Lisa Murkowski

04/15/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/15/2024 15:21

ICYMI: What Alaskans Are Saying About Investments Made Through FY24 Appropriations


ICYMI: What Alaskans Are Saying About Investments Made Through FY24 Appropriations

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and Ranking Member of the Interior-Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, announced significant investments for Alaskans for the Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations package. The final package passed on March 23rd, 2024.

Alaskans have expressed their appreciation for Senator Murkowski's work to deliver these strategically targeted investments.

What They're Saying

Anchorage: $2 million for the Alaska Railroad Corporation to fund avalanche mitigation activities.

"The Alaska Railroad is very grateful to Sen. Murkowski for the 'Member Directed Funding' provided in the just-passed bill for avalanche prevention and mitigation-these funds will be used to make rail operations safer, and more reliable in winter, saving lives. We really appreciate the support." - Bill O'Leary, President and CEO of the Alaska Railroad

Gustavus: $3.02 million to construct a new main building for the Gustavus Disposal & Recycling Center.

"From a small metal unheated building constructed in 1996 by mostly volunteers with another section added in 2002 - before we were even a city, this has been a long time coming. Recycling is the cornerstone of Gustavus's Disposal and Recycling Center (DRC) operation and we have been a model for many small rural landfills. To finally realize to opportunity to build a modern facility with dedicated sufficient space and equipment, thereby extending the life of the landfill footprint, is a dream come true. On behalf of the City of Gustavus, and our passionate DRC volunteers and employees, we are truly grateful for this funding." ­­- Kathy Leary, City Administrator, City of Gustavus

Wrangell: $2.5 million to replace the community's aged and inefficient water treatment plant with a new facility to provide safer drinking water as well as better accommodate community changes in demand for water.

"Senator Murkowski's dedication to securing $2.5 million in CDS funding for the Wrangell Water Treatment Plant Project is truly commendable. As a small, coastal, island community, Wrangell faces unique challenges in maintaining critical infrastructure, particularly in ensuring clean and abundant drinking water for our citizens. Senator Murkowski's unwavering commitment to funding our Borough's critical infrastructure projects not only addresses immediate needs but also fosters resiliency and sustainability in the long-term. Her tireless efforts in championing the needs of communities like ours will have a lasting impact, ensuring our residents are one step closer to having access to cleaner and more efficiently processed drinking water for generations to come. We extend our deepest gratitude for her unwavering support and look forward to overcoming future challenges under her leadership." - Mason F. Villarma, Interim Borough Manager/Finance Director, City and Borough of Wrangell

Mat-Su Borough: $5.1 million to replace critical water lines in South Talkeetna.

"The Mat-Su Borough extends our gratitude to Senator Murkowski for her unwavering commitment to rural community well-being. Federal funding for water and wastewater improvements not only ensures the delivery of safe drinking water to our residents but also creates development opportunities for businesses. These improvements support building resilient communities, fostering health, and promoting sustainable growth."

- Mike Brown, Borough Manager, Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Kiana: $500,000 to update 50-year-old lines, pumps, manholes, and other needed infrastructure in Kiana's water and sewer system.

"As the City Administrator in Kiana, it has become increasingly challenging to service and maintain water and sewer infrastructure in Kiana. Thanks to Senator Murkowski and her commitment to Rural Alaska we hope to begin much needed repairs to the nearly half century old system," - Ely Cyrus, Kiana City Administrator

Bethel: $5.01 million for a project to remove the numerous derelict vessels found at Steamboat Slough to prevent public and environmental health risks.

"The City of Bethel is deeply grateful to Senator Murkowski and her staff for their efforts in securing $5.01 million dollars in federal funding to clean up Steamboat Slough, a portion of the Kuskokwim River near Bethel that has long been a dumping ground for derelict vessels. These vessels are an ongoing safety hazard, and many have been left to rot for decades. The vessels must be removed to prevent health and environmental hazards to the community, ecosystem, and area residents. Removal of derelict vessels will ensure safe river navigation and minimize risk of collision with sunken barges and other associated hazards. Thank you again to Senator Murkowski for procuring this critical funding for the City." - Lori Strickler, City Clerk, MMC, City of Bethel

Bethel: $2 million for the Bethel Family Clinic to renovate and repair the Bethel Family Clinic building.

