ICC - International Chamber of Commerce

10/28/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/28/2024 09:10

ICC Trade Register report: Global risks in trade finance

Banking & finance

ICC Trade Register report: Global risks in trade finance

  • 28 October 2024

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For the first time, ICC is making the full report of its 2024 edition of the ICC Trade Register publicly available, providing deep insights on global trade finance trends.

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The 2024 report includes a comprehensive look at credit risk performance of trade finance for the past 13 years, across products and regions where supply chain finance pool has reached a good level of maturity. The report links data-driven observations with the most pertinent trade topics. As a new special feature, the 2024 edition of the ICC Trade Register includes a survey featuring ICC Global Banking Commission views in addition to the data collected by our Trade Register member banks. The survey paints a representative picture of the global trade and trade finance macroeconomic climate.

For a more comprehensive overview, a full data package is also available for purchase.

What is the ICC Trade Register?

The ICC Trade Register is an unparalleled resource that measures global risk in trade and export finance. The ICC Trade Register is facilitated by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the world's leading banks.

The ICC Trade Register provides to ICC Trade Register members:

  • An objective and transparent overview of the credit risk profile, as well as characteristics of trade, supply chain and export finance to inform policy and regulatory decisions.
  • Access to high-quality and up-to-date data on trade, supply chain and export finance, which can be incorporated into annual credit risk factor reviews and trade finance model calibrations.
  • A common understanding of the international regulations affecting bank capital requirements for trade and export finance.

For more information on how to become a member and membership fees


The full 2024 Trade Register report comprises the report and a complete data package with analysis gathered from our member banks.

The report offers an overview of the important themes associated with trade finance globally, being in the regulatory space, the digitalisation journey and ESG regulation.

Available to purchase, the data package gives access to an extensive set of tables and charts featuring data by product and region, and all specific trends and explanations included in the report. For more information about purchasing the 2024 ICC Trade Register data package, please refer to the pricing table further below and the purchase form.

Project scope

The ICC Trade Register aligns its analytical methods to the Basel Approach and includes short-term traditional trade and supply chain finance products as well as medium- to long-term export credit agency (ECA) backed export finance loans. Short-term products are instruments with a typical maturity of less than one year and with a clear link to a specific underlying trade transaction.

The 2024 ICC Trade Register report includes analysis on trade finance asset classes for more than a decade. The data - which has been compiled and provided by the 22 contributing banks and financial institutions - represents up to 23% of all global trade finance transactions.

The report focuses on credit-related risk across trade, supply and export finance products, including:

  • Import and export letters of credit
  • Loans for import/export
  • Performance guarantees and standby letters of credit
  • Restricted to "payables", part of supply chain products and solutions
  • Export Loans backed by export credit agencies and multilaterals for commercial and/or political risk

The ICC Trade register report and data package is provided on demand to regulators as part of our awareness raising efforts.

What's new in 2024?

The 2024 edition of the ICC Trade Register now comes as a complete report, having previously been made available only as an executive summary. It provides in-depth evaluations and predictions on global trade finance trends. The full data set can be purchased separately, offering precise analysis of global trade trends. It is an updated market forecast for global trade and trade finance.

ICC encourages banking institutions to join the Trade Register and provide their anonymised and standardised trade finance data to strengthen the report.

You will find below our commercial terms to continue to better benefit our 22 (and growing) ICC Trade Register members and invite additional contributors to this valuable resource.

Regional distribution

Become a member

The ICC Trade Register project was established in 2011 with seven member banks. Since then, membership has grown to 22 banks across Europe, Africa, North America, Asia and Australia. ICC Trade Register members are 'owners' of the project and have a prominent role in steering the strategic direction.

ICC Trade Register membership is open to any bank that has a demonstrable capability to collect and deliver data. Members of the Trade Register are not subject to the report fees, only to maintenance fee. On the "provide to receive" principle, members benefit from further insights. Membership is currently only available to regulated banks. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

Number of members today: 22 leading banks across Europe, Africa, North America, Asia and Australia

The information on trade finance products, gathered from member banks, includes approximately 23% of global traditional trade finance flows, excluding loans for import/export.

Members providing data are entitled to further insights on a specific trend, country, or product against anonymised data from the aggregated other members on the "provide to receive" principle

Member benefits

✓ Access to exclusive content

✓ Preferred membership fees

✓ Regulatory updates from around the world

✓ Policy and advocacy dialogue

✓Access to members-only meetings

✓ Unique partnership opportunities

✓ Personalised benchmarking with peers

✓ Participation to Trade Register members meetings with drafting group and peers

For more information on how to become a member and membership fees

Purchase Prices

Categories Member banks (participants) Non-members banks Non-banks corporations Public (open release)
Criteria Participate in the governance of the ICC Trade register project / / /
Contributions Up to €15, 000 €30, 000 €17, 500 Free of charge (digital download)
Full report
Data package
Interactive dashboard / with tailored data benchmarked with peers


The ICC Trade Register's high standard is enabled by a strategic partnership forged between the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Global Credit Data (GCD).