Harbor Funds II

10/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/02/2024 13:50

Fidelity Bond Filing Form 40 17G

Harbor Funds - Form 40-17G

Financial Institution Bond
For Investment Companies
Incorporated under the laws of Indiana, a stock
Name of Assured: insurance company, herein called the Company
HARBOR FUNDS, HARBOR FUNDS II, AND HARBOR ETF One American Square 202 N Illinois Street,
TRUST Suite 2600
Address of Assured: Indianapolis, IN 46282
111 S. WACKER DRIVE, SUITE 3400 Bond Number: J06040408
Item 1. Bond Period: From: September 1, 2024
To: September 1, 2025
At 12:01 A.M. local time at the Address of Assured.
Item 2. Single Loss Limits Of Liability - Deductible Amounts:
Insuring Clause Single Loss Limit Of Deductible Amount
1 . Employee $ 7,500,000 $ 100,000
2 . On Premises $ 7,500,000 $ 100,000
3 . In Transit $ 7,500,000 $ 100,000
4 . Forgery Or Alteration $ 7,500,000 $ 100,000
5 . Extended Forgery $ 7,500,000 $ 100,000
6 . Counterfeit Money $ 7,500,000 $ 100,000
7 . Computer System Fraud $ 7,500,000 $ 100,000
8 . Claims Expense Not Covered Not Covered
9 . Audit Expense $ 100,000 $ 10,000
10. Uncollectible Items Of Deposit $ 7,500,000 $ 100,000
11 . Voice Initiated Funds Transfer $ 7,500,000 $ 100,000

PF-52903D (08/21)

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Financial Institution Bond
For Investment Companies
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Bond to be signed by its Authorized Officers, but it shall
not be valid unless also signed by a duly authorized representative of the Company.

PF-52903D (08/21)

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Important Notice
The SEC Requires Proof of Your Fidelity Insurance Policy
Your company is now required to file an electronic copy of your fidelity insurance coverage (Chubb's ICAP Bond
policy) to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), according to rules adopted by the SEC on June 12,
Chubb is in the process of providing your agent/broker with an electronic copy of your insurance policy as well as
instructions on how to submit this proof of fidelity insurance coverage to the SEC. You can expect to receive this
information from your agent/broker shortly.
The electronic copy of your policy is provided by Chubb solely as a convenience and does not affect the terms and
conditions of coverage as set forth in the paper policy you receive by mail. The terms and conditions of the policy
mailed to you, which are the same as those set forth in the electronic copy, constitute the entire agreement
between your company and Chubb.
If you have any questions, please contact your agent or broker.

14-02-12160 (08/19)

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Notice of Loss Control Services
Insuring Company: Federal Insurance Company
As a Chubb policyholder, you have loss prevention information and/or services available to you, as
listed in this Notice. You may order any brochure by email to [email protected] and to view
our full suite of loss prevention brochures/services go to www.chubb.com/us/fl-lossprevention [chubb.com]
Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability Loss Prevention Services
Directors and Officers Liability Loss Prevention Manuals:
Directors and Officers Liability Loss Preventions - #14-01-0035
Directors and Officers Securities Litigation Loss Preventions - #14-01-0448
Director Liability Loss Prevention in Mergers and Acquisitions - #14-01-1099
Directors and Officers Liability Loss Prevention for Not-for-Profit- -#14-01-0036
Cyber Loss Mitigation for Directors -#14-01-1199
Employment Practices Liability (EPL) Loss Prevention Services
Toll-free Hot Line
Have a question on how to handle an employment situation? Simply call 1.888.249.8425 to access
the nationally known employment law firm of Jackson Lewis P.C. We offer customers an unlimited
number of calls to the hot line at no additional charge.
ChubbWorks.com is a web-based platform that offers multiple services including overviews of
employment laws, sample employment policies and procedures, and on-line training. To gain
immediate access to ChubbWorks go to www.chubbworks.com [chubbworks.com] and register using your policy
Employment Practices Loss Prevention Guidelines Manual
Employment Practices Loss Prevention Guidelines - #14-01-0061
Loss Prevention Consultant Services
Chubb has developed a network of more than 120 law firms, human resources consulting firms, and
labor economist/statistical firms that offer specialized services for employment issues.
Public Company EPL Customers
Employment Practices Loss Prevention Guidelines - Written by Seyfarth Shaw exclusively for
Chubb this manual provides an overview of key employment issues faced by for-profit companies
and offers proactive idea for avoiding employment lawsuits.
Private Company EPL Customers
Employment Practices Loss Prevention Guidelines - Written by Seyfarth Shaw exclusively for
Chubb this manual provides an overview of key employment issues for -profit companies and offers
proactive idea for avoiding employment lawsuits.

14-02-23030 (05/2018)

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Fiduciary Liability Loss Prevention Services
Fiduciary Liability Loss Prevention Manual
Who May Sue You and Why: How to Reduce Your ERISA Risks and the Role of Fiduciary
Liability Insurance #14-01-1019
Crime Loss Prevention Services
Crime/Kidnap, Ransom & Extortion Loss Prevention Manual
Preventing Fraud: How Anonymous Hotlines Can Help #14-01-1090
Cyber Security Loss Prevention Services
Visit: https://www2.chubb.com/us-en/business-insurance/cyber-security.aspx [chubb.com] to learn more
about Chubb's Cyber Services for our policyholders.
Health Care Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability Loss Prevention Services
Readings in Health Care Governance Manual
Readings in Health Care Governance -#14-01-0788
ChubbWorks.com for Health Care Organizations - The Health Care Zone is a free online
resource containing health care specific loss prevention information for employment practices
liability, directors and officers (D&O) liability, and fiduciary liability exposures. To gain
immediate access to ChubbWorks go to www.chubbworks.com [chubbworks.com] and register using your policy
Health Care D&O Loss Prevention Consultant Services
Health Care D& O Loss Prevention Consultant Services- #14-01-1164
The services provided are advisory in nature. While this program is offered as a resource in
developing or maintaining a loss prevention program, you should consult competent legal counsel
to design and implement your own program. No liability is assumed by reason of the services,
access or information provided. All services are subject to change without notice.

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Answers to questions about your insurance, coverage information, or assistance in resolving
complaints can be obtained by contacting:
Chubb Customer Support Services Department:
436 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106-3703
Telephone Number: 1-800-352-4462
Email: [email protected]
The Illinois Department of Insurance may also be contacted for assistance. Insurance
analysts are available to answer general questions by phone at our toll-free Consumer
Assistance Hotline (866) 445-5364. However, complaints must be submitted in
How to file a complaint with the Insurance Department:
Complaints may be submitted in the following ways:
· On-line at
https://insurance.illinois.gov/applications/ComplaintForms/default.aspx [insurance.illinois.gov]
and by following the instructions posted.
· By fax: (217) 558-2083
· By email at [email protected]
· By mail: 320 W. Washington St. Springfield, IL 62767 or 122 S. Michigan
Ave., 19th Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60603

ALL-18653d (07/14)

Chubb Producer Compensation
Practices & Policies
Chubb believes that policyholders should have access to information about Chubb's practices and policies related
to the payment of compensation to brokers and independent agents. You can obtain that information by accessing
our website at http://www.chubbproducercompensation.com [chubbproducercompensation.com] or by calling the following toll-free telephone

ALL-20887a (09/19)

Trade or Economic
Sanctions Notice
This insurance does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit
us from providing insurance, including, but not limited to, the payment of claims. All other terms and conditions
of the policy remain unchanged.

