Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2022-A

09/20/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/20/2024 08:11

Asset Backed Issuer Distribution Report Form 10 D

Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2022-A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period August 2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
Transaction Month 32
Additional information about the structure, cashflows, defined terms and parties for this transaction can be found in the prospectus, available on the SEC website ( under the registration number 333-258040 and at
Dollar Amount # of Receivables Weighted Avg Remaining Term at Cutoff
Initial Pool Balance $ 1,146,189,073.03 34,997 56.9 months
Dollar Amount Note Interest Rate Final Scheduled Payment Date
Original Securities:
Class A-1 Notes $ 182,190,000.00 0.23886 % February 15, 2023
Class A-2 Notes $ 361,420,000.00 0.73 % September 15, 2024
Class A-3 Notes $ 361,420,000.00 1.29 % June 15, 2026
Class A-4 Notes $ 95,040,000.00 1.56 % May 15, 2027
Class B Notes $ 31,560,000.00 1.91 % July 15, 2027
Class C Notes $ 21,020,000.00 2.14 % July 15, 2029
Total $ 1,052,650,000.00
Interest Collections $ 709,195.68
Principal Collections $ 11,958,161.93
Prepayments in Full $ 4,951,217.14
Liquidation Proceeds $ 155,161.81
Recoveries $ 56,472.12
Sub Total $ 17,121,013.00
Collections $ 17,830,208.68
Purchase Amounts:
Purchase Amounts Related to Principal $ 77,044.28
Purchase Amounts Related to Interest $ 185.54
Sub Total $ 77,229.82
Clean-up Call $ 0.00
Reserve Account Draw Amount $ 0.00
Available Funds - Total $ 17,907,438.50
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Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2022-A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period August 2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
Transaction Month 32
Calculated Amount Amount Paid Shortfall Carryover Shortfall Remaining Available Funds
Trustee and Other Fees/Expenses $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,907,438.50
Servicing Fee $ 270,461.99 $ 270,461.99 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,636,976.51
Interest - Class A-1 Notes $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,636,976.51
Interest - Class A-2 Notes $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,636,976.51
Interest - Class A-3 Notes $ 141,254.04 $ 141,254.04 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,495,722.47
Interest - Class A-4 Notes $ 123,552.00 $ 123,552.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,372,170.47
First Priority Principal Payment $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,372,170.47
Interest - Class B Notes $ 50,233.00 $ 50,233.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,321,937.47
Second Priority Principal Payment $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,321,937.47
Interest - Class C Notes $ 37,485.67 $ 37,485.67 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,284,451.80
Reserve Account Deposit $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,284,451.80
Regular Principal Payment $ 15,663,625.33 $ 15,663,625.33 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,620,826.47
Additional Trustee and Other Fees/Expenses $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,620,826.47
Residual Released to Depositor $ 0.00 $ 1,620,826.47 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Total $ 17,907,438.50
Principal Payment:
First Priority Principal Payment $ 0.00
Second Priority Principal Payment $ 0.00
Regular Principal Payment $ 15,663,625.33
Total $ 15,663,625.33
Noteholder Principal Payments Noteholder Interest Payments Total Payment
Per $1,000 of Per $1,000 of Per $1,000 of
Actual Original Balance Actual Original Balance Actual Original Balance
Class A-1 Notes $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Class A-2 Notes $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Class A-3 Notes $ 15,663,625.33 $ 43.34 $ 141,254.04 $ 0.39 $ 15,804,879.37 $ 43.73
Class A-4 Notes $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 123,552.00 $ 1.30 $ 123,552.00 $ 1.30
Class B Notes $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 50,233.00 $ 1.59 $ 50,233.00 $ 1.59
Class C Notes $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 37,485.67 $ 1.78 $ 37,485.67 $ 1.78
Total $ 15,663,625.33 $ 14.88 $ 352,524.71 $ 0.33 $ 16,016,150.04 $ 15.21
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Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2022-A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period August 2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
Transaction Month 32

