ASE Technology Holding Co. Ltd.

09/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 01:38

The Company is invited to attend the 'Citi Expert Call on Advanced Package Development in AI Arena, Power and Optics Trend' investor conference (update)

Today's Information

Provided by: ASE Technology Holding Co., Ltd.
SEQ_NO 2 Date of announcement 2024/09/24 Time of announcement 15:36:09
 The Company is invited to attend the "Citi Expert
Call on Advanced Package Development in AI Arena, Power
and Optics Trend" investor conference (update)
Date of events 2024/09/24 To which item it meets paragraph 12
1.Date of institutional investor conference: 2024/09/25
2.Time of institutional investor conference: 10:00
3.Location of institutional investor conference:
Webcast conference
4.Outline of institutional investor conference:

5.Any other matters that need to be specified:
For complete financial and business information, please refer to "Investor
Conferences" under "Material Information" of MOPS(Market Obeservation
Post System).