Dentons US LLP

07/25/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/25/2024 04:18

Ukraine’s Strategic Investment Council: Driving Economic Growth and Development

July 25, 2024

Chaired by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, Ukraine's Strategic Investment Council plays a pivotal role in shaping the nation's economic landscape. The Council's primary objective is to attract and facilitate strategic investments that drive sustainable economic growth and development.

Recent Developments

In a recent meeting, Prime Minister Shmyhal emphasized the importance of creating a favorable investment climate to attract foreign and domestic investors. The Council discussed various initiatives aimed at improving the regulatory framework, enhancing transparency and reducing bureaucratic hurdles. These measures are designed to make Ukraine a more attractive destination for strategic investments.

According to the Prime Minister: "It is crucial to have a unified mechanism for their prioritization and objective assessment. We are working on this right now. In September, we expect to approve the list of public investment projects for 2025 and submit it to our partners. Thus, in the conditions of limited financial resources, we will effectively allocate funds to get the best result for the state, for communities and for all Ukrainians."

Key Initiatives

  1. Public Investment Management (PIM) Roadmap: The Council has endorsed the PIM Roadmap, which outlines a comprehensive strategy for managing public investments. This roadmap aims to ensure that public funds are used efficiently and effectively, contributing to the country's long-term economic goals.
  2. Legislative reforms: The Council is actively working on legislative reforms to create a more predictable and stable investment environment. These reforms include amendments to existing laws and the introduction of new regulations that align with international best practices.
  3. Sector-specific strategies: The Council is also focusing on developing sector-specific strategies to attract investments in key areas, such as infrastructure, energy and technology. These strategies are tailored to address the unique challenges and opportunities within each sector.

Impact on Ukraine's Economy

The efforts of the Strategic Investment Council are expected to have a significant positive impact on the Ukrainian economy. By attracting strategic investments, the Council aims to create jobs, boost economic growth and enhance the country's global competitiveness. The Council's initiatives are also expected to foster innovation and drive sustainable development across various sectors.

Leading the charge to attract investment

Ukraine's Strategic Investment Council is at the forefront of the country's efforts to attract and manage strategic investments. Through its comprehensive approach, the Council is working to create a conducive environment for investors, thereby driving economic growth and development. As Ukraine continues to implement these initiatives, the country is poised to become a more attractive destination for strategic investments, contributing to its long-term prosperity.