Beginning of Period End of Period
Balance Note Factor Balance Note Factor
Class A-1 Notes $ 0.00 0.0000000 $ 0.00 0.0000000
Class A-2 Notes $ 0.00 0.0000000 $ 0.00 0.0000000
Class A-3 Notes $ 131,399,107.79 0.3635635 $ 115,735,482.46 0.3202243
Class A-4 Notes $ 95,040,000.00 1.0000000 $ 95,040,000.00 1.0000000
Class B Notes $ 31,560,000.00 1.0000000 $ 31,560,000.00 1.0000000
Class C Notes $ 21,020,000.00 1.0000000 $ 21,020,000.00 1.0000000
Total $ 279,019,107.79 0.2650635 $ 263,355,482.46 0.2501833
Pool Information
Weighted Average APR 2.605 % 2.609 %
Weighted Average Remaining Term 31.56 30.78
Number of Receivables Outstanding 18,253 17,721
Pool Balance $ 324,554,383.60 $ 307,234,604.71
Adjusted Pool Balance (Pool Balance - YSOC Amount) $ 302,308,963.68 $ 286,385,541.67
Pool Factor 0.2831596 0.2680488

Specified Reserve Balance $ 2,631,648.59
Yield Supplement Overcollateralization Amount $ 20,849,063.04
Targeted Overcollateralization Amount $ 43,879,122.25
Actual Overcollateralization Amount (EOP Pool Balance - EOP Note Balance) $ 43,879,122.25

Beginning Reserve Account Balance $ 2,631,648.59
Reserve Account Deposits Made $ 0.00
Reserve Account Draw Amount $ 0.00
Ending Reserve Account Balance $ 2,631,648.59
Change in Reserve Account Balance $ 0.00
Specified Reserve Balance $ 2,631,648.59

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Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2022-A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period August 2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
Transaction Month 32
# of Receivables Amount
Current Collection Period Loss:
Realized Loss (Charge-Offs) 40 $ 178,193.73
(Recoveries) 36 $ 56,472.12
Net Loss for Current Collection Period $ 121,721.61
Ratio of Net Loss for Current Collection Period to Beginning of Period Pool Balance (annualized) 0.4501%
Prior and Current Collection Periods Average Loss:
Ratio of Net Loss to the Average Pool Balance (annualized)
Third Prior Collection Period 0.0665 %
Second Prior Collection Period 0.2022 %
Prior Collection Period (0.0180) %
Current Collection Period 0.4624 %
Four Month Average (Current and Prior Three Collection Periods) 0.1783 %
Cumulative Loss:
Cumulative Realized Loss (Charge-Offs) 1,149 $ 4,692,425.87
(Cumulative Recoveries) $ 1,136,920.95
Cumulative Net Loss for All Collection Periods $ 3,555,504.92
Ratio of Cumulative Net Loss for all Collection Periods to Initial Pool Balance 0.3102 %
Average Realized Loss for Receivables that have experienced a Realized Loss $ 4,083.92
Average Net Loss for Receivables that have experienced a Realized Loss $ 3,094.43
% of EOP Pool Balance # of Receivables Amount
Delinquent Receivables:
31-60 Days Delinquent 1.24 % 174 $ 3,810,164.05
61-90 Days Delinquent 0.19 % 24 $ 596,061.28
91-120 Days Delinquent 0.02 % 3 $ 74,640.90
Over 120 Days Delinquent 0.11 % 10 $ 326,242.96
Total Delinquent Receivables 1.56 % 211 $ 4,807,109.19
Repossession Inventory:
Repossessed in the Current Collection Period 9 $ 264,665.13
Total Repossessed Inventory 12 $ 425,547.95
Number of 61+ Delinquent Receivables to EOP Number of Outstanding Receivables:
Second Prior Collection Period 0.1598 %
Prior Collection Period 0.2356 %
Current Collection Period 0.2088 %
Three Month Average 0.2014 %
Delinquency Trigger (61+ Delinquent Receivables)
Transaction Month Trigger
1-12 0.80%
13-24 1.50%
25-36 2.70%
37+ 4.40%
61+ Delinquent Receivables Balance to EOP Pool Balance 0.3245 %
Delinquency Trigger Occurred No
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Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2022-A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period August 2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
Transaction Month 32
Receivables Granted Extensions in the Current Collection Period: # of Receivables Amount
1 Month Extended 57 $1,402,775.38
2 Months Extended 86 $2,075,608.87
3+ Months Extended 15 $373,314.01
Total Receivables Extended 158 $3,851,698.26
No Activity to report
Most Recent Form ABS-15G for repurchase demand activity
Filed by: Ford Motor Credit Company LLC
CIK#: 0000038009
Date: February 5, 2024

Ford Motor Credit Company LLC
/s/ Ryan M. Hershberger
Assistant Treasurer
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