Chart Industries Inc.

08/16/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Opus One Expands Chart Carbon Capture Solution

Opus One Expands Chart Carbon Capture Solution

Earthly Labs | August 16, 2024

A pioneer in ultra-premium winemaking in Napa Valley, Opus One Winery is among the first wineries in the world to expand their deployment of Chart carbon capture solutions. For the last two years, Opus One has implemented Chart's Earthly Labs' CiCi (Oak) solution to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) during red wine fermentation and plans to expand the deployment to double the CO2 captured during the 2024 Harvest. This model of circular carbon economy in the wine industry is unique, but one of the many practices Opus One has implemented throughout their winery to advance environmentally conscious winemaking.

"Opus One's pursuit of excellence extends to how we care for nature," said Michael Silacci, winemaker at Opus One. "We have continued to expand Chart's Earthly Labs carbon capture solution, reducing our climate impact and ensuring the enjoyment of each new vintage for generations to come."

In 2022 Opus One implemented Earthly Labs CiCi (Oak) small scale carbon capture solution during the grape harvest to capture the waste CO2 emitted during the wine fermentation process. The technology captures, purifies and liquifies thousands of pounds of CO2 for reuse on site. Opus One utilizes the CO2 onsite to make dry ice, avoiding traditional transportation emissions from dry ice deliveries. Additionally, Opus One uses the real-time monitoring software to track CO2 captured.

This harvest, Opus One has expanded their CiCi (Oak) technology implementation to capture 100% more CO2 than in the previous year by incorporating additional fermentation tanks into the program. This expanded process will meet their onsite dry ice needs and reduce associated emissions. Additionally, Opus One will pilot the upgraded visualization dashboard using the Chart Howden Uptime platform.

"Chart Industries is honored to advance Opus One's decarbonization journey," said Jill Evanko, CEO of Chart Industries. "As one of the few wineries in the world to capture their waste CO2 and reuse it, Opus One stands as a model for exemplary and responsible wine making."

In 2018 Opus One was the first winery to achieve Napa Green vineyard and winery certification through their attainment of many of the 120 sustainability standards to save energy, conserve water, prevent waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, care for employees, and land stewardship. Earlier this year Opus One partnered with North Carbon Management software to enhance the company's ability to meticulously track, manage, and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions throughout the winery - from cultivation to production to packaging - in pursuit of certification with International Wineries for Climate Action (IWCA).