"Bethel Family Clinic is very grateful to Senator Murkowski for approving a $2,000,000 infrastructure development grant. This grant will assist Bethel Family Clinic in remodeling the 40-year-old administration building and expanding the dental clinic by adding three chairs. Senator Murkowski's support for Western Alaska is always appreciated." - M. Enayet U. Chowdhury, Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director, Bethel Family Clinic

Aleutians East Borough: $6.71 million for the Denali Commission to address waste and contamination removal from small, isolated communities in Alaska, by outfitting a barge with waste removal, soil, and water treatment equipment.

"The Denali Commission is pleased to have the opportunity to tackle waste and contamination removal from small, isolated communities in Alaska. This funding will allow communities to address the risk posed by waste to the environment and human health and promote community aesthetics. We thank Senator Murkowski for her commitment to funding waste management." - Jocelyn Fenton, Interim Federal Co-Chair, Denali Commission

Statewide: $4 million for the Alaska Municipal League for heavy equipment to support rural maintenance needs.

"AML is grateful for Sen. Murkowski's continued support and excited to serve local governments in this new and innovative way, addressing on-the-ground needs through a bundled approach benefiting multiple communities." - Nils Andreassen, Executive Director of Alaska Municipal League

Anchorage: $4 million for the Cook Inlet Housing Authority to construct affordable elder housing.

"Cook Inlet Housing Authority thanks Senator Murkowski for securing additional Federal investment in housing for Alaskan elders and families. Housing affordability has emerged as a crisis in communities across Alaska, and Senator Murkowski is doing something about it. This investment will bring more housing to our region, providing new opportunities for our elders and families to have a safe place to call home. We are grateful that Senator Murkowski is tackling the issue of housing affordability head-on and securing new housing investments for the people of our state." - President & CEO Gabe Layman, Cook Inlet Housing Authority

Fairbanks: $1 million for Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services to rehabilitate rental units.

"Solving Fairbanks' housing shortage while construction costs are at all-time highs requires creativity and collaboration. Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Service will create a program designed to provide grants to property owners to make necessary repairs in vacant or blighted properties so the rental units can be rented as affordable housing." - Nadine Winters, Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services

Utqiagvik: $2 million for the Arctic Slope Native Association to complete an 18-unit building for medical staff.

"Arctic Slope Native Association would like to thank Senator Murkowski for her unwavering advocacy and commitment to improve infrastructure in rural Alaska. This funding for medical staff living quarters will allow the Arctic Slope Native Association to continue growing medical services offered at Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital, directly impacting the economic growth in the region by providing critical health infrastructure to bring health care closer to the people of the Arctic Slope." - Martha Monnin, President and CEO, Arctic Slope Native Association

Sitka: $2.17 million for the Sitka Community Development Corporation to build an apartment complex.

"The Sitka Community Land Trust is deeply grateful for the funding which Senator Murkowski has secured for an apartment building in Sitka. This CDS will enable the work of this non-profit to continue for years. This helps Sitka a great deal!" - Randy Hughey, Sitka Community Land Trust

Fairbanks: $5.6 million for the University of Alaska System to build a childcare facility.

"Having access to affordable and local childcare will be a significant step towards attracting new employees and students to the University of Alaska, the funding provided by Senator Murkowski to remodel a former elementary school on the University of Alaska Fairbanks-Troth Yeddha' campus for childcare will allow us to provide new access to education for Alaskans at the major research university in Fairbanks, the golden heart of Alaska. Thank you to Senator Murkowski for your continued support for access to education for Alaskans" - Dan White, Chancellor from the University of Alaska Fairbanks

Talkeetna: $5 million for the Upper Susitna Seniors to expand the Upper Susitna Senior Center.

"We want to thank Senator Murkowski for her work in obtaining the funds for our Center Expansion. Her efforts allow us to upgrade the facilities as needed for a meeting place for Upper Susitna residents during natural and manmade disasters, community events, and socialization activities Further it will help in our efforts to provide more housing to our growing number of seniors with the addition of eight more units. Finally, it will help provide laundry facilities to the many residents who live off grid. The Senator has done a great service to the community." - Mike Davis, Upper Susitna Seniors

Anchorage: $1.5 million for the Mountain View Community Resource Center.

"Thank you, Senator Murkowski and your staff, for the effort it took to secure these funds. Shiloh Community Housing, Inc. (SCHI) has been operating in Anchorage since 2002. Our vision and mission are to prevent homelessness before it starts. Our programs and services provide support to those that are housed that need a hand-up not a hand-out. This approach is proven to be cost-effective, and efficient. These funds will enable us to expand our existing services and assist our partners in making their services more attainable with a one-stop-shop model. Services and programs leveraged with our many partnerships in the community will make the Community Resource Center and other program areas a huge success! I appreciate you and your perpetual caring spirit!"

