Alaska Department of Natural Resources

10/14/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/14/2023 02:10

Request for Proposals - El Capitan/Whale Pass Timber Sale (SSE-1380-K/SSE-1378-K)


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Request for Proposals - El Capitan/Whale Pass Timber Sale (SSE-1380-K/SSE-1378-K)

State of Alaska
Department of Natural Resources
Division of Forestry & Fire Protection
Southeast Area Office
Request for Proposals
El Capitan/Whale Pass Timber Sale (SSE-1380-K/SSE-1378-K)

The Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry & Fire Protection (DOF), gives formal notice per AS 38.05.945 that it intends to negotiate with a purchaser under the authority of AS 38.05.118 using a request for proposal process for the purchase of commercial timber in the El Capitan/Whale Pass Timber Sale (SSE-1380-K/SSE-1378 K) areas. The timber will be marketed to a list of local mills and interested parties maintained by the DOF Southeast Area Office. The saw log volume to be offered totals approximately 12,737 thousand board feet (MBF).

The DOF is offering one timber sale for negotiated purchase, the El Capitan/Whale Pass Timber Sale composed of 15 units. The sale area is on the northern end of Prince of Wales Island and is found within the Petersburg A-4 USGS quadrangle. The main access for this sale area is from the existing Prince of Wales Road System. The timber is predominantly old growth composed of western red cedar, western hemlock, Sitka spruce and Alaska yellow cedar on approximately 628 acres. The term of the contract is five years.

There are six units near the community of Whale Pass. The timber sale area is found within Sections 13, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27, Township 66 South, Range 79 East, Copper River Meridian (CRM).

There are nine units near the junction of the FDR 2000 and FDR 2700 roads. The timber sale area is found within Sections 1, 12, and 13, Township 66 South, Range 78 East, and Sections 6, 7, 8 and 18, Township 66 South, Range 79 East, Copper River Meridian, CRM. The sale area is found within the Petersburg A-4 NW USGS quadrangle.

Proposers are required to fill out the Timber Sale Proposal Sheet provided in the Request for Proposal package and must submit a copy of their current Alaska Business License. The business license copy may accompany the proposal. For a proposal to qualify, proposers are required to submit a bid deposit amount of 5% of the total bid value. The successful purchaser is required to deposit a performance bond with the State of $100,000.00 and a stumpage deposit of 10% of the total sale value at the signing of the contract.

Copies of the Request for Proposal information package are available for review at the DOF's Southeast Area Office, the DOF web site along with the State Online Public Notice System at

If your firm is interested in purchasing this sale, please provide this office with a completed proposal. Send to the attention of Greg Staunton at the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, 2417 Tongass Avenue, Suite 213, Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 no later than 2:00 p.m.November 13, 2023.Proposers are responsible for assuring that their complete proposal is delivered on time.


Alaska Division of Forestry & Fire Protection
2417 Tongass Avenue, Suite 213
Ketchikan, AK 99901
Contact: Greg Staunton
Phone: (907) 225-3070
Email: [email protected]

The State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry & Fire Protection complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who may need help with bidding should contact the Division of Forestry & Fire Protection at (907) 225-3070 to make any necessary arrangements.

Attachments, History, Details

Revision History

Created 10/11/2023 10:50:55 AM by mibyron
Modified 10/11/2023 10:52:36 AM by mibyron
Modified 10/13/2023 3:33:56 PM by gdstaunton
Modified 10/13/2023 3:46:16 PM by gdstaunton
Modified 10/13/2023 5:17:15 PM by gdstaunton


Department: Natural Resources
Category: Public Notices
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #: SSE-1380-K, SSE-1378-K
Publish Date: 10/14/2023
Archive Date: 11/14/2023