Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Trust 2021-A

09/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 08:40

Asset Backed Issuer Distribution Report Form 10 D

Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Trust 2021-A
$82,000,000.00 0.13042% Motorcycle Contract Backed Notes, Class A-1
$243,000,000.00 0.22% Motorcycle Contract Backed Notes, Class A-2
$243,000,000.00 0.37% Motorcycle Contract Backed Notes, Class A-3
$63,580,000.00 0.53% Motorcycle Contract Backed Notes, Class A-4
Monthly Report
For the September 16, 2024 Distribution Date

Capitalized terms are defined in the Sale and Servicing Agreement dated as of February 1, 2021, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission as Exhibit 10.2 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed on February 18, 2021
Beginning of Due Period 08/01/2024
End of Due Period 08/31/2024
Determination Date 09/06/2024
Record Date 09/13/2024
Distribution Date 09/16/2024
LIBOR Determination Date
LIBOR as of the LIBOR Determination Date
Number of days in Interest Period (ACT/360 basis) 32
Number of days in Interest Period (30/360 basis) 30

Number of

Closing Date
Pool Balance
Initial Contracts 37,093 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 $663,098,029.08
Subsequent Contracts N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 37,093 $663,098,029.08
Aggregate Principal Balance at beginning of Due Period $87,685,573.01
Monthly principal amounts
Principal collections on Contracts 5,614,600.90
Balance of Contracts liquidated during Due Period 104,157.71
Balance of Contracts purchased by Seller or Servicer during Due Period -
Other adjustments 223.84
Decline in Aggregate Principal Balance 5,718,982.45
Aggregate Principal Balance at end of Due Period $81,966,590.56
Pool factor 0.1236116


Class A-1 Class A-2 Class A-3 Class A-4 Total
Original Note balance $82,000,000.00 $243,000,000.00 $243,000,000.00 $63,580,000.00 $631,580,000.00
Note balance as of prior Distribution Date - - - 56,188,416.63 56,188,416.63
Principal Distributable Amount * - - - 5,718,982.45 5,718,982.45
Note balance at end of Due Period - - - 50,469,434.18 50,469,434.18
Note Pool Factor at beginning of Due Period 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.8837436
Note Pool Factor at end of Due Period 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.7937942
* Equals the aggregate Note balance as of prior Distribution Date minus (the Aggregate Principal Balance at end of Due Period less the Overcollateralization Target Amount)

Class Note Balance at Beginning of Due Period Note Interest Carryover Shortfall at Beginning of Due Period Interest Rate Days Interest Accrual Basis Note Monthly Interest Distributable Amount Note Interest Carryover Shortfall at End of Due Period Note Interest Distributable Amount
A-1 - - 0.13042 % 32 ACT/360 - - -
A-2 - - 0.22 % 30 30/360 - - -
A-3 - - 0.37 % 30 30/360 - - -
A-4 56,188,416.63 - 0.53 % 30 30/360 24,816.55 - 24,816.55
Totals $56,188,416.63 - $24,816.55 - $24,816.55


Available Monies:
Principal collections on Contracts during Due Period $5,614,343.31
Interest collections on Contracts during Due Period 610,878.63
Net Liquidation Proceeds 55,807.14
Aggregate of Purchase Price for Contracts required to be purchased by Seller or Servicer -
Advances made by Servicer 33,789.87
Amounts paid by Seller in connection with the optional repurchase of the Contracts -
Investment Earnings - Collection Account 25,853.25
Total Available Monies $6,340,672.20
Distribution of Available Monies in order of priority:
Reimbursement Amount for Advances previously made 33,966.48
Monthly Servicing Fee to the Servicer, including any unpaid Servicing Fees 73,071.31
Monthly Indenture Trustee Fee, including any unpaid Indenture Trustee Fees -
Asset Representation Reviewer Fee -
Note Interest Distributable Amount 24,816.55
Principal Distributable Amount 5,718,982.45
Total distribution of fees, interest and principal 5,850,836.79
Excess Amounts (Shortfall) 489,835.41
Amount withdrawn from Reserve Fund to cover Shortfall -
Excess Amounts to the Reserve Fund up to the Specified Reserve Fund Balance -
Unpaid fees, expenses and amounts to the Indenture Trustee -
Unpaid fees, expenses and amounts to the Asset Representation Reviewer -
Excess Amounts to Certificateholders 489,835.41
Total distribution of Available Monies $6,340,672.20

Specified Reserve Fund Balance (0.25% of Initial Pool Balance) $1,657,745.07
Reserve Fund balance as of prior Distribution Date $1,657,745.07
Additions to Reserve Fund:
Additional deposit - Excess Amounts to Reserve Fund -
Investment earnings - Reserve Fund 6,966.17
Total additions 6,966.17
Withdrawals from Reserve Fund:
Amount withdrawn to cover Shortfall -
Excess Reserve Fund balance to Certificateholders 6,966.17
Total withdrawals 6,966.17
Reserve Fund balance at current Distribution Date $1,657,745.07
Calculation of Overcollateralization Target Amount:
Overcollateralization Target Amount for current Distribution Date (4.75% of the Initial Pool Balance) $31,497,156.38
Amount Percentage
Overcollateralization Amount at Cutoff Date 31,518,029.08 4.75%
Overcollateralization Target Amount for current Distribution Date 31,497,156.38 38.43%
Overcollateralization Amount at current Distribution Date 31,497,156.38 38.43%


