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03/04/2014 | Press release | Archived content

ACE Launches ACE Business Class to Help EMEA Businesses Manage Their Growing Employee Travel Risks

ACE Launches ACE Business Class to Help EMEA Businesses Manage Their Growing Employee Travel Risks

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ACE European Group today announced the launch of its new business travel proposition ACE Business Class, as it further invests in helping corporate clients manage their growing multinational risks.

ACE Business Class provides comprehensive travel insurance cover combined with market-leading medical and travel assistance services. As part of ACE's commitment to innovation, the new proposition also offers eligible companies cover and security services for kidnap and ransom events, a risk of increasing concern for business travellers, particularly when visiting regions with higher security or political risks.

The new proposition has been designed to cover a wide range of "traditional" business risks while meeting the bespoke needs of companies with different risk profiles. For example, ACE Business Class covers longer-term overseas assignments, staff relocation and occupational accidents and can be structured as a multinational programme designed to ensure compliance with local regulations in multiple jurisdictions, features which are not typically available as standard for businesses in the EMEA region.

For the first time, ACE Business Class also provides clients across the EMEA region with access to a security hotline, which is available to policyholders 24/7, 365 days per year, as well as a wide range of additional security services such as daily reports on risk-related events, employee tracking and location threat assessments.

Key benefits of ACE Business Class include:

  • 24/7 insurance and assistance coverage for travel anywhere outside of the home country or the country of permanent assignment
  • Medical expense cover for doctor visits and in-patient treatment for emergencies or serious injury
  • Kidnap and ransom cover of up to €150,000 per event for eligible companies
  • Emergency medical transportation
  • Security evacuation covering a wide range of risks, including political and social unrest, terrorist attack or natural disaster
  • Trip interruption benefits covering accident and sickness
  • Lost or damaged baggage, passports or other travel documents
  • Other optional benefits for travel related risks

Patrick Drinan, Regional Senior Vice President, Accident and Health for EMEA at ACE, said:

"Business travel spending now exceeds $1 trillion and, despite the after-effects of the financial crisis and recession in many countries, experts expect demand from European businesses to continue to increase.

"ACE Business Class gives companies of all sizes the confidence to travel globally knowing that their people, their most precious assets, are protected by substantial financial, medical and risk expertise, even as the risks evolve and grow."

Stephane Baj, Regional Director of A&H Corporate & Affinity, for ACE in the EMEA region said:

"With ACE Business Class we bring to the marketplace a comprehensive and consistent proposition. It is built on the key pillars of our specialist insurance expertise, dedicated assistance solutions and our strong global network. We also tailor our offering to the specific needs of each client to ensure that they have the bespoke support they really need."

Source: ACE