Allianz SE

07/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/24/2024 05:04

With Paris 2024 just days away, Allianz displays large poster at Saint-Lazare

And that's not all! A global brand and a local insurer in France with a strong presence throughout the country, Allianz is close to its customers, and with 2,600 branches and 1,500 asset management advisors. That's why this campaign will also be widely deployed in Paris from July 24 to August 20, 2024 (metro line 1, Berges de Seine, Gare de l'Est, Paris-Charles De Gaulle airport) as well as across the country from July 24 to August 6 (at the train stations Lille Flandres, Marseille Saint-Charles, Bordeaux Saint-Jean).

On the back of its Worldwide Partnership with the Olympic and Paralympic Movements, Allianz is joining in the celebration around the Olympic and Paralympic Games and showing its support for Paris 2024 as well as its historic accompaniment alongside the athletes.

"As a Worldwide Olympic and Paralympic Partner since 2021 and the world's leading insurance brand1, we are once again proudly displaying our support for the athletes. Through the Olympic prism, we continue to convey our values of support, preparation and personal protection, in line with our "Ready for tomorrow" brand platform. Because being well insured and supported means being able to live all of life's experiences fully and serenely, including the greatest victories of Paris 2024!" says Christophe Dépont, Brand, Advertising, Social Networks & Partnerships Director at Allianz France.