ALL-21101 (09/19)

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Social Engineering Tips
Please read!
If you believe you have transferred funds to a criminal posing as a legitimate business associate, you should act
1 . Immediately contact the originating bank and request a recall of the wire transfer and confirm that
recall in writing.
2 . Immediately file a complaint with the FBI at www.ic3.gov [ic3.gov]. This reporting triggers the FBI's Recovery Asset
Team and the FBI's assistance seeking return of the wire transfer.
3 . Preserve records of the incident, including emails sent and received in their original electronic state.
Correspondence and forensic information contained in these electronic files help investigators shed light on
the perpetrator(s), and parties responsible for the incident.
4 . Once the above steps are complete, contact Chubb per the instructions in your policy.
While neither recalling the wire transfer nor reporting to the FBI guarantees the return of your funds, these steps
maximize the opportunity to mitigate your loss, assist the FBI in tracing the funds and help establish any
insurance claim.
Simple Steps to Prevent Fraudulently Induced Wire Transfers
Email communication is efficient, but it is not a secure method of communication. Regardless of your familiarity
with a contact, that contact's email may be intercepted, altered and fabricated. You may reduce the
chances of fraud by following these best practices:
1 . Verify Email Requests by Telephone: Require those responsible for paying invoices or changing bank
routing information to verify payment details over the phone, rather than by email or documents sent
electronically. Making a phone call to a known, pre-existing telephone number remains the single best
protection against fraud.
2 . Segregate Wire Transfer Responsibilities: Establish a standing policy that requires at least three people
to review and approve wire transfer requests, pay an invoice or change a business partner's bank account
information. Such requests should be entered by the initiator of the wire and verified by two independent
3 . Turn on MFA for Cloud Email: Multifactor Authentication is available from all major email providers. It
provides a layer of security to email accounts beyond a user's account name and password, making it harder
for criminals to impersonate you, your executives and your employees.
This document is for information only. It is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional
insurance advisers in maintaining a loss prevention program. No liability is assumed by reason of the
information this document contains.

ALL-317454 (03/21)

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Dear Policyholder:
This is to provide notice that, pursuant to Illinois Department of Insurance Company Bulletin 2011-06 (CB 2011-
06), this policy is in compliance with the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act ("the Act", 750
ILL. COMP. STAT. 75/1). The Act, which became effective on June 1, 2011, creates a legal relationship between
two persons of either the same or opposite sex who establish a civil union.
The Act provides that parties to a civil union are entitled to the same legal obligations, responsibilities, protections
and benefits that are afforded or recognized by the law of Illinois to spouses, whether they are derived from
statute, administrative rule, policy, common law or any source of civil or criminal law. In addition, this law
requires recognition of a same-sex civil union, marriage, or other substantially similar legal relationship, except
for common law marriage, legally entered into in other jurisdictions. The Act further provides that "party to a civil
union" shall be included in any definition or use of the terms "spouse", "family", "immediate family", "dependent",
"next of kin" and other terms descriptive of spousal relationships as those terms are used throughout the law.
According to CB 2011-06, this includes the terms "marriage" or "married" or any variations thereof. CB 2011-06
also states that if policies of insurance provide coverage for children, the children of civil unions must also be
provided coverage.

ALL-34772 (11/11) Copyright with permission of Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2011 Page 1 of 1

U. S. Treasury Department's Office
Of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC")
Advisory Notice to Policyholders
This Policyholder Notice shall not be construed as part of your policy and no coverage is provided by this
Policyholder Notice nor can it be construed to replace any provisions of your policy. You should read your
policy and review your Declarations page for complete information on the coverages you are provided.
This Notice provides information concerning possible impact on your insurance coverage due to directives
issued by OFAC. Please read this Notice carefully.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) administers and enforces sanctions policy, based on
Presidential declarations of "national emergency". OFAC has identified and listed numerous:
l Foreign agents;
l Front organizations;
l Terrorists;
l Terrorist organizations; and
l Narcotics traffickers;
as "Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons". This list can be located on the United States
Treasury's web site - http//www. treas. gov/ofac.
In accordance with OFAC regulations, if it is determined that you or any other insured, or any person or
entity claiming the benefits of this insurance has violated U. S. sanctions law or is a Specially Designated
National and Blocked Person, as identified by OFAC, this insurance will be considered a blocked or frozen
contract and all provisions of this insurance are immediately subject to OFAC. When an insurance policy
is considered to be such a blocked or frozen contract, no payments nor premium refunds may be made
without authorization from OFAC. Other limitations on the premiums and payments also apply.
PF-17914a (04/16) Reprinted, in part, with permission of Page 1 of 1
ISO Properties, Inc.

Financial Institution Bond
For Investment Companies
The Company, in consideration of the premium paid, and in reliance on the Application and all other statements
made and information furnished to the Company by the Assured, and subject to the Declarations made part of this
Bond and to all other terms, conditions, and limitations of this Bond, agrees to pay the Assured for:
1 . Employee
Loss resulting directly from Larceny or Embezzlement committed by any Employee acting alone or
in collusion with others.
2 . On Premises
Loss of Property resulting directly from:
a. robbery, burglary, misplacement, mysterious unexplainable disappearance, damage or destruction; or
b. false pretenses, or common law or statutory larceny, committed by a natural person while on the
premises of the Assured,
while the Property is lodged or deposited at premises located anywhere.
For the purpose of coverage under this Insuring Clause 2, the premises of securities depositories shall be
deemed to be premises of the Assured, but only with respect to the loss of Certificated Securities.
Certificated Securities held by such depositories shall be deemed to be Property, but only to the extent
of the Assured's interest therein as detailed in the books and records of such depositories.
3 . In Transit
Loss of Property resulting directly from common law or statutory larceny, misplacement, mysterious
unexplainable disappearance, damage or destruction, while the Property is in transit anywhere in:
a. an armored motor vehicle, including loading and unloading thereof;
b. the custody of a natural person acting as a messenger of the Assured; or
c. the custody of a Transportation Company and being transported in a conveyance other than an
armored motor vehicle, provided that covered Property transported in such manner is limited to the
(1) Written records;
(2) Certificated Securities issued in registered form, which are not endorsed or are restrictively
endorsed; or
(3) Negotiable Instruments not payable to bearer, which are not endorsed or are restrictively
Coverage under this Insuring Clause 3 begins immediately on the receipt of such Property by the armored
motor vehicle, natural person messenger, or Transportation Company and ends immediately on
delivery to the premises of the addressee or to any representative of the addressee located anywhere.
4 . Forgery Or Alteration
Loss resulting directly from the Assured having, in good faith:
a. transferred, paid, or delivered any Property; or
b. established any credit or given any value,
in reliance on any Written and Original:

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Financial Institution Bond
For Investment Companies
(1 ) Negotiable Instrument (other than an Evidence of Debt);
(2 ) Acceptance;
(3 ) Withdrawal Order or receipt for the withdrawal of Property;
(4 ) Certificate of Deposit;
(5 ) Letter of Credit; or
(6 ) instruction or advice directed to the Assured and purportedly signed by any Customer, any
financial institution, or any Employee,
i. bears a Forgery; or
ii. is fraudulently materially altered.
For the purpose of this Insuring Clause 4, a reproduction of a handwritten signature is treated the same as
the handwritten signature. An electronic or digital signature is not treated as a reproduction of a
handwritten signature.
5 . Extended Forgery
Loss resulting directly from the Assured having, in good faith, for its own account or the account of others:
a. acquired, sold or delivered, given value, extended credit or assumed liability in reliance on any Written
and Original:
(1 ) Certificated Security;
(2 ) deed, mortgage or other instrument conveying title to, or creating or discharging a lien on, real
(3 ) Evidence of Debt; or
(4 ) Instruction,
i. bears a Forgery, but only to the extent the Forgery directly causes the loss;
ii. is fraudulently materially altered, but only to the extent the alteration directly causes the loss;
iii. is lost or stolen;
b. guaranteed in writing or witnessed any signature on any:
(1 ) transfer;
(2 ) assignment;
(3 ) bill of sale;
(4 ) power of attorney; or
(5 ) endorsement upon any item listed in a.(1) through a.(4) above,
but only to the extent that such guarantee or signature directly causes the loss; or
c. acquired, sold or delivered, or given value, extended credit or assumed liability in reliance on any item
listed in a.(1) or a.(2) above which is a Counterfeit Original, but only to the extent the Counterfeit
Original directly causes the loss.

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Financial Institution Bond
For Investment Companies
Actual physical possession, and continued actual physical possession if taken as collateral, of the items
listed in a.(1) through a.(4) above by an Employee, Custodian, or a federal or state chartered deposit
institution of the Assured is a condition precedent to the Assured having relied on such items. Release
or return of such collateral is an acknowledgment by the Assured that it no longer relies on such collateral.
For the purpose of this Insuring Clause 5, a reproduction of a handwritten signature is treated the same as
the handwritten signature. An electronic or digital signature is not treated as a reproduction of a
handwritten signature.
6 . Counterfeit Money
Loss resulting directly from the receipt by the Assured in good faith of counterfeit Money.
7 . Computer System Fraud
Loss resulting directly from the:
a. withdrawal, transfer, payment, or delivery of Property; or
b. creation, deletion, debiting, or crediting of an account of the Assured or Customer,
which results directly from a Network Intrusion.
8 . Claims Expense
Claims Expenses incurred by the Assured in determining the amount of covered loss under this Bond
in excess of the applicable Deductible Amount.
9 . Audit Expense
Audit Expenses incurred by the Assured by reason of the discovery of loss covered under Insuring
Clause 1.
10 . Uncollectible Items Of Deposit
Loss resulting directly from the Assured having credited an account of a customer, shareholder, or
subscriber on the faith of any Items of Deposit which prove to be uncollectible, provided that the crediting
of such account causes:
a. redemptions or withdrawals to be permitted;
b. shares to be issued; or
c. dividends to be paid,
from an account of an Assured.
As a condition precedent to coverage under this Insuring Clause 10, the Assured must hold Items of
Deposit for the minimum number of days stated in the Application before permitting any redemptions or
withdrawals, issuing any shares, or paying any dividends with respect to such Items of Deposit.
Items of Deposit shall not be deemed uncollectible until the Assured's standard collection procedures
have failed.
11 . Voice Initiated Funds Transfer Instruction
Loss resulting directly from the Assured having, in good faith, transferred, paid, or delivered Money or
Securities in reliance upon any Voice Initiated Funds Transfer Instruction that purports, and
reasonably appears, to have originated from:
a. the Customer;
b. an Employee acting on instructions of such Customer; or

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Financial Institution Bond
For Investment Companies
c. a financial institution acting on behalf of such Customer with authority to make such instructions,
but which Voice Initiated Funds Transfer Instruction was, in fact, fraudulently issued without the
knowledge of the Assured, Employee, or Customer.
As a condition precedent to coverage under this Insuring Clause 11, the Voice Initiated Funds Transfer
Instruction must be received and processed in accordance with the Designated Procedures as outlined in
the Application furnished to the Company.
1 . Automatic Increase - Limit Of Liability
If, during the Bond Period, an increase in the minimum amount of the Single Loss Limit Of Liability
applicable to Insuring Clause 1 is required pursuant to Rule 17g-1 of the Investment Company Act of 1940,
as a result of:
a. the creation of a new Investment Company; or
b. an increase in the gross assets of Investment Companies covered under the Bond,
then the minimum required increase in the amount of the Single Loss Limit Of Liability applicable to
Insuring Clause 1 shall take place automatically for the remainder of the Bond Period without payment of
an additional premium.
2 . Joint Assured
The first named Assured shall be deemed to be the sole agent of the other Assureds for all purposes
under this Bond, including but not limited to the giving or receiving of any notice or proof required to be
given and for the purpose of effecting or accepting any amendments to or termination of this Bond.
If the first named Assured ceases for any reason to be covered under this Bond, then the Assured next
named on the Application shall thereafter be considered as the first named Assured for the purposes of
this Bond.
The Company shall furnish each Assured with a copy of the Bond and with any amendment thereto,
together with a copy of each formal filing of claim by any other Assured and notification of the terms of
the settlement of each such claim prior to the execution of such settlement.
Knowledge possessed or discovery made by any Assured shall constitute knowledge possessed or discovery
made by all of the Assureds for the purposes of this Bond.
All loss and other payments, if any, payable by the Company, shall be payable to the first named Assured
without regard to such Assured's obligations to others, and the Company shall not be responsible for the
application by the first named Assured of any payment made by the Company. If the Company agrees to
and makes payment to any Assured other than the first named Assured, such payment shall be treated
as though made to the first named Assured.
The Company shall not be liable for loss sustained by one Assured to the advantage of any other Assured.
3 . Notice To Company Of Legal Proceedings Against Assured - Election To Defend
The Assured shall promptly give notice to the Company of any legal proceeding brought to determine the
Assured's liability for any loss, claim or damage which, if established, would constitute a collectible loss
under this Bond. Concurrent with such notice, and as requested thereafter, the Assured shall furnish
copies of all pleadings and pertinent papers to the Company.
The Company may, at its sole option, elect to conduct the defense of all or part of such legal proceeding.
The defense by the Company shall be in the name of the Assured through attorneys selected by the
Company. The Assured shall provide all reasonable information and assistance as required by the
Company for such defense.