- Delmonicia D. Williams (Sheneé), President and CEO of Shiloh Community Housing, Inc (SCHI)

Anchorage: $631,000 for the Alaska Native Heritage Center for Lach'qu Sukdu Research Program.

"The federal government's commitment and meaningful contribution to researching assimilative boarding school history is a crucial collective step toward healing and understanding. Confronting the enduring legacy of church-run and Federal Indian Boarding Schools, prioritizing and amplifying Indigenous voices is imperative. On behalf of the Alaska Native Heritage Center Board and staff, we extend our profound gratitude to Senator Lisa Murkowski and her team for crucial support and commitment, ensuring essential funding for this critical undertaking." - Emily Edenshaw (Yup'ik/Iñupiaq), President and CEO of the Alaska Native Heritage Center

Nenana: $500,000 for repairs of the SS Nenana, the last remaining sternwheeler in Alaska. The SS Nenana is on the National Register of Historic Places and a National Historic Landmark.

"The SS Nenana, the last wooden-hulled steamer in Alaska and the United States, is important to not only Alaska's history but also the history of a time that no longer exists. It is important she is saved for future generations to learn from." - Patricia Schmidt, President of the Friends of SS Nenana

Metlakatla: $166,000 for the Metlakatla Indian Community for a study to evaluate and mitigate impacts from rising sea levels on hydropower systems at Purple Lake.

"On behalf of the Metlakatla Indian Community, I wanted to thank you for your assistance in securing CDS funding for our hydro inundation study, our green crab eradication project and our hatchery. While all these important projects will benefit the Community, they will also support all Alaskans, particularly those living in Southeast. Your leadership and support are much appreciated." - Albert G. Smith, Mayor/City Manager, Metlakatla Indian Community

Sitka: $514,000 for the Alaska Longline Fishermen's Association to research and identify decarbonization and clean energy transition options for vessel owners and shoreside businesses.

"Senator Murkowski's support for the Alaska Longline Fishermen's Association's Boat Energy Transition Accelerator (ALFA BETA) Feasibility Study is a huge step toward lowering energy costs in Alaska's seafood industry and reducing our fleet's carbon footprint. With Senator Murkowski's leadership, our fishing communities will drive the transition to locally-generated and renewable energy. We are tremendously grateful for Senator Murkowski relentless advocacy for Alaska's fisheries." - Linda Behnken, Executive Director of the Alaska Longline Fishermen's Association

Kotzebue: $3 million for the Kotzebue Electric Association to deploy energy storage for resiliency and enable grid formation in an isolated microgrid.

"The Kotzebue Electric Association thanks Senator Murkowski for her efforts in helping to obtain funding for a new 4 -Megawatt battery for KEA. This is a huge step forward for our cooperative and our members that allows us to take the next step forward in energy independence through renewable energy. We appreciate the Senator's commitment to helping us achieve this goal." - Reggie Joule, Former Mayor of the Northwest Arctic Borough

Ahtna Region: $998,000 for the Ahtna Intertribal Resource Commission for a project that will identify and prioritize critical minerals on abandoned mines and material sites conveyed to Ahtna as an operation of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

"This will play an important part in two projects at AITRC; moose health monitoring and documenting changes in key subsistence species." - Karen Linnell, Executive Director

Statewide: $2.01 million for the Marine Exchange of Alaska to create a user guide to keep ships sailing safely in the Arctic.

"The funding for Arctic Watch is a big win for the Nation. This effort will address long standing concerns and risk in the Bering Strait region, a strategically important area due to increased shipping traffic and a changing climate, protecting rich natural resources and critical subsistence activities. Arctic Watch will provide capabilities and capacity to aid safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible maritime activity. The collaboration between Tribes, government agencies, NGO's and local communities is a pillar of this important project. This will be a tangible and real improvement to support our Nation's Blue Economy, protect the traditional lifestyle for Arctic Communities, and food security in the region." - Christopher Coutu, Assistant Director/General Counsel, Marine Exchange of Alaska

Statewide: $2 million for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for research and equipment related to Alaska critical salmon stocks.

