month with other City Hall staffers. <_o3a_p>

Beat 1 - NRO Hollowell with CPC Lockwood<_o3a_p>

  • NRO Hollowell attended the Parks commission Meeting. During the meeting NRO Hollowell spoke on the challenges of addressing the problem juveniles on e-bikes at Ocean View Park. NRO Hollowell also discussed encampments within city parks and SMPD will continue to enforce existing encampment laws, as SMPD has been very careful with enforcement as it applies to the unhoused. The Commission had questions on the recent Homicide on 6th Court. NRO Hollowell was unable make any comments regarding that investigation, as the investigation is ongoing.
  • NRO Hollowell will be assisting the handling detective and SROs with on-going complaints of juveniles riding e-bikes recklessly in and around Ocean View Park.

Beat 2 - NRO Navarro with CPC Barreto<_o3a_p>

  • NRO's Navarro and Galvan coordinated a Neighborhood Watch meeting for the residents of the Village Parkway Complex. Crime statistics discussed and questions.
  • NRO Navarro and Wang conducted municipal code enforcement at 14th Street / Maple Street. Recyclers contacted and advised. Information received for future enforcement.
  • NRO Navarro coordinated a Neighborhood Watch for residents in the 500 Block of Ashland Avenue. Numerous recommendations were given, and follow-up will be completed with Community Corp SM.
  • NRO Navarro received complaints of a transient encampment at 4th and Ocean Park. Numerous periodic checks were completed; the subject was not located during daytime hours.

Beat 3 - NRO Galvan with CPC Barreto<_o3a_p>

  • NROs Galvan and Navarro attended the St John's Hospital Safety Committee meeting at their request. Questions regarding patients loitering in the Emergency Room and patients assaulting the nursing staff were addressed.
  • NROs Galvan and Navarro attended the Mid-City Community monthly meeting. Crime statistics were given, and questions were answered.
  • NRO Galvan attended a Community Corporation of Santa Monica meeting with CCSM staff and residents at 1424 Broadway. Security concerns regarding the building and sub-terranean parking garage were addressed.
  • NRO Galvan was contacted by a resident who has concerns regarding construction vehicles around the 1500 block of Lincoln blocking the street. NRO Galvan facilitated the contact with Code Compliance, Building and Safety, the Department of Transportation, and Traffic Safety Officer supervisors and will be monitoring for further.
  • NRO Galvan continued periodic foot checks of the Memorial Park playground and restrooms. Two homeless individuals were contacted and offered services.

Beat 4 - NRO Wang with CPC Lockwood<_o3a_p>

  • Officer Wang and CPC Barreto attended the Virginia Avenue Park Open House.
  • Officer Wang responded to a residence on San Vicente Blvd. regarding a chronic noise complaint. Officer Wang contacted the resident and had a lengthy discussion regarding issues involving her behavior. Officer Wang has been in touch with the management team and the reporting parties involved.
  • Officer Wang has been coordinating with the HLP team to help locate and direct services to a problematic subject on Montana Avenue.
  • Officer Wang spoke with the City Attorney regarding the legalities and parameters of issues arising from a drug rehabilitation home on 17th Street. Officer Wang has been dealing with several complaints stemming from this location. Officer Wang, the City Attorney and residents will have a meeting soon about these issues.

Authored By

Erika Aklufi