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Financial Institution Bond
For Investment Companies
If the Company elects to defend all or part of any legal proceeding, the court costs and attorneys' fees
incurred by the Company and any settlement or judgment on that part defended by the Company shall be
a loss under the applicable Insuring Clause of this Bond. In addition, if the amount demanded in the legal
proceeding is greater than the amount recoverable under this Bond, or if a Deductible Amount is applicable,
or both, the Company's liability for court costs and attorneys' fees incurred in defending all or part of such
legal proceeding is limited to the proportion of such court costs and attorneys' fees incurred that the amount
recoverable under this Bond bears to the total of the amount demanded in such legal proceeding.
If the Company declines to defend the Assured, no settlement without the prior written consent of the
Company or judgment against the Assured shall determine the existence, extent or amount of coverage
under this Bond, and the Company shall not be liable for any costs, fees and expenses incurred by the
4 . Representations Made By Assured
The Assured represents that all information it has furnished in the Application for this Bond or otherwise
is complete, true and correct. Such Application and other information constitute part of this Bond. Any
intentional misrepresentation, omission, concealment or incorrect statement of a material fact, in the
Application or otherwise, shall be grounds for rescission of this Bond.
As used in this Bond:
Acceptance means a draft which the drawee has, by signature written on it, engaged to honor as presented.
Assured means:
(1 ) the Investment Company listed under Name of Assured in the Declarations (the "first named
Assured"); or
(2 ) any other Investment Company listed in the Application.
Assured does not include any entity or organization that is not an Investment Company.
Assured's Network means:
(1 ) the Assured's Computer System; or
(2 ) an Electronic Communication System.
Audit Expenses means reasonable expenses incurred by the Assured with the Company's prior written
consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, for audits or examinations required by any
governmental regulatory authority or self-regulatory organization to be conducted by such authority,
organization, or their appointee. Audit Expense shall not include the Assured's internal corporate costs
(such as salaries), attorneys' fees, or expenses incurred by any customer.
Certificate of Deposit means an acknowledgment in writing by a financial institution of receipt of
Money with an engagement to repay it.
Certificated Security means a share, participation or other interest in property of the issuer, or an
enterprise of the issuer, or an obligation of the issuer, which is:
(1 ) represented by an instrument issued in bearer or registered form;
(2 ) of a type commonly dealt in on securities exchanges or markets or commonly recognized in any area in
which it is issued or dealt in as a medium for investment; and
(3 ) either one of a class or series or by its terms divisible into a class or series of shares, participations,
interests or obligations.

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Financial Institution Bond
For Investment Companies
Claims Expenses means reasonable expenses incurred by the Assured with the Company's prior written
consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, solely for independent firms or individuals retained to
determine the amount of a covered loss. Claims Expenses shall not include the Assured's internal
corporate costs (such as salaries), attorneys' fees, or expenses incurred by any customer.
Computer System means a device or group of devices and all input, output, processing, storage, off-line
media libraries (including third-party hosted computing services accessed across the internet, including
infrastructure, platform, and software services), and communication facilities, including related
communications networks, which are connected directly or indirectly to such device or group of devices.
Counterfeit Original means an imitation of an actual valid Original which is intended to deceive and
be taken as the Original.
Cryptocurrency means a digital or electronic medium of exchange, operating independently of a central
bank, in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units and to verify the transfer
of such units.
Custodian means the institution designated by an Assured to maintain possession and control of its
Customer means any shareholder of an Assured which has a written agreement with the Assured to
transfer such shareholder's Money or Securities through a Voice Initiated Funds Transfer
Customer Communication System means an:
(1 ) online portal or mobile application provided by the Assured for purposes of accessing a Customer's
account; or
(2 ) electronic mailing system hosted by the Assured or by a third party cloud service provider.
Director means any natural person duly elected or appointed:
(1 ) as an officer of the Assured;
(2 ) to the Assured's board of directors; or
(3 ) as a trustee of the Assured.
Electronic Communication System means:
(1 ) Fedwire, Clearing House Interbank Payment System (CHIPS), Society for Worldwide Interbank
Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), and similar automated interbank communication systems in
which the Assured participates;
(2 ) Customer Communication System; or
(3 ) any communication system similar to those set forth in (1) and (2) of this definition in which the
Assured participates,
allowing for the input, output, examination, or transfer of electronic instructions into or from the
Assured's Computer System.
Employee means any natural person:
(1 ) while in the regular service of an Assured in the ordinary course of such Assured's business, whom
such Assured compensates directly by salary or wage and has the right to control and direct in the
performance of such service;
(2 ) Director while in the regular service of an Assured in the ordinary course of such Assured's
business, or while acting as a member of any committee duly elected or appointed to examine or audit
or have custody of or access to Property of the Assured;
(3 ) intern while in the regular service of an Assured in the ordinary course of such Assured's business;

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Financial Institution Bond
For Investment Companies
(4 ) provided by an employment contractor while in the regular service of an Assured in the ordinary
course of such Assured's business under the Assured's supervision at any of the Assured's
(5 ) employee of the Assured's contracted:
a. investment advisor;
b. underwriter (distributor);
c. transfer agent;
d. shareholder accounting record-keeper; or
e. fund administrator,
while performing acts for the Assured in the capacity of an Employee;
(6 ) attorney of a law firm retained by the Assured while performing legal services for the Assured; or
(7 ) Processor, but only while such Processor is performing services and not:
a. creating, preparing, modifying, or maintaining the Assured's computer applications or software
programs; or
b. acting as a transfer agent or in any other agency capacity in issuing checks, drafts, or securities for
the Assured.
Each employer of persons as set forth in (6) and (7) of this definition and the partners, officers, and other
employees of such employers shall collectively be deemed to be one person for the purpose of the definition
of Single Loss and in the event of payment under this Bond, the Company shall be subrogated to the
Assured's rights of recovery, as stated in Section 12., Subrogation - Assignment - Recovery, of the
Conditions and Limitations, against any such employer.
Employee does not include:
(1 ) any employee of a fund administrator for any employee benefit plan; or
(2 ) any employee of a transfer agent, shareholder accounting record-keeper, or fund administrator which
a. not an "affiliated person" (as defined in Section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940) of an
Assured or of the investment advisor or underwriter (distributor) of such Assured; or
b. a "bank" (as defined in Section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940).
Evidence of Debt means an instrument, including a Negotiable Instrument, executed by a Customer
and held by the Assured, which in the regular course of business is treated as evidencing the Customer's
debt to the Assured.
Forgery means:
(1 ) affixing the handwritten signature, or a reproduction of the handwritten signature, of another natural
person without authorization and with the intent to deceive; or
(2 ) affixing the name of an organization as an endorsement to a check without authority and with the intent
to deceive,
provided that a signature which consists in whole or in part of one's own name signed with or without
authority, in any capacity, for any purpose is not a Forgery.
Initial Transaction Statement means the first written statement signed by or on behalf of the issuer of
an Uncertificated Security sent to the registered owner or registered pledgee containing:

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(1 ) a description of the issue of which the Uncertificated Security is a part;
(2 ) the number of shares or units transferred to the registered owner, pledged by the registered owner to
the registered pledgee, or released from pledge by the registered pledgee;
(3 ) the name, address and taxpayer identification number, if any, of the registered owner and registered
pledgee; and
(4 ) the date the transfer, pledge or release was registered.
Instruction means a written order to the issuer of an Uncertificated Security requesting that the
transfer, pledge or release from pledge of the specified Uncertificated Security be registered.
Investment Company means any entity registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
Items of Deposit means one or more checks or drafts drawn upon a financial institution in the United
States of America.
Larceny or Embezzlement means larceny and embezzlement as defined under Section 37 of the
Investment Company Act of 1940.
Letter of Credit means an engagement in writing by a bank or other person made at the request of a
customer that the bank or other person will honor drafts or other demands for payment in compliance with
the conditions specified in the engagement.
Money means a medium of exchange in current use authorized or adopted by a domestic or foreign
government as part of its currency.
Negotiable Instrument means any writing:
(1 ) signed by the maker or drawer;
(2 ) containing an unconditional promise or order to pay a sum certain in Money and no other promise,
order, obligation or power given by the maker or drawer;
(3 ) payable on demand or at a definite time; and
(4 ) payable to order or bearer.
Negotiable Instrument includes a substitute check as defined in the Check Clearing for the 21st Century
Act, and shall be treated the same as the Original it replaced.
Network Intrusion means the:
(1 ) unauthorized access; or
(2 ) entry of an unauthorized application or software program,
into the Assured's Network, by any entity or natural person, except an Employee or any authorized
representative of the Assured.
Original means the first rendering or archetype and does not include photocopies or electronic
transmissions even if received and printed.
Processor means an employee of any entity authorized by the Assured to perform data processing of the
Assured's checks and accounting records related to such checks. Processor does not include any
employee of a Federal Reserve Bank or clearing house.
Property means Money; Securities; Initial Transaction Statement; Negotiable Instrument;
Certificate of Deposit; Acceptance; Evidence of Debt; Withdrawal Order; Letter of Credit;
insurance policy; abstract of title, deed and mortgage on real estate; revenue and other stamps; precious
metals in any form; and books of accounts and other Written records, but not electronic data processing
records or media.
Property does not include electronic data or Cryptocurrency.

