American Society for Reproductive Medicine

09/23/2024 | News release | Archived content

ASRM Member Spotlight: Amber Kaplun, MS, CGC

ASRM Member Spotlight: Amber Kaplun, MS, CGC

Date: September 23, 2024

Author: ASRM

Meet Amber Kaplun, MS, CGC, is a board-certified genetic counselor with just under a decade's experience in reproductive genetics. She is the Lead Genetic Counselor at IVI RMA America, one of the nation's largest fertility networks. An ASRM member for seven years, she is the current chair of ASRM's Genetic Counseling Professional Group and the GCPG Liason to the SART Executive Committee. Her professional areas of interest include PGT in all its forms and promoting the use of genetic counselors within fertility clinics. She has presented at many national and regional meetings and has provided lectures on ART/IVF genetic counseling to genetic counseling students.

Getting involved has been the best way to network and meet other professionals. As a non-physician member, it can be intimidating, but ASRM is made up of some great and curious minds.

Kaplun finds ASRM to be the voice for reproductive medicine in the US, especially as we work to protect the availability of reproductive medicine throughout the country. At ASRM 2024, she recommends attending the Joint Professional Group Reception. When she attending in 2022, she finally felt as if her membership at ASRM was bearing fruit. She can't wait to return to Denver for the ASRM 2024 Scientific Congress & Expo!