Radboud Universiteit

08/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/07/2024 16:41

New Course Guide: Which information is located where

New Course Guide: Which information is located where?

08 July 2024News item

The new 'Course Guide' was published on 1 July. From now on, the overview of study programmes, courses and minors can be found in the Osiris Education Catalogue. General information for current students is also available on the main website https://www.ru.nl/en/students.

The Student Information Desk (STIP) and Course Guide Websites project involves two 'taskforces', which are comprised of colleagues from all of the faculties. They have taken all of the information from the old Course Guides and Student Information Desk websites and have reviewed and reassessed this information and placed it on a new platform.

Osiris Education Catalogue

From 1 July, all study programmes, courses and minors can be found in the Osiris Education Catalogue. In these overviews, it is possible to filter by faculty and by specific types of education (e.g. 'Open to elective course students' or 'Contract education'). It is now also easier for students to search and compare study programmes, both within and outside their own faculty.

The Education Catalogue

Other information for current students on the main website

In the near future, all non-cohort-specific information for current students will be available on the main website www.ru.nl/en/students.The information will be arranged by theme, and will allow for exceptions at the faculty level.

This has greatly reduced the number of information pages for students (for certain themes, there are now up to 90% fewer duplicate pages for students), and has subsequently resulted in an improved overall result. In recent years, there had been a sharp increase in the number of pages due to duplicated and outdated information. In the new situation, the information will be easier to find (although it will take users some time to adapt). The amount of information is now also more manageable, which will prevent the accumulation of outdated information.

Planning for the next few weeks

The process of moving all of the non-cohort-specific information to the new website has not yet been finalised. This is why the old websites and Student Information Desk (STIP) websites are still online. The online landscape is therefore somewhat disorganised at the moment, but this issue will be addressed in the next few weeks:

  • July
    All of the information will be on the new website
    All of the forms will be moved
    The redirects will be set up so that the old links point to the new pages
  • August
    The old websites will be shut down
  • September
    The pages for the faculties' International Offices will be moved

Visiting old websites

The old Student Information Desk (STIP) and Course Guide websites will soon be shut down. However, the information from these websites will be retained behind the scenes.

What's more, staff members and students will always be able to access old websites via https://ru.archiefweb.eu/. The old Course Guides are just one of the resources that can still be accessed here; this can be done by navigating to the relevant page or by using the grey search bar on the left. Please note that the information that is here will no longer be updated!

Old Course Guides


For a list of faculty contact persons, details of other contact persons and more information about the project, please visit https://www.ru.nl/en/staff/projects-and-initiatives/new-website/stip-and-study-guide-content.

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