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Securities means either Certificated Securities or Uncertificated Securities.
Single Loss means all covered loss, court costs, and attorneys' fees resulting from:
(1 ) any one act of burglary, robbery or attempt at either, in which no Employee is implicated;
(2 ) any one act or series of related acts on the part of any natural person resulting in the damage,
destruction, or misplacement of Property;
(3 ) all acts other than those specified in (1) and (2) of this definition, caused by any natural person or in
which such natural person is implicated; or
(4 ) any one event not specified in (1), (2) or (3) of this definition.
Transportation Company means any organization which provides its own or its leased vehicles for
transportation or which provides freight forwarding or air express services.
Uncertificated Security means a share, participation or other interest in property of the issuer, or an
enterprise of the issuer, or an obligation of the issuer, which is:
(1 ) not represented by an instrument and the transfer of which is registered on books maintained for that
purpose by or on behalf of the issuer;
(2 ) of a type commonly dealt in on securities exchanges or markets; and
(3 ) either one of a class or series or by its terms divisible into a class or series of shares, participations,
interests or obligations.
Voice Initiated Funds Transfer Instruction means those oral instructions which authorize the
transfer of Money in a Customer's account, or of a Customer's Securities, and which are:
(1 ) made over a telecommunications device; and
(2 ) directed to those natural persons specifically authorized to receive such instructions by such
telecommunications device.
Withdrawal Order means a non-negotiable instrument, other than an Instruction, signed by a
Customer authorizing the Assured to debit the Customer's account in the amount of funds stated
Written means expressed through letters or marks placed upon paper and visible to the eye.
For the purposes of these definitions, the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular,
unless otherwise indicated.
1 . General Exclusions - Applicable To All Insuring Clauses
This Bond does not cover loss resulting directly or indirectly from:
a. riot or civil commotion outside the United States of America and Canada, or any loss due to military,
naval or usurped power, war or insurrection. This Exclusion 1.a., however, shall not apply to loss which
occurs in transit in the circumstances recited in Insuring Clause 3, provided that when such transit was
initiated there was no knowledge on the part of any person acting for the Assured of such riot, civil
commotion, military, naval or usurped power, war or insurrection;
b. the effects of nuclear fission or fusion, radioactivity, or chemical or biological contamination;
c. the loss of potential income. This Exclusion 1.c., however, shall not apply to interest and dividends
accrued to the benefit of the Assured or any Customer prior to the discovery of a covered loss,
whether or not such accrued interest or dividends have been paid into the account of such Assured or
Customer as of the discovery of such covered loss;

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d. damages of any type for which the Assured is legally liable, except compensatory damages, but not
multiples thereof, arising from a loss covered under this Bond;
e. all costs, fees and expenses incurred by the Assured:
(1 ) in establishing the existence of or amount of loss covered under this Bond, except for loss covered
under Insuring Clause 8 or 9; or
(2 ) as a party to any legal proceeding, even if such legal proceeding results in a loss covered by this
f. indirect or consequential loss of any nature, except for loss covered under Insuring Clause 8 or 9. This
Exclusion 1.f., however, shall not apply to interest and dividends accrued to the benefit of the Assured
or any Customer prior to the discovery of a covered loss, whether or not such accrued interest or
dividends have been paid into the account of such Assured or Customer as of the discovery of such
covered loss;
g. any violation by the Assured or by any Employee:
(1 ) of any law regulating:
i. the issuance, purchase or sale of securities;
ii. securities transactions on security or commodity exchanges or the over the counter market;
iii. investment companies; or
iv. investment advisors; or
(2 ) of any rule or regulation made pursuant to any such law;
h. the loss or disclosure of confidential information, material or data, while in the care, custody or control
of the Assured, including but not limited to patents, trade secrets, processing methods, customer lists,
financial information, credit card information, health information, retirement or health savings
account information, or any similar type of non-public information. This Exclusion 1.h., however, shall
not apply when such information, material or data is used to support or facilitate the commission of
any act otherwise covered under this Bond;
i. fees, costs, fines, penalties or any other expenses incurred by an Assured which result, directly or
indirectly, from the access to or disclosure of an Assured's or another entity's or person's confidential
or personal information, including but not limited to patents, trade secrets, processing methods,
customer lists, financial information, credit card information, health information, retirement or health
savings account information, or any similar type of non-public information;
j. liability resulting from disclosure of or acting on material nonpublic information;
k. liability assumed by the Assured by agreement under any contract, unless loss under this Bond would
be covered in the absence of such agreement;
l. the dishonest acts of any Director who is not an Employee, acting alone or in collusion with others;
m. any modification, damage, destruction, deletion, or corruption of any application or software program
within the Assured's Network, except for loss covered under Insuring Clause 7;
n. a threat or series of threats to:
(1 ) gain access to the Assured's Computer System and sell or disclose confidential information
stored within the Assured's Computer System; or
(2 ) modify, damage, destroy, delete, or corrupt any application or software program within the
Assured's Computer System;
o. costs or expenses of any independent forensic analysts or network security consultants engaged to
investigate or assess any actual or alleged threat;

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p. costs or expenses incurred to identify or remediate application or software program errors or
vulnerabilities, or costs to update, replace, restore, upgrade, maintain, or improve a Computer
q. costs or expenses incurred to replace, restore, recreate, collect, or recover any application or software
program; or
r. Cryptocurrency.
2 . Specific Exclusions - Applicable To All Insuring Clauses Except Insuring Clause 1
This Bond does not cover loss resulting directly or indirectly from:
a. the acts of an Employee, except for loss covered under:
(1 ) Insuring Clause 2 or 3 which results directly from misplacement, mysterious unexplainable
disappearance, or damage or destruction of Property; or
(2 ) Insuring Clause 11;
b. the surrender of a ransom or extortion payment away from the Assured's premises as a result of a
threat to do bodily harm to any person, or to do damage to the premises or Property of the Assured,
except for loss covered under Insuring Clause 3.b.;
c. payments made or withdrawals from any account involving erroneous credits to such account, unless
such payments or withdrawals are physically received by such depositor or representative of such
depositor who is within the premises of the Assured at the time of such payment or withdrawal;
d. any Uncertificated Security, except for loss covered under Insuring Clause 7;
e. the loss of Property while:
(1 ) in the mail;
(2 ) in the custody of a Transportation Company, except for loss covered under Insuring Clause 3;
(3 ) located on the premises of an armored motor vehicle operator;
f. damages resulting from any civil, criminal or other legal proceeding in which the Assured is
adjudicated to have engaged in Racketeering activity;
g. the failure for any reason of a financial or depository institution, its receiver or other liquidator to pay
or deliver funds or Property to the Assured, except for loss of Securities covered under Insuring
Clause 2;
h. instructions issued by a Customer to the Assured when such instructions are made, sent, or
originated by a natural person authorized by the Customer to make, send, or originate any
i. the use of credit, debit, charge, access, convenience, identification, cash management, or other cards
whether such cards were issued, or purport to have been issued, by the Assured or by any entity other
than the Assured;
j. Items of Deposit which are not finally paid for any reason including, but not limited to, Forgery or
any other fraud, except for loss covered under Insuring Clause 10;
k. the acts of any agent, broker, factor, commission merchant, independent contractor, intermediary,
finder, or other representative of the same general character of the Assured; or
l. the acts of any employee, agent, broker, factor, commission merchant, independent contractor,
intermediary, finder, or other representative of the same general character of any third party, while
conducting business with the Assured on behalf of such third party.