"Some Alaska salmon are depressed for reasons not completely understood. These funds will help us unravel the causes for the declines in productivity in these stocks. This will help us develop management strategies to rebuild these stocks so that they can again provide for sustained subsistence, sport, personal use and commercial opportunities. I want to thank Senator Murkowski for her efforts in securing these funds. This funding reflects her long-standing commitment to healthy, sustainable Alaskan salmon fisheries." - Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang

North Slope Borough: $1.5 million to support the North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management in estimating the abundance of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort stock of bowhead whales.

"I would like to extend my gratitude to Senator Murkowski and the rest of our congressional delegation for their dedication to fulfilling the promise that has been in place since the late 1970s. The federal government's mandate for the Inupiat to co-manage the bowhead whale stock necessitates funding of this nature. We look forward to ongoing collaborative opportunities with the federal government to sustain our Inupiaq culture." -Mayor Josiah Patkotak, North Slope Borough

"These funds will allow for the responsible management of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort population of bowhead whales and is a requirement for maintaining the subsistence harvest quota." -Dr. John Citta, Senior Wildlife Biologist, North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management

Statewide: $1.07 million for the Inuit Circumpolar Council-Alaska to strengthen Alaskan Inuit engagement and ensure Indigenous Knowledge inclusion in the Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement.

"Quyanaq Senator Murkowski for championing this effort to secure funding to support the meaningful engagement of Alaskan Inuit in the implementation of the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean. This Agreement is a first of its kind where Arctic Indigenous Peoples and our Indigenous Knowledge are explicitly recognized. This is a result of ICC's advocacy. Our leaders were involved from the initial negotiations leading up to the signing of the Agreement and its entering into force. We see this success as precedent setting for future Arctic Agreements to be made with Arctic Indigenous Peoples - with Inuit. With increased activity and interest in the Arctic, it is extremely important that we are proactively positioned and prepared to respond to the increased attention and presence in the Arctic, our homelands and waters." - Marie Greene, Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska President

Statewide: $1.7 million to the Ocean Conservancy to support a pilot program for backhaul of marine debris from multiple remote coastal communities in Alaska, likely including Dutch Harbor, St. George, St. Paul, Port Heiden, Nome, and Yakutat.

"On behalf of Ocean Conservancy and our Tribal, community, industry, and other partners, we thank Senator Murkowski for her commitment to healthy coasts and communities. Marine debris accumulates on our shores, where it pollutes the marine environment, harms wildlife, and impacts communities that did not cause the problem. Removing it can be very difficult, and once it is off our beaches, disposal options are often limited in rural Alaska. We appreciate Senator Murkowski's recognition of this uniquely Alaskan problem and look forward to a collaborative process that will help address community needs and develop a pilot program to backhaul debris from rural communities." - Michael LeVine, Senior Director of Alaska Programs for Ocean Conservancy

Haines: $5 million for the Haines Borough to construct a safety and training center.

"Replacing the Public Safety Building, which Senator Murkowski has called our Public UnSafety Building, has been a priority due to the deteriorated condition of this once-temporary structure. The mold under the building, the need to partially open overhead doors to express fumes from the compressor which chills the morgue, the sinking and flexing of the concrete floors - all are testament to the need for replacing this facility. We appreciate the leadership of Senator Murkowski, her staff and the rest of the Alaska delegation in supporting this request." - Annette Kreitzer, Haines Borough Manager

Fairbanks: $1 million for the Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living to renovate a domestic violence shelter.

"The Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living is grateful for a $1,000,000 appropriation from Senator Murkowski. This funding will enable us to address critical renovations and updates to our shelter and housing facilities, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and those in need of safe and stable housing. We are deeply grateful to Senator Murkowski for her dedication to this important cause and for her tireless efforts in advocating for those who have been impacted by violence in their lives. Her support has made a significant impact on our ability to improve our services, safe shelter and housing to those who have been impacted by power-based personal violence. Together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of those in need and work towards a future of a community free of violence where everyone has access to safe and stable housing." - Kara Carlson, Interim Executive Director, Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living

Girdwood: $1.5 million for the Challenge Alaska center to make capital improvements, including accessibility upgrades.

"Challenge Alaska is thrilled to learn that Senator Murkowski has included in the 2024 appropriations bill funds to facilitate upgrades to the Keil Center in Girdwood. The Keil Center is the heart of Challenge's Adaptive Ski and Snowboard School and an invaluable community resource in Girdwood. These funds will be central to improving accessibility and capacity at the Keil Center and will directly further our mission of improving the lives of people with disabilities, their families, and the community through adaptive sports, therapeutic recreation, and education. We cannot wait to move forward with our Capital Campaign and want to express our gratitude to the Senator for her advocacy on behalf of Challenge Alaska and the community we serve." - J. Nathan Boltz, Executive Director, Challenge Alaska

Ketchikan: $1.65 million for the SeaLevel Community Youth Center to establish a youth center.

