New York State Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation

09/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 10:10

New York State Parks Announces 2024 Certified Local Government (CLG) Historic Preservation Grant Awards

September 24, 2024

(518) 486-1868 | [email protected]

Projects include production of public educational resources, historic documentation and surveys, and conference trainings.

The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation announced today that six Certified Local Governments (CLGs) will receive a total of $190,000 in grant funds to support community historic preservation projects in FFY24. Established by a 1980 Amendment to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the Certified Local Government program is a nationwide initiative that directly links a community's historic preservation goals to state and federal preservation programs. Each State Historic Preservation Office administers the CLG program through services designed to help communities protect, preserve, and celebrate their historic resources. Applications for the 2024 CLG grant cycle far exceeded available funding.

"The CLG program helps strengthen the capacity of local communities to meet their own preservation goals," said OPRHP Deputy Commissioner for Historic Preservation Daniel Mackay. "These grants, which are available to CLGs, provide funding to support projects that uncover new research, reevaluate historic resources, and educate the public. They have immediate positive impacts on preservation plans and often create opportunities for investment, advocacy, and broader understanding in the future."

Six CLGs have been selected to receive support in FFY24 for community preservation projects. Project descriptions and award amounts follow:

City of Poughkeepsie

2025 Statewide Preservation Conference: $40,000

Funding will support the 2025 preservation conference in the City of Poughkeepsie, in conjunction with the Landmark Society of Western New York and the Greater Hudson Heritage Network.

City of Ithaca

Statewide LGBTQ Historic Context Statement Feasibility Study: $40,000

The City of Ithaca will partner with the Preservation League of NYS on an exploratory project to evaluate a statewide LGBTQ historic context statement. PLNYS will administer the project in collaboration with the City and local preservation organizations. Along with SHPO, these entities will function as a stakeholder committee that guides the consultant's work. A consultant will prepare an overview of NYS LGBTQ history, compile a bibliography, and provide recommendations for next steps. An intern will develop an ArcGIS StoryMap populated with Ithaca-area sites, that will ultimately help tell the story of NYS LGBTQ people and places.

Village of Southampton

Intensive Level Historic Resources Survey - Northwest and Southern Expansion Area: $40,000

The Village of Southampton will utilize grant funds to undertake an intensive level survey of architectural and historic structures in two areas directly adjacent to the Southampton Village Historic District.

New York City

Landmark Lens: Enhancing Public Education Through Video: $38,000

The NYC LPC seeks to develop a robust video library to further its public education resources and expand the accessibility of work across a broad audience, including content on sustainability and equity initiatives and tutorials on a new e-filing portal. The campaign would educate the public on LPC processes, celebrate shared historic places, and amplify the beneifts of preservation to the city's economy, culture, and vitality.

City of Ithaca

DeWitt Park Historic District Resurvey and Boundary Reevaluation: $17,000

The City of Ithaca will utilize grant funds to engage a consultant to resurvey the legacy DeWitt Park Historic District (first surveyed in 1971). The project will adequately document the significant history of the neighborhood, reevaluate the boundaries of the district to ensure all associated historic resources are included, and establish parity between the boundary of the State and National Register Historic District and local districts. This project will also eliminate regulatory confusion caused by the boundary differences between the variousdistricts, resulting in protection for previously excluded properties and provide property-owner access to State and Federal historic preservation tax credit programs.

City of Kingston

Wilbur Historic District National Register Nomination: $15,000

The City of Kingston will use grant funds to hire a preservation consultant to prepare a State and National Register nomination for the Wilbur Historic District. The creation of this district will allow property owners to access the State and Federal Historic Preservation Tax Credit programs and other benefits assigned to properties listed on the registers.

More about the Certified Local Government (CLG) program: Project support is available for activities that enhance a community's historic preservation program - examples include survey/National Register nomination/landmarking work, public outreach programs, or other important planning studies.

Any city, county, town, or village can be a CLG once the SHPO determines that it meets state and federal standards. The standards include having enacted appropriate preservation legislation and appointing a qualified preservation review commission. Benefits of being a CLG community include: ongoing, focused support from the SHPO; technical preservation assistance and legal advice; direct involvement in SHPO programs, such as identifying properties that may be eligible for listing in the State and National Registers of Historic Places; training opportunities that increase the ability of communities to protect their historic resources and integrate them into short and long-term planning initiatives; grants designed exclusively for CLG projects; and membership in statewide and national CLG networks.

The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation oversees more than 250 parks, historic sites, recreational trails, golf courses, boat launches and more, which saw a record 84 million visits in 2023. For more information on any of these recreation areas, visit, download the free NY State Parks Explorer app or call 518.474.0456. Join us in celebrating our Centennial throughout 2024, and connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), the OPRHP Blog or via the OPRHP Newsroom.