City of Olympia, WA

09/05/2024 | Press release | Archived content

09/05/2024 - ARCH Digest 9.3.24

ARCH Digest 9.3.24

Help Name the Olympia Armory + Two Parks!

We're seeking suggestions to permanently name three important park properties as they progress forward: "The Olympia Armory," "Yelm Highway Community Park," and "Kaiser Woods Park."

To suggest an official name:
  1. Visit the project page on Engage Olympia at
  1. Review the information in the "Selection criteria" tab.
  1. Submit your name idea(s) for one or more of these future amenities by Sept. 27, 2024.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) will host a public hearing at 6 p.m. on October 17, 2024 to review and gather public comment on suggested names. PRAC will then make recommendations for the Olympia Parks, Arts and Recreation Department to present to the City Council, who will make the final selections. To stay informed, sign up to receive "Parks & Recreation" email notices at
Thank you for your continued participation in the development of these important community priorities. Celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day at Squaxin Park Mon., Oct. 14
Save the date! Join the Squaxin Island Tribe and the City of Olympia to celebrate local Indigenous culture, history, and communities anticipated to span 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 14, 2024. The event will be held at Squaxin Park, 2600 East Bay Drive NE.

Young Olympians Asked to Give Voice, Connect

The young person in your life has important ideas about Olympia's future. To be heard, ask them to complete a short online application to join a new Olympia Youth Council. Members will:
  • Grow connections and belonging within the Olympia community,
  • Be empowered as they engage in the acts of self-governance, and
  • Represent Olympia's youth and ensure youth voices are heard by the City so our community can prosper into the future.
Please support the young person in your life's participation. We encourage all those who live in the greater Olympia area and will be age 14 - 20 when member terms begin in January 2025 to apply. Learn more, apply and sign up for alerts at
Young people are also invited to follow their peer's efforts on Instagram at @Olympiayouthcouncil.
Eastside Neighborhood Mural Celebration
Please join us as we celebration the completion of our mural sponsored by Eastside Neighborhood Association. And made possible by a grant from the City of Olympia.

Artist Statement: Laurel Henn
The interaction of humans with nature has always been a running story line in my art, and I wanted to bring a little of that to life in this mural. At first glance this piece appears to be larger than life flowers and pollinators, but if you stop to smell the roses, if you will, you'll start to see little people everywhere. People playing, working, relaxing, all manner of things that we love to do in gardens. It has been an absolute pleasure to create this work for my community.
  • September 7th, 1-3PM
  • 1306 Eastside St SE
  • Meet the artist, Laurel Henn, refreshments provided.

Salmon & Latin Conservation Week Celebration!

Let's Celebrate salmon and Latinx culture together!
Join us at Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls on Saturday, Sept. 21 from 12-3 p.m. Celebrate the return of salmon to Thurston County waters! Observe these magnificent fish as they fulfill their life journey.

Together we will:
Show gratitude for all the ways salmon help us.
Renew our commitment to take care of the water that both salmon and people rely on to survive.
Reflect on what we can do to protect them.

This community cultural event includes:
Guest Speakers
View salmon & tour the hatchery
Kids' activities
Conservation career booth
Food truck
Raffle prizes
And more!
Reserve your spot by Sept. 3. Please register in advance at
This event is sponsored by Stream Team of Thurston County, CIELO, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Pacific Education Institute

¡Celebremos el salmón y la cultura de América Latina!
Te invitamos a acompañarnos en Brewery Park, en Tumwater Falls, el sábado 21 de septiembre, de 12 p.m. a 3 p.m., para conmemorar el regreso del salmón a las aguas del condado de Thurston.

¡Observaremos a estos magníficos peces mientras completan su ciclo de vida!

