NRCC - National Republican Congressional Committee

09/17/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 09:05

Amish Shah backed Bernie Sanders for president at Socialists event

Amish Shah backed Bernie Sanders for president at Socialists event

September 17, 2024

Amish Shah was a featured speaker at a Bernie Sanders for President town hall hosted by the Phoenix Democrat Socialists of America, a new investigation uncovered.

Footage of Shah backing Sanders and his extreme socialist government takeover of health careis sure to be a major liability in the fiscally-conservative first district. The Sanders-Shah socialist scheme would rip away Arizonans' private coverage, endanger their access to their doctors, skyrocket middle-class taxes and force long wait lists.

In case you missed it…

NOTE: "Amish Shah has been caught red-handed endorsing Bernie Sanders for president at a Phoenix Socialists event. Arizonans will reject this Bernie Bro hellbent on imposing his radical socialist agenda on them," said National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ben Petersen.

Arizona Democrat seeking to unseat GOP rep backed universal single-payer health care during Sanders town hall in resurfaced clip
New York Post
Cameron Arcand

The Democratic nominee in a close Arizona House race backed government-run universal health care during a 2019 town hall for then-presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, an archived video clip reveals.

"We have a system that is based on the free market, and there's a lot of things that are wrong with that," Amish Shah said at an event the Phoenix Democratic Socialists of America and the Progressive Democrats of America hosted in May 2019.

"No other industrialized country or first-world country offers health care through a free market because it's not really a system," Shah declared. To "take the problem and fix it, we need universal, single-payer Medicare for All throughout this country."

That would eliminate all private health insurance in America.

When The Post reached out to Shah's campaign to see if he still holds that stance, the candidate deflected.

"As a physician who has been practicing medicine for over 20 years, I know that there are advantages and disadvantages to every healthcare system. These are real people's lives, and the patients and voters I have spoken to do not appreciate the use of this topic as an opportunity for cynical political attacks," Shah told The Post.


Republicans say the clip closely ties Shah to Sanders.

"Amish Shah has been caught red-handed endorsing Bernie Sanders for president at a Phoenix Socialists event. Arizonans will reject this Bernie Bro hellbent on imposing his radical socialist agenda on them," said National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ben Petersen.

Read more here.