ITUC - International Trade Union Confederation

31/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 31/07/2024 17:50

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Country profiles for 2023

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Bangladesh
Trade unions in Bangladesh deplore the fact that, when consulting the social partners on the implementation of the SDGs as part of the tripartite dialogue, the government prioritises the input of employers, while trade unions are not visibly and effectively involved in the overall implementation process.


A trade union focus on the SDGs - Bangladesh

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Belgium
Belgium does not have a national-level plan for the SDGs or a structured tripartite social dialogue on the implementation of the goals. Nevertheless, Belgian trade unions are positive that the many collective agreements concluded in the country contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.


A trade union focus on the SDGs - Belgium

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Focus van de vakbonden op de SDG's - België

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Burkina Faso
Trade unions in Burkina Faso are consulted by the government on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda through sectoral dialogues and annual reviews. Although the SDGs are not discussed in the context of social dialogue per se, trade union contributions are accepted informally. However, trade unions are concerned about the country's budgetary situation, as 28% of the costs are not budgeted for by their own or external resources.


A trade union focus on the SDGs - Burkina Faso

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Canada
Canadian trade unions welcome the high level of transparency and consultation with which the government is conducting the process of implementing the SDGs in the country. On the other hand, the level of social dialogue is low, as there are no tripartite bodies responsible for implementing and monitoring the SDGs, which would involve the social partners and the government.


A trade union focus on the SDGs - Canada

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Chile
In Chile, the trade unions were consulted as part of the process of drawing up the national strategy for implementing the 2030 Agenda for the years 2023-2030. However, the social partners do not have a tripartite social dialogue on the SDGs that would enable them to discuss their implementation and contribute to it in a structured way.


A trade union focus on the SDGs - Chile

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Colombia
Aunque los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible se han integrado en los planes de desarrollo nacionales y locales de Colombia desde 2018, los sindicatos denuncian que la implementación de los objetivos está obstaculizada por ineficiencias sistémicas, la corrupción y una falta total de transparencia.


Foco sindical en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible - Colombia

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Lithuania
Trade unions are critical to the lack of transparency and structured communication with social partners regarding the implementation of the SDGs. Although discussions on specific SDG-related topics occur within social dialogue, there is a lack of comprehensive discussions on Lithuania's overall progress toward the 2030 Agenda.


Foco sindical en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible - Lithuania

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Maldives
In the Maldives, the 2030 Agenda has been integrated in the national development plans, which is carried out and monitored by a national coordinating committee gathering all responsible ministries. However, trade unions report that these processes are untransparent and involve barely any consultation with unions and civil society.


A trade union focus on the SDGs - Maldives

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Peru
Peruvian trade unions point out that the government has not integrated in a structural and methodological way the 2030 Agenda into the national development plan in a structural and methodological way. The multiple crises facing the country contribute to the current lack of dialogue, monitoring and implementation of the SDGs in the country.


A trade union focus on the SDGs - Peru

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Rwanda
Rwanda has integrated the goals of the 2030 Agenda and those of the Africa Agenda 2063 into its national development agenda. Trade unions welcome the fact that enough resources have been allocated and that the overall progress toward implementing these objectives is satisfactory. However, unions note that Rwanda scores poorly in terms of transparency around the processes of carrying out the SDGs and the involvement of trade unions in them through social dialogue.


A trade union focus on the SDGs - Rwanda

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Tanzania
Tanzania's trade unions point out that the country has a special council called the Labour, Economic and Social Council, through which the 2030 Agenda is discussed as part of the social dialogue. In this council, trade unions can make contributions on the implementation of the SDGs in the country. However, the government still has work to do to improve the overall low levels of transparency and consultation on the processes related to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.


A trade union focus on the SDGs - Tanzania

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Venezuela
Trade unions are concerned about the way Venezuela is implementing the 2030 Agenda, as there is no transparency, consultation or social dialogue. There is no access to official information and trade unions are not consulted or invited to contribute to the design and implementation of the 2030 Agenda policies.


A trade union focus on the SDGs - Venezuela

The comprehensive analysis of these reports can be read in the publication "A Trade Union Take on the SDGs 2023 "