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3 . Specific Exclusions - Applicable To All Insuring Clauses Except Insuring Clauses 1, 4, and 5
This Bond does not cover loss resulting directly or indirectly from:
a. the complete or partial non-payment of or default on any loan whether such loan was procured in good
faith or through trick, artifice, fraud, or false pretenses, except for loss covered under Insuring Clause
7 ;
b. any Forgery or any alteration, except for loss covered under Insuring Clause 7; or
c. any counterfeit, except for loss covered under Insuring Clause 6.
4 . Specific Exclusions - Applicable To Insuring Clause 7
This Bond does not cover loss resulting directly or indirectly from:
a. any transfer, payment, or delivery of Money or Securities:
(1 ) authorized by an Employee; or
(2 ) arising out of any misrepresentation received by any Employee, agent, broker, factor, commission
merchant, independent contractor, intermediary, finder, or other representative of the same
general character of the Assured,
whether such transfer, payment, or delivery was made in good faith or as a result of trick, artifice, fraud,
or false pretenses;
b. forged, altered or fraudulent Negotiable Instruments, Securities, documents or written
instruments used as source documentation for input into a Computer System;
c. any investment in Securities, or ownership in any corporation, partnership, real property, commodity
or similar instrument, whether or not such investment is genuine or fraudulent;
d. mechanical failure, faulty construction, error in design, latent defect, wear and tear, gradual
deterioration, electrical disturbance, the Assured's Network failure or breakdown, any malfunction
or error in programming, or error or omission in processing;
e. entries or changes made by a natural person with authorized access to the Assured's Network who
acts in good faith on instructions, unless such instructions are given to that person by a software
contractor or its partner, officer, or employee authorized to design, develop, prepare, supply, service,
write or implement programs for the Assured's Network; or
f. entries or changes made at an Electronic Funds Transfer System or a Customer
Communication System by a:
(1 ) Customer; or
(2 ) natural person with authorized access to the Customer's authentication credentials or
5 . Specific Exclusions - Applicable To Insuring Clause 11
This Bond does not cover loss resulting directly or indirectly from any Voice Initiated Transfer
Instruction from a:
(1 ) Customer; or
(2 ) natural person with authorized access to the Customer's verification credentials or mechanism.

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For Investment Companies
1 . Anti-Bundling
If any Insuring Clause requires that an enumerated type of document be fraudulently materially altered or
a Counterfeit Original, or contain a signature which is a Forgery or obtained through trick, artifice,
fraud, or false pretenses, the material alteration or Counterfeit Original or fraudulent signature must be
on or of the enumerated document itself not on or of some other document submitted with, accompanying
or incorporated by reference into the enumerated document.
2 . Change Or Modification
No change in or modification of this Bond shall be effective except when made by written endorsement to
this Bond signed by an authorized representative of the Company.
If this Bond is for a sole Assured, no change or modification which would adversely affect the rights of the
Assured shall be effective prior to sixty (60) days after written notice has been furnished by the acting
party to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
If this Bond is for joint Assureds, no change or modification which would adversely affect the rights of any
Assured shall be effective prior to sixty (60) days after written notice has been furnished by the Company
to all Assureds and to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
3 . Conformity
If any time period limitation within this Bond is prohibited by any law controlling this Bond's construction,
such limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as to equal the minimum period of limitation provided
by such law.
4 . Cooperation Of Assured
At the Company's request and at reasonable times and places designated by the Company, the Assured
a. submit to examination by the Company and subscribe to the same under oath;
b. produce for the Company's examination all pertinent records; and
c. cooperate with the Company in all matters pertaining to the loss.
The Assured shall execute all papers and render all assistance to secure to the Company the rights and
causes of action provided for under this Bond. The Assured shall do nothing after discovery of any loss to
prejudice such rights or causes of action.
5 . Covered Property
This Bond shall apply to loss of Property:
a. owned by the Assured;
b. held by the Assured in any capacity; or
c. for which the Assured is legally liable.
This Bond shall be for the sole use and benefit of the Assured.
6 . Deductible Amount
The Company shall be liable under this Bond only for the amount by which any Single Loss is greater than
the applicable Deductible Amount as stated in Item 2 of the Declarations.
There shall be no deductible applicable to any loss sustained by any Assured and covered under Insuring
Clause 1.

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7 . Discovery
This Bond applies only to loss first discovered by a Director during the Bond Period. Discovery occurs at
the earlier of a Director learning of:
a. facts which may subsequently result in a loss of a type covered by this Bond; or
b. an actual or potential claim in which it is alleged that the Assured is liable to a third party,
regardless of when the act or acts causing or contributing to such loss occurred, even though the amount of
loss does not exceed the applicable Deductible Amount, or the exact amount or details of loss may not then
be known.
8 . Limit Of Liability
The payment of any loss under this Bond shall not reduce the liability of the Company for other losses
whenever sustained, provided that:
a. the Company's liability for each Single Loss shall not exceed the applicable Single Loss Limit Of
Liability as stated in Item 2 of the Declarations or as set forth under General Agreement 1, and shall not
be cumulative in amounts from year to year or from Bond Period to Bond Period;
b. if a Single Loss is covered under more than one Insuring Clause, the maximum payable shall not
exceed the largest applicable Single Loss Limit Of Liability; and
c. the Company's liability for loss or losses sustained by more than one Assureds, or all Assureds, shall
not exceed the total amount for which the Company would be liable under this Bond if such loss or
losses were sustained by any one Assured.
9 . Notice To Company - Proof - Legal Proceedings Against Company
a. The Assured shall give the Company notice at the earliest practicable moment, not to exceed sixty (60)
days after discovery of a loss, in an amount that is in excess of 50% of the applicable Deductible Amount,
as stated in Item 2 of the Declarations.
b. The Assured shall furnish to the Company proof of loss, duly sworn to, with full particulars, within six
(6) months after such discovery.
c. Certificated Securities listed in a proof of loss shall be identified by certificate or bond numbers, if
issued with them.
d. Legal proceedings for the recovery of any loss under this Bond shall not be brought prior to the
expiration of sixty (60) days after the proof of loss is filed with the Company or after the expiration of
twenty-four (24) months from the discovery of such loss.
e. This Bond affords coverage only in favor of the Assured. No claim, suit, action or legal proceeding
shall be brought under the Bond by anyone other than the Assured.
f. All such notices shall be given in writing to one of the following addresses:
(1 ) [email protected]; or
(2 ) Attn: Chubb Claims Department
P.O. Box 5122
Scranton, PA 18505
g. All other notices to the Company under this Bond shall be given in writing to the following address:
(1 ) [email protected]; or