"These funds will help us provide vital support to Ketchikan youth. We are going to change what it's like to grow up in Ketchikan." - Dustin Larna, Director at Regional Youth Center in Ketchikan

Northwest Arctic Borough: $2.6 million for the Northwest Arctic Borough Public Safety, Fire, and Rescue Facilities.

"Given the recent tragedies in our region, this funding could not have come at a more critical time. Thank you to Senator Murkowski for working hard to bring these funds to Northwest Alaska. These federal earmarks for Public safety, fire and rescue facilities will go a long way to ensure life, health, and safety for our residents." - Mayor Dickie Moto, Northwest Arctic Borough

Statewide: $3.5 million for the Alaska Division of Forestry to provide funding to carry out fuels reduction projects that align with community wildfire protection plans.

"The Department of Natural Resources appreciates Senator Murkowski and her colleagues recognizing the importance of wildland fire protection and Alaska's changing wildfire environment. The funding provided through the FY25 appropriation will build capacity and develop a wildland fire facility in Fairbanks, Alaska that is critical to the Division's mission of protecting, life, property, and infrastructure. Senator Murkowski securing the State Forest Action Plan funds in FY24 will support a stronger forest products industry in Alaska as the Division of Forestry & Fire Protection focuses on preparedness, planning, forest stewardship and resource development." - Norm McDonald, Deputy Director of Fire Protection at the Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Wasilla: $3 million for the Alaska Addiction Rehabilitation Services to expand a substance use treatment facility.

"Thanks to U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, Alaska Addiction Rehabilitation Services, Inc. (AARS) can now begin expanding its treatment services and give even more Alaskans the opportunity to recover. This critical funding will be used to support our upcoming expansion project, adding 26 more treatment beds to our facility. Soon, more Alaskans that require residential treatment services will get the help they need. Senator Murkowski understands that the more we do as a community to battle substance use disorder, the better future we will have for Alaska. We are truly grateful for her vision and support!"

- JJ Harrier, Director of Development, Marketing, and Communication at the Alaska Addiction Rehabilitation Services, Inc.

Statewide: $1.987 million for Alaska Behavioral Health to implement and configure health IT.

"This funding enables us to further integrate physical and behavioral healthcare for our clients, improving health outcomes for thousands of Alaskans." - Jim Myers, Chief Executive Officer at Alaska Behavioral Health

Anchorage: $1 million for Cook Inlet Tribal Council to fund workforce training activities.

"CITC's commitment to serving Tribal members with high quality wrap-around services is exemplified by our proposal to provide Tribal case management certification training across Alaska. This project ensures that effective and efficient Tribal case management training is available to all providers, expanding access to more services and increasing the health and social outcomes of Alaska Native people." - Gloria O'Neill, President/Chief Executive Officer of Cook Inlet Tribal Council

Statewide: $250,000 for Alaska Children's Trust develop an evidence-based child sexual abuse prevention program for Alaska Native communities.

"Within each dollar lies the potential to illuminate the path of hope for Alaska's children. With this generous investment in our mission to prevent child abuse and neglect, we will be to grow and strengthen the Pathway to Hope program - an Alaska Native framework for community-led prevention of child sexual abuse. Initially developed in 2004 by Alaska Native leaders, in conjunction with Diane Payne at the Tribal Law and Policy Institute, PTH helps communities break the silence surrounding child sexual abuse, promote healing for survivors, and prevent future abuse. Together, we forge pathways that not only protect but empower, ensuring every child's journey is free from the shadows of abuse." - Trevor Storrs, President & CEO of the Alaska Children's Trust

Statewide: $2 million for Covenant House Alaska to support communities in rural Alaska in developing regionally and culturally relevant youth homelessness response and human trafficking prevention programs.

"A large percentage of the youth that come to us for help started their journey in a rural part of our state. When those young people are able to maintain close proximity to the communities they are connected to while receiving crucial services that lift them up during challenging times, they are more likely to grow into the best version of themselves. This investment will allow us to continue to reach vulnerable youth - where they live - while working with rural communities to build capacity around youth homelessness response." - Alison Kear, Chief Executive Officer of Covenant House

Statewide: $295,000 to the Alaska Native Arts Foundation to establish a directory of Native artists, their craft, and their works that is easily available and accessible to the public.

