New Zealand Government

03/29/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 03/28/2022 22:22

Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) Claims Settlement Bill passes third reading - Kua hipa te Pire Whakataunga Kokoraho mō Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) i te pānuitanga tuatoru

I rongo, i kite hoki ngā uri o Ngāti Maru i te pānuitanga tuatoru o te Pire Whakataunga Kokoraho mō Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) i te whare pāremata i tēnei rā hei tohu i te whakamutunga o ngā iwi e waru o Taranaki kua eke ki tēnei pae whakahirahira i tā rātou tukanga whakatau i ngā take o mua e pā ana ki te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Ko te rohe o Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) kei roto tonu mai o te riu i te awa o Whaitara, ā, e toro atu ana i te rāwhiti o te mounga o Taranaki ki te taha whakararo o te awa o Whanganui.

"Kia mihi atu au ki ngā whakapaunga kaha a ngā uri o Ngāti Maru me ngā kaiwhakawhiti whakaaro o te Karauna i ā rātou mahi nui i taea ai tēnei rangi whakahirahira," hei tā te Minita mō ngā Take Tiriti o Waitangi, hei tā Andrew Little.

"Ko te tīmatanga tēnei o tētahi hononga hou i waenga i a Ngāti Maru me te Karauna - he mea whiri i runga i te mahi ngātahi, i te whakapono me te whakaaro nui hoki o tētahi ki tētahi."

I ara ake ngā nawe o mua o Ngāti Maru nā te rawakoretanga, nā te panatanga hoki o Ngāti Maru i ō rātou whenua i muri i te muru a te Karauna i te nuinga o ngā whenua taketake o Ngāti Maru i te tekau tau 1860.

I rongo hoki a Ngāti Maru i te ngarohanga me te ngahorotanga o ngā tūranga o te iwi i te rautau tekau mā iwa, ka mutu, i unuhia tō rātou mana ki ngā whenua nā te hē o te whakahaere a te Karauna i ngā whenua i rāhuitia ai mō te iwi.

"Hei wāhanga mō tā rātou mōkī whakatau, ka whakawhiwhia a Ngāti Maru ki te puretumu ā-pūtea, ā-arumoni hoki ka eke ki te $30 miriona, tae atu hoki ki te hokotanga o te ngahere o Te Wera," hei tā Andrew Little.

"Ka whai wāhi atu ki te puretumu ā-ahurea ko te whakaūnga anō o te mana ki ngā wāhi 16 e tāpua ana ā-ahurea, tae atu ki ngā rawa wāhi kei Tarata, kei Pūrangi, me ētahi wāhi e rua kei ngā tahatika o ngā awa o Tāngarākau me Whangamōmona.

"Mā tēnei whakataunga, ka whakaatu te Karauna i tōna mōhio, i tana whakapāha hoki mō tana mauhere, mō tana whakamanene i ngā uri o Ngāti Maru i runga o Parihaka e tohe ana i runga i te maungārongo.

"E whakaatu ana tēnei mōkī i te ukiuki o te hononga o Ngāti Maru ki te whenua, ā, ko tāna he whakatakoto tūāpapa ā-ōhanga e tūmanako nei au ka whai hua ki ngā whakatipuranga e hia rā o Ngāti Maru ka whānau mai ā tōna wā," e ai ki te Minita, ki a Little.

"Ahakoa kāore e ea i te whakataunga mō te Tiriti te utu i a Ngāti Maru mō ngā tūkinotanga kua pā ki a ia, e tūmanako ana au ka riro mā tēnei whakataunga e ea ai tētahi wāhanga iti o ēnei hē.

"Ināianei, kua takoto tēnei huarahi hou e wātea ana ki mua i a mātou e mahi tahi ai mātou i runga i te patuinga motuhenga hei painga mō Ngāti Maru me te rohe whānui," te kī a Andrew Little.


He pitopito kōrero mā te kaitakatā:

  • Ka ara ake i te Pire ko Te Hiringa Taketake - te Whakaaetanga ā-Tuhi mō te Whakataunga e Pā ana ki a Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) - i waitohua i te 27 o Pēpuere 2021, i Tarata, i Taranaki.
  • E wātea ana tētahi tauira o te Whakaaetanga ā-Tuhi mō te Whakataunga i konei.
  • E wātea ana tētahi tauira o te Pire Whakataunga Kokoraho mō Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) i konei.

Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) Claims Settlement Bill passes third reading

Ngā uri o Ngāti Maru witnessed the third reading of the Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) Claims Settlement Bill at parliament today, marking the lastof the eight Taranaki iwi to reach this final milestone in theirhistorical Treaty of Waitangi settlement process.

Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) rohe is centred on the inland Waitara River valley and extends from Taranaki Maunga east to the upper Whanganui River.

"I want to acknowledge the efforts of ngā uri o Ngāti Maru and the Crown negotiators for all their hard work to reach this important day," Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Andrew Little said.

"This is the beginning of a new relationship between Ngāti Maru and the Crown - one based on cooperation, mutual trust and respect."

The historical grievances of Ngāti Maru arise from the dispossession and displacement of Ngāti Maru from their whenua, following the Crown's confiscation of most of their traditional lands in the 1860s.

Ngāti Maru also experienced loss and erosion of tribal structures during the nineteenth century, and were deprived of ownership of lands through the Crown's poor management of reserves set aside for the iwi.

"As part of their settlement package, Ngāti Maru will receive financial and commercial redress of $30 million, including the purchase of Te Wera Forest," Andrew Little said.

"Cultural redress includes the vesting of 16 sites of deep cultural significance, including properties located in Tarata, Pūrangi, and two sites along the Tangarakau and Whangamomona Rivers.

"Through this settlement the Crown also acknowledges and apologises for its imprisonment and exile of Ngāti Maru people engaged in peaceful protest at Parihaka.

"This package recognises the longstanding association Ngāti Maru has with the whenua and provides an economic foundation that I hope will benefit many generations of Ngāti Maru to come," said Minister Little.

"While no Treaty settlement will ever be able to compensate Ngāti Maru for the loss they have suffered, I sincerely hope this settlement will go some way to atone for these injustices.

"Now, we have a new opportunity to work together in true partnership for the betterment of Ngāti Maru and the wider rohe," said Andrew Little.


Notes for editor:

  • The Bill gives effect to Te Hiringa Taketake - the Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) Deed of Settlement - signed on 27 February 2021 in Tarata, Taranaki.
  • A copy of the Deed of Settlement is available at here.
  • A copy of the Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) Claims Settlement Bill is available at here.