European Parliament

09/04/2024 | Press release | Archived content

A tobacco-free generation as part of the fight against cancer

A tobacco-free generation as part of the fight against cancer


Question for written answer E-001618/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Nicolás González Casares (S&D)

In the last parliamentary term, we worked on a strategy to defeat cancer and established the European Parliament's Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA), which issued a report that attracted significant support. As the Commission knows and as science shows, smoking causes tens of thousands of cancer-related deaths every year in the European Union, and the Commission has proposed the goal of a tobacco-free generation by 2040.

In view of this:

  • 1.Given that there are only fifteen years until 2040, what has the Commission done since the establishment of BECA to make the tobacco-free generation promised by Von der Leyen a reality?
  • 2.Does it consider that delaying the review of legislation on tobacco for several years is condicive to bringing about a tobacco-free generation by 2040?
  • 3.What measures does the Commission intend to adopt to make progress towards this goal?

Submitted: 4.9.2024