Number of months since Closing Date 43
Monthly losses Number of Contracts Amount % of Principal Balance at beginning of Due Period
Beginning of period Principal Balance of Contracts liquidated in the Due Period 10 $104,415.30 0.119%
Net Liquidation Proceeds for the Due Period 9 55,807.14 0.064%
Net Liquidation Losses for the Due Period 48,608.16 0.055%
Net Liquidation Loss ratio 0.665%
Average loss ratio Net Liquidation Loss ratio - current Distribution Date 0.665%
Net Liquidation Loss ratio - prior Distribution Date -0.525%
Net Liquidation Loss ratio - second prior Distribution Date 0.419%
Three-month average loss ratio 0.186%
Number of Contracts Amount % of Initial Principal Balance
Cumulative losses
Cumulative Liquidated Contracts 805 $12,835,568.04 1.936%
Cumulative Net Liquidation Proceeds 580 6,094,679.64 0.919%
Cumulative Net Liquidation Losses 6,740,888.40 1.017%
Average net loss (amount of cumulative Net Liquidation Losses / number of cumulative Liquidated Contracts) $8,373.77
Cumulative loss ratio Cumulative loss ratio 1.017%

Delinquencies Days Delinquent Number of Contracts Principal Balance Delinquent Interest Amount % of Principal Balance at Beginning of Due Period
30 - 59 141 $1,304,738.13 $13,255.90 1.488%
60 - 89 45 480,282.27 9,429.32 0.548%
90 - 119 29 284,262.78 8,048.88 0.324%
120+ 9 88,143.74 3,055.77 0.101%
Totals 224 $2,157,426.92 $33,789.87 2.460%
60+ delinquency amount 83 $852,688.79 0.972%
Average 60+ day delinquency ratio 60+ day delinquency ratio - current Distribution Date 0.972%
60+ day delinquency ratio - prior Distribution Date 0.822%
60+ day delinquency ratio - second prior Distribution Date 0.599%
Three-month average delinquency Ratio 0.798%
Current 60+ day delinquency ratio meets or exceeds Delinquency Trigger (6.00%)? Yes or No No


Contract Data Beginning of Due Period End of Due Period
Number of Contracts 11,496 11,072
Principal Balance of Contracts 87,685,573.01 81,966,590.56
Weighted average original term 76.06 76.36
Weighted average remaining term 27.74 27.09
Weighted average age 48.33 49.27
One month prepayments (ABS) 1.28% 1.29 %
Weighted average Contract Rate 8.06 % 8.11 %

Contract Rate
Principal Balance
of Contracts
% of Principal Balance at
End of Due Period
< 0.000% - 0.00%
0.000% - 5.000% 14,309,602.72 17.46 %
5.001% - 10.000% 45,015,504.62 54.92 %
10.001% - 15.000% 22,641,483.22 27.62 %
15.001% - 20.000% - 0.00%
> 20.000% - 0.00%
Advances made by Servicer in current Due Period $33,789.87
Reimbursement Amount due to Servicer 33,966.48
Number of Contracts purchased by Seller or Servicer -
Principal Balance of Contracts purchased by Seller or Servicer -
Purchase Price of Contracts purchased by Seller or Servicer -


1. Information regarding material changes to the definition or determination of delinquencies, charge-offs and uncollectible accounts:

2. Information regarding any material modifications, extensions or waivers to contract terms, fees, penalties or payments during the distribution period or that have cumulatively become material over time:

3. Information regarding material breaches of contract representations or warranties or transaction covenants:

4. Information regarding any new issuance of asset-backed securities backed by the same contracts:
5. Information regarding any contract changes (other than in connection with a contract converting into cash in accordance with its terms), such as additions or removals in connection with a
prefunding period, including any material changes in the solicitation, credit-granting, underwriting, origination, acquisition or pool selection criteria or procedures, as applicable, used to
originate, acquire or select the new pool of contracts:
Not applicable
6. During the pre-funding period, if applicable, information regarding originators, pool contracts or significant obligors pursuant to Item 1121(b) of Regulation AB:
Not applicable
7. Information regarding material changes to derivatives used within the transaction structure, including the counterparty, the operation and material terms of the derivatives instruments:
Not applicable




The undersigned certifies that he is the Vice President and Treasurer of Harley-Davidson Credit Corp., a Nevada corporation (the "Servicer"), and that as such he is duly authorized to execute and deliver this certificate on behalf of the Servicer pursuant to Section 9.02 of the Sale and Servicing Agreement (the "Agreement") dated as of February 1, 2021 by and among Harley-Davidson Customer Funding Corp., as Trust Depositor, the Servicer and Citibank, N.A., as Trustee of Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Trust 2021-A (all capitalized terms used herein without definition having the respective meanings specified in the Agreement), and further certifies that:

1. The Monthly Report for the period from August 1, 2024 to August 31, 2024 attached to this certificate is complete and accurate in accordance with the requirements of Sections 9.01 and 9.02 of the Agreement; and

2. As of the date hereof, no Event of Termination event that with notice or lapse of time or both would become an Event of Termination has occurred.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed hereunto my signature this 11th day of
September 2024.


By: /s/ David Viney
Name: David Viney
Title: Vice President and Treasurer