Richard J. Durbin

09/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/12/2024 14:55

Durbin Advocates For His Bipartisan Quantum Computing Legislation In Energy & Natural Resources Committee Hearing


Durbin Advocates For His Bipartisan Quantum Computing Legislation In Energy & Natural Resources Committee Hearing

Today, Durbin attended the Senate Committee On Energy and Natural Resources hearing to promote his Department of Energy Quantum Leadership Act

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today joined the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hearing to advocate for his legislation, the Department of Energy (DOE) Quantum Leadership Act, which was discussed in the hearing. In his remarks, Durbin emphasized the benefits of his bipartisan bill, which would expand the United States' capacity to invest in quantum information science and research and development (R&D) through DOE by authorizing $2.5 billion in funding for quantum activities at DOE over the next five years.

Key quotes from Durbin's remarks in Committee:

"There are brilliant scientists in my home state of Illinois. They've given me a crash course in quantum computing. I have visited Illinois' two National Labs, Argonne and Fermilab, many times and seen their extraordinary work."

"This past summer, Argonne's Aurora supercomputer achieved 'exascale' computing speeds… Achievements like this are why, more than a decade ago, I founded the Senate National Labs Caucus along with Senator Risch. It is why I have worked with so many of you on this Committee to support the Department of Energy's Office of Science."

"The fact is, when America invests in science, we lead the world. And nowhere is this truer than advanced computing."

"Senator Daines and I have introduced a bill called the Department of Energy Quantum Leadership Act, reauthorizing quantum research and development activities across DOE, expanding DOE Quantum Research Centers, tackling supply chain and prototype challenges in the private sector, and expanding training programs for the growing quantum workforce."

"This is timely. It's important. It's before this Committee. I urge you to enact it as quickly as possible. Let's get it passed."

Video of Durbin's opening statement is available here.

Audio of Durbin's opening statement is available here.

Footage of Durbin's opening statement is available here for TV Stations.

Specifically, the DOE Quantum Leadership Act would:

  • Reauthorize and expand quantum R&D activities across DOE through 2029;
  • Build upon the foundational work of DOE's five National Quantum Research Centers, including those at Illinois' Fermilab and Argonne National Labs;
  • Direct DOE to study and address quantum supply chain challenges and reduce barriers to commercialization;
  • Increase interagency and industry coordination; and
  • Establish new programs to support the workforce demands of the growing quantum R&D and commercial ecosystems.

Durbin has been a strong supporter of pushing quantum research forward. In July, he visited MxD in Chicago to discuss integrating quantum technology into manufacturing processes. He also joined Illinois leaders to announce the new partnership between the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Illinois - Quantum Proving Ground - to promote quantum computing research, development, and manufacturing in the state. In June, Durbin met with Dr. Stefanie Tompkins, Director of DARPA to discuss Illinois' role in R&D in the defense industry.

In August, Durbin joined Illinois leaders in celebrating the newly-announced location of the Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park's (IQMP) at USX on the South Side of Chicago and the announcement of the quantum campus' first anchor tenant, PsiQuantum. Illinois plans to invest $500 million into the new quantum campus to attract Fortune 500 companies and startups in quantum computing.

A section by section of the bill is available here.

A copy of the bill text is available here.