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(2 ) Attn: Chubb Underwriting Department
202B Hall's Mill Road
Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889
All notices described above shall be effective on the date of receipt by the Company.
10 . Other Insurance
a. Coverage under this Bond shall apply only as excess over any other valid and collectible insurance,
indemnity or suretyship obtained by or on behalf of:
(1 ) the Assured;
(2 ) a Transportation Company; or
(3 ) another entity on whose premises the loss occurred or which employed the person causing the loss
or engaged the messenger conveying the Property involved.
b. Solely with respect to Insuring Clause 7, in the event of a loss covered under this Bond and also covered
under other valid and collectible insurance issued by the Company, or a parent, subsidiary or affiliate
of the Company to the Assured, the Single Loss Limit Of Liability under this Bond shall be reduced by
any payment under any other such valid and collectible insurance and only the remainder, if any, shall
be applicable to such loss covered hereunder.
11 . Securities Settlement
In the event of a loss of Securities covered under this Bond, the Company may, at its sole discretion,
purchase replacement Securities, tender the value of the Securities in Money, or issue its indemnity to
effect replacement Securities.
The indemnity required from the Assured under the terms of this Section against all loss, cost or expense
arising from the replacement of Securities by the Company's indemnity shall be:
a. for Securities having a value less than or equal to the applicable Deductible Amount - one hundred
(100%) percent;
b. for Securities having a value in excess of the applicable Deductible Amount but within the Single Loss
Limit Of Liability - the percentage that the Deductible Amount bears to the value of the Securities;
c. for Securities having a value greater than the applicable Single Loss Limit Of Liability - the percentage
that the Deductible Amount and portion in excess of the Single Loss Limit Of Liability bears to the value
of the Securities.
The value referred to in Sections 11.a., b., and c. is the value in accordance with Section 14., Valuation,
regardless of the value of such Securities at the time the loss under the Company's indemnity is sustained.
The Company is not required to issue its indemnity for any portion of a loss of Securities which is not
covered by this Bond, however, the Company may do so as a courtesy to the Assured in its sole discretion.
The Assured shall pay the proportion of the Company's premium charge for the Company's indemnity as
set forth in Sections 11.a., b., and c. No portion of the Single Loss Limit Of Liability shall be used as payment
of premium for any indemnity purchased by the Assured to obtain replacement Securities.
12 . Subrogation - Assignment - Recovery
In the event of a payment under this Bond, the Company shall be subrogated to all of the Assured's rights
of recovery against any person or entity to the extent of such payment. On request, the Assured shall
deliver to the Company an assignment of the Assured's rights, title and interest and causes of action
against any person or entity to the extent of such payment.

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Recoveries, whether effected by the Company or by the Assured, shall be applied net of the expense of
such recovery, in the following order:
a. first, to the satisfaction of the Assured's covered loss which would otherwise have been paid but for
the fact that it is in excess of the Single Loss Limit Of Liability;
b. second, to the Company in satisfaction of amounts paid in settlement of the Assured's claim;
c. third, to the Assured in satisfaction of the applicable Deductible Amount; and
d. fourth, to the Assured in satisfaction of any loss suffered by the Assured which was not covered under
this Bond.
Recovery from reinsurance or indemnity of the Company shall not be deemed a recovery under this Section.
13 . Termination
a. If the Bond is for a sole Assured, it shall not be terminated unless written notice shall have been given
by the acting party to the affected party and to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission not less
than sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of such termination.
b. If the Bond is for a joint Assured, it shall not be terminated unless written notice shall have been given
by the acting party to the affected party, and by the Company to all Assureds and to the U.S. Securities
and Exchange Commission, not less than sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of such termination.
c. If any Director, not acting in collusion with an Employee, discovers any dishonest or fraudulent act
committed by such Employee, whether in the employment of the Assured or otherwise, and whether
against the Assured or any other person or entity, the Assured:
i. shall immediately remove such Employee from a position that would enable such Employee to
cause the Assured to suffer a loss covered by this Bond; and
ii. within forty-eight (48) hours of discovering an Employee has committed any dishonest or
fraudulent act, shall notify the Company of such action and provide full particulars of such
dishonest or fraudulent act.
d. This Bond terminates as to any Employee sixty (60) days after receipt by each Assured and the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission of written notice from the Company of its decision to terminate
this Bond as to any Employee.
14 . Valuation
a. Books Of Account Or Other Records
The value of any loss of Property consisting of books of account or other records used by the Assured
in the conduct of its business shall be the amount paid by the Assured for blank books, blank pages,
or other materials which replace the lost books of account or other records, plus the cost of labor paid
by the Assured for the actual transcription or copying of data to reproduce such books of account or
other records.
b. Money
Any loss of Money, or loss payable in Money, shall be paid in the Money of the United States of
America or the dollar equivalent of it, determined by the free market rate of exchange in effect at the
time of discovery of such loss.
c. Other Property
The value of any loss of Property, except as otherwise provided for in this Section 14., shall be the
actual cash value or the cost of repairing or replacing such Property with Property of like quality and
value, whichever is less.

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For Investment Companies
d. Securities
The value of any loss of Securities shall be the average market value of such Securities on the
business day immediately preceding discovery of such loss, provided that the value of any Securities
replaced by the Assured, with the consent of the Company and prior to the settlement of any claim for
them, shall be the actual market value at the time of replacement. In the case of a loss of interim
certificates, warrants, rights or other Securities, the production of which is necessary to the exercise
of subscription, conversion, redemption or deposit privileges, the value of them shall be the market
value of such privileges immediately preceding their expiration if the loss is not discovered until after
their expiration. If no market price is quoted for such Securities or for such privileges, the value shall
be fixed by agreement of the parties.
This Bond does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions law or other similar laws or
regulations prohibit the Company from providing insurance.

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Named Assured Endorsement Number
Bond Number Bond Period Effective Date of Endorsement
J06040408 09-01-2024 to 09-01-2025 September 1, 2024
Issued By
Federal Insurance Company
In consideration of the premium charged, it is agreed that in the event of a loss covered under this Bond and also
covered under Federal Insurance Company's Policy # J06039947 and J06057470, the Single Loss Limit of
Liability under this Bond shall be reduced by any payment under Policy # J06039947 and J06057470 and only
the remainder, if any, shall be applicable to such loss covered hereunder.
The title and any headings in this endorsement/rider are solely for convenience and form no part of the terms and
conditions of coverage.
All other terms, conditions and limitations of this Bond shall remain unchanged

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Named Assured Endorsement Number
Bond Number Bond Period Effective Date of Endorsement
J06040408 09-01-2024 to 09-01-2025 September 1, 2024
Issued By
Federal Insurance Company
This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:
In consideration of the premium charged, it is agreed that Conditions and Limitations 13., Termination, is
amended to include the following:
e. Except for termination described in Section 13.a and b., no termination of this Bond as an entirety by the
Company shall take effect prior to the expiration of ninety 90 days after written notice of such termination has
been mailed to:
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
1735 K. Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20006
If this Bond terminates as an entirety based on the occurrence of any of the events described in Section 13.a.
and b., the Company shall endeavor to provide written notice as soon as practicable of such termination to:
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
1735 K. Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20006
The title and any headings in this endorsement/rider are solely for convenience and form no part of the terms and
conditions of coverage.
All other terms, conditions and limitations of this Bond shall remain unchanged.

