Alaska Department of Natural Resources

09/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/18/2024 02:13

Public review of Draft Tanana Valley State Forest Management Plan


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Public review of Draft Tanana Valley State Forest Management Plan

State of Alaska
Department of Natural Resources
Division of Forestry & Fire Protection
Fairbanks-Delta Area Office

Public Comment Period for Tanana Valley State Forest Management Plan Revision

Notice for Public Review: Tanana Valley State Forest Management Plan. The Division of Forestry & Fire Protection (DOF) invites public comment on the proposed revisions to the management plan for the Tanana Valley State Forest (TVSF). The management plan includes summary descriptions of the TVSF land base and guidelines for management of natural resources within the state forest boundary under legislatively mandated principles of sustained yield and multiple use (AS 41.17.210). The draft will remain open for review through November 19, 2024.

A draft of the revised management plan is available online at Hard copies will also be available at the Fairbanks DNR Public Information Center and the Tok and Fairbanks-Delta Area DOF offices.

Informational meetings will be held in Fairbanks, Delta, and Tok to discuss the revision and review process and share information about proposed changes to the TVSF Management Plan.

Delta - October 22, 2024, 6:30-8:00pm
Fairbanks - October 23, 2024, 6:30-8:00pm
Tok - October 30, 2024, 6:30-8:00pm

about time, location, and teleconference options are available at

Please submit comments in writing to [email protected]or

Alaska Division of Forestry & Fire Protection
ATTN: TVSF Revision
550 W. 7th Ave. Suite 1450
Anchorage, AK 99501

For comments to be considered, they must be received no later than Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 5:00pm.

For more information, contact

Trevor DoBell-Carlsson
Forest Planner & Federal Programs Manager
[email protected]


Geneva Preston
Forest Planner
[email protected]

Attachments, History, Details



Revision History

Created 9/17/2024 11:28:59 AM by gspreston
Modified 9/17/2024 7:45:49 PM by gspreston
Modified 9/17/2024 8:07:01 PM by gspreston


Department: Natural Resources
Category: Public Notices
Location(s): Delta Junction, Fairbanks, Northern Region, Statewide, Tok
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 9/18/2024
Archive Date: 11/19/2024