Estas son algunas de las actividades que realizaremos:
  • Expresaremos nuestra gratitud por todas las formas en que el salmón nos beneficia.
  • Renovaremos nuestro compromiso de cuidar el agua de la cual dependen tanto el salmón como las personas para sobrevivir.
  • Reflexionaremos sobre las acciones que podemos tomar para protegerlos.
Este evento cultural comunitario incluye:
  • Charlas con expertos sobre el salmón
  • Observación de salmón y recorrido por el criadero de peces
  • Actividades para niños
  • Puesto de oportunidades laborales en conservación
  • Puesto de comida
  • Sorteo de premios
  • ¡Y mucho más!
Reserve su lugar antes del 3 de septiembre. Por favor, regístrese con anticipación en

Watch & Learn

Olympia Youth Chorus is excited to announce the beginning of our 2024-2025 season!

Our first rehearsal is Monday, Sept. 9th at Washington Middle School in Olympia. New singers are welcome to attend our first rehearsal. Additionally, auditions will be held on Thursday, Sept. 12th at Washington Middle School from 4:30-6:30pm -- walk-ins are welcome!
We are also pleased to announce the return of FORZA, our tenor/bass choir for unchanged, changing and changed voices in grades 6-12 under the direction of Dr. John Guarente.
  • Financial assistance is available.
  • For more information about our choirs and rehearsal times check out our website at

Sweeney Todd - One Weekend Only on the Washington Center Main Stage!

Co-produced by Harlequin Productions and the Olympia Symphony Orchestra, with members of Masterworks Choral Ensemble

Attend the dark, witty, and Tony Award-winning tale of love, murder, and revenge set against the backdrop of 19th-century London.

A bloody, worldwide success since being awarded eight Tonys, (including Best Musical), for its Broadway premiere, Stephen Sondheim's and Hugh Wheeler's tasty, thrilling, theatrical treat has simultaneously shocked, awed and delighted audiences across the world.

This musical must be heard with a full orchestra, organ, and choir!

Mural Dedication - "Ravens Chasing the Moon"
Celebrate completion of "Ravens Chasing the Moon" mural by artist Sarah Folden, Cowlitz Tribe. Event includes opening song and blessing, speakers, food and drink, commemorative program.
  • 4pm, Saturday September 21st
  • Altitude 15 - 225 State Ave East
  • Questions? Anna Schlecht, Rainbow Community Arts c/o [email protected]
Newsletter Roundup


ASHHO's 2024 Cultural Bazaar Season: Vendor Applications Now Open!
We are beyond excited to announce that we are now accepting vendor applications for our 2024 Cultural Bazaar Season!
Our Cultural Bazaar is more than just a marketplace-it's a space dedicated to uplifting and promoting Black, Brown, LGBTQ+, and marginalized communities. This event provides a unique opportunity for vendors-including single parents, survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking, undocumented individuals, refugees, small business owners, and aspiring entrepreneurs-to showcase and sell their goods with minimal barriers.

We believe in intentional shopping, where every purchase supports someone's dream and strengthens our community. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a vendor, click the link below to apply! Call for Images - Olympia AHA
The Olympia Arts & Heritage Alliance (AHA) is creating a new exhibit with a professional curator called "Faces of Olympia," to display in the 48 windows on the east façade of the 108 State Avenue building in downtown Olympia. We are seeking photos and images of people to illustrate the city's diverse history and culture. The exhibit is slated to open in late 2024.

We are asking for submissions that show people from different eras (alive or deceased), communities, and walks of life that reflect Olympia history and culture over time. We want to make sure that images and stories are included from all Olympians to tell our whole story.
  • Images can be photos, drawings, or other media.
  • AHA will need permission to use the images.
  • Deadline for submissions is October 15, 2024.
  • For more information and to view the submission form and requirements, go to or email [email protected].


The ArCH Digest is a summary of Arts, Culture and History happenings in the greater Olympia area, submitted by the community. Please turn in ArCH Digest listings to [email protected]

Deadline Monday morning, 8 a.m.

If you know of anyone who would like to receive the City of Olympia Arts & Culture news, which includes a weekly ArCH Digest, direct them here and have them mark the Arts & Culture box.

Disclaimer: Information in the Arts Digest is not vetted through the City, nor is it endorsed by the City. The reader is solely responsible for checking background on any opportunity listed above.
Stephanie Johnson, Arts Program & Planning Supervisor
Olympia Parks, Arts & Recreation
[email protected]