12/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/16/2024 16:09
Share your love for the outdoors by buying an Idaho resident hunting license, fishing license, or Sportsman's Package for friends and family this holiday season. 2025 licenses are now on sale.
Fishing and hunting provide a good excuse to get outside, see the beauty of Idaho's wildlife, and spend quality time with family and friends. For outdoor enthusiasts, there is a fishing or hunting season open throughout the year.
Several options and price ranges are available, depending on the age of the recipient and type of license - hunting, fishing or combination. Because of the need to confirm Idaho residency, a person can only buy a resident license for a spouse, a child under the age of 18, or for themselves.
The gift of the outdoors can be purchased by visiting a Fish and Game regional office and purchasing a gift certificate! A perfect stocking stuffer for this holiday season.
A 'Super' Opportunity to Treat Your Loved Ones This Holiday
Don't forget that another great gift idea are entries for Super Hunt drawings for individual deer, elk, pronghorn, or moose hunts, and Super Hunt Combo, which includes a tag for each of the four species.
Winners can participate in any open hunt in the state for deer, elk, pronghorn, or moose with a tag for that species, including general hunts and controlled hunts. Super Hunt tags are in addition to other tags, meaning if winners draw a controlled hunt tag or purchase a general season tag, they can still participate in these hunts as well as the Super Hunt. All other rules of individual hunts apply.
Money raised by the Super Hunt drawings supports hunters and anglers access to private lands through the Access Yes! Program. Click here to learn more about the Super Hunt drawings.