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Named Assured Endorsement Number
Bond Number Bond Period Effective Date of Endorsement
J06040408 09-01-2024 to 09-01-2025 09-01-2024
Issued By
Federal Insurance Company
This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:
In consideration of the premium charged, it is agreed that:
(1) In addition to the first named Assured, the Investment Company(ies) scheduled in Paragraph (2) of this
Endorsement is/are the other Assured(s) under this Bond.
(2) Schedule of Other Assureds:
Harbor Capital Appreciation Fund
Harbor Disruptive Innovation Fund
Harbor Large Cap Value Fund
Harbor Mid Cap Fund
Harbor Mid Cap Value Fund
Harbor Small Cap Growth Fund
Harbor Small Cap Value Fund
Harbor Diversified International All Cap Fund
Harbor International Fund
Harbor International Core Fund
Harbor International Growth Fund
Harbor International Small Cap Fund
Harbor Core Plus Fund
Harbor Convertible Securities Fund
Harbor Core Bond Fund
Embark Commodity Strategy Fund
Embark Small Cap Equity Fund
Harbor Commodity All-Weather Strategy ETF
Harbor Energy Transition Strategy ETF
Harbor Dividend Growth Leaders ETF
Harbor Long-Term Growers ETF
Harbor Scientific Alpha Income ETF
Harbor Scientific Alpha High-Yield ETF
Harbor International Compounders ETF

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Harbor Long-Short Equity ETF
Harbor Human Capital Factor Unconstrained ETF
Harbor Human Capital Factor US Large Cap ETF
Harbor Human Capital Factor US Small Cap ETF
Harbor Disruptive Innovation ETF
Harbor Health Care ETF
Harbor Multi-Asset Explorer ETF
Harbor International Compounders Fund
Harbor Disciplined Bond ETF
Harbor Group Trust for Defined Benefit Plans
Harbor Collective Investment Trust
Robeco Collective Investment Trust
Harbor Cayman Inflation Focus Ltd
Harbor Cayman Energy Transition Ltd
Harbor AlphaEdge Small Cap Explorer ETF
Harbor Active Small Cap ETF
The title and any headings in this endorsement/rider are solely for convenience and form no part of the terms and
conditions of coverage.
All other terms, conditions and limitations of this Bond shall remain unchanged.

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I, Meredyth A. Whitford-Schultz, hereby certify that I am the duly elected and acting Secretary of Harbor Funds, Harbor Funds II and Harbor ETF Trust (each, a "Trust" and each series thereunder a "Fund"), each a Delaware statutory trust, and that the following is a true, correct and complete copy of the resolutions adopted by the unanimous vote of the trustees of each Trust (including those trustees who are not "interested persons" of such Trust, as that term is defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940) at a board meeting held on August 7-9, 2024.

RESOLVED, that upon due consideration of all relevant factors, including, but not limited to, the value of the aggregate assets of each Trust and each Fund to which any Covered Person (which for the purpose of these resolutions shall mean each officer and employee of the Trusts, Harbor Capital Advisors, Inc., Harbor Services Group, Inc., and Harbor Funds Distributors, Inc., who may singly or jointly with others, have access to securities or funds of the Trusts, either directly or through authority to draw upon such funds or to direct generally the disposition of such securities of a Trust) may have access, the type and terms of the arrangements made for the custody and safekeeping of such assets and the nature of the portfolio securities of each Trust, the form of the Fidelity Bond (the "Bond") presented to this meeting, and the amount thereof, namely coverage up to $7,500,000 for any larceny or embezzlement committed by any Covered Person, are determined to be reasonable and are hereby approved.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that taking into consideration all relevant factors, including, but not limited to, the amount of the Bond and the amount of $31,248 representing the total premium for the Bond of which Harbor Funds, Harbor Funds II and Harbor ETF Trust will pay $15,493, $1,853 and $6,091, respectively, for the period September 1, 2024 to September 1, 2025 payable for coverage as described in the preceding resolution, the premium hereby is approved, and the payment of the premium by any officer of each Trust be, and it hereby is, approved.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary, Treasurer or Assistant Secretary of each Trust be, and each hereby is, designated as an officer directed to make the filings and file the notices required of the Trust by Rule 17g-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Joint Fidelity Bond Agreement, substantially in the form presented at this meeting, be and hereby is approved.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this certification effective October 1, 2024.

/s/ Meredyth A. Whitford-Schultz

Meredyth A. Whitford-Schultz


Harbor Funds, Harbor Funds II and Harbor ETF Trust

525 W Monroe Street, Suite 700

Telephone (312) 775-3100  

Chicago, IL 60661

Facsimile (312) 775-7892

August 8, 2024

Meredith Dykstra

Harbor Capital Advisors, Inc.

111 S Wacker Drive Ste 3400

Chicago, Illinois 60606

Subject: Harbor Capital Advisors, Inc.

Policy Type

Policy Number


Underwriting Company


Date J06040408

09/01/2024 Federal Insurance Company

Dear Meredith:

The premium allocation "Schedule A" that you provided for the 2024/2025 term using the asset size of the funds appears to be fair and reasonable. The allocation of premiums among the funds is based upon the asset size of each fund relative to the total.

I am hereby confirming that the share of total premium for the Bond and D&O/E&O coverage allocated to each investment company insured is less than such company would pay if it purchased separate bond and professional liability policies from Federal Insurance Company.


Kevin Wieszcholek

Vice President - Financial Institutions, North America Financial Lines



This Agreement is dated and effective as of September 1, 2024, by and among the following parties: Harbor Funds, Harbor Funds II, Harbor ETF Trust, Harbor Capital Advisors, Inc., Harbor Funds Distributors, Inc. and Harbor Services Group, Inc.

WHEREAS, the parties hereto are parties to a joint fidelity bond issued by the Federal Insurance Company, a subsidiary of the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenant and premises hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:


The annual premium allocations as set forth herein relating to the premium paid the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies for fidelity bond coverage is fair and reasonable:


Harbor Funds

49.58 %

Harbor Funds II

5.93 %

Harbor ETF Trust

19.49 %

Harbor Capital Advisors, Inc.

20.00 %

Harbor Funds Distributors, Inc.

0.00 %

Harbor Services Group, Inc.

5.00 %

In the event recovery is received under the bond as a result of a loss sustained by Harbor Funds, Harbor Funds II and/or Harbor ETF Trust and one or more other named insureds, Harbor Funds, Harbor Funds II and/or Harbor ETF Trust, as applicable shall receive an equitable and proportionate share of the recovery, but at least equal to the amount which it would have received had it provided and maintained a single insured bond with the minimum coverage required by Rule 17g-1(d)(1) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.


/s/ Diana R. Podgorny

/s/ Charles F. McCain

Diana R. Podgorny Charles F. McCain
Chief Legal Officer and Chief Compliance Officer Chief Executive Officer

/s/ Diana R. Podgorny

/s/ Gregg M. Boland

Diana R. Podgorny Gregg M. Boland
Chief Legal Officer and Chief Compliance Officer President

/s/ Diana R. Podgorny

/s/ Diana R. Podgorny

Diana R. Podgorny Diana R. Podgorny
Chief Legal Officer and Chief Compliance Officer Executive Vice President