"We commend U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski and her Team for their effective stewardship in enabling the creation of the Alaska Native Artists Directory. This crucial support will amplify the visibility of Alaska Native art globally, creating economic opportunities for artists statewide and reflecting our core values of reciprocity, respect, collaboration and community." - Trina Landlord, Board Member of the Alaska Native Arts Foundation

Statewide: $1.512 million to Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RuralCAP) for the Community Action Resource Center.

"This congressionally directed spending allocation will allow ALSC's Community Justice Worker Resource Center to better serve Alaskans with civil justice needs starting at the community level. Community Justice Workers allow us to expand our reach in all communities - both rural and urban - by upskilling local, trusted members of communities to help their neighbors resolve important legal issues. Community Justice Workers are an innovative approach to addressing the access to justice crisis, and this Alaska Model is also proving to be adaptable to meeting civil legal needs nationwide. We are grateful for Senator Murkowski's support in meeting the legal needs of all Alaskans!" - Joy Anderson, Co-Director, Community Justice Worker Resource Center

"There is no excuse for the incredible gap in access to justice. The Community Justice Worker Program will make a difference because it is fundamentally changing the system for the better." - Board President Joe Nelson

Kotzebue: $50,000 for the Native Village of Kotzebue to include elders in the teaching of Inupiaq language to students at the Nikaitchuat Ilisagviat school.

"Quyannaqpak Senator Murkowski for the contribution to Nikaitchuat I?isa?vik. Today the life of our culture and Iñupiaq language depends upon the ever-widening circle of young people, parents, teachers, elders, volunteers, regional leaders and regional agencies that refuse to stand by and watch our culture and language slip out of grasp." - Qaiqpak Christina Hensley

Statewide: $413,000 for the ALS Association to purchase durable medical equipment (DME) to supply loan lockers.

"We extend our deepest gratitude to Senator Murkowski and her devoted team for their tireless advocacy in securing more federal money to support people living with ALS in Alaska. This funding will provide crucial access to the care and equipment needed for those fighting this devastating disease. Senator Murkowski's leadership and dedication to the ALS community is truly inspirational." - Brooke Lavender, Alaska Care Services Manager at the ALS Association

Nome: $568,000 for Kawerak to support a Child Development Associate training program.

"Advancing the capacity of our people to prepare for workforce opportunities and to address teacher shortages by supporting and training home-grown educators is vitally important within the Bering Strait region. Kawerak is appreciative of the 2023 appropriations for workforce development and teacher in training." - Mary David, Executive Vice-President

Wasilla: $2 million for the Children's Place to build a mental health facility.

"The Children's Place extends heartfelt appreciation to Senator Lisa Murkowski and the entire Alaskan community for their unwavering support and shared vision for the well-being of children. Together, through collective action, we are making a profound difference in the lives of children who have faced the devastating impacts of abuse and neglect. The generous funding we have received is not only a testament to Senator Murkowski's dedication but also a symbol of Alaska's commitment to the healing and protection of its most vulnerable members. With immense gratitude, we stand honored and energized by this support, which serves as a beacon of hope for the children we serve and for the brighter future we envision. Looking ahead, The Children's Place eagerly anticipates the realization of our dreams with the establishment of a new facility, furthering our mission to provide solace, support, and safety to those in need. Together, we continue to build a stronger, more compassionate community where every child can thrive." - Michelle Sturgeon, Executive Director of The Children's Place

Bethel: $300,000 for the Bethel Lions Club to provide case management for homeless individuals.

"We are incredibly grateful to Senator Lisa Murkowski for her support of some of our most vulnerable community members. Bethel is rural, but we have more than 80 unhoused family members and neighbors here. The permanent supportive housing project is supposed to have case management services and 24-hour staff on site to ensure the safety of tenants. We constructed a very efficient building that is innovatively co-located with Bethel Winter House to share some staffing and facility elements, but budgeting operations will be very tight. This appropriation will ensure we can provide additional services to both Bethel Winter House guests and PSH tenants that are critically needed and have largely been unfunded in our community. This appropriation will help us provide life-saving services. It comes at a time when we are serving more people than ever and expanding to providing permanent housing for the chronically unhoused. We could not be more thankful," - Jaela Milford, Bethel Winter House Executive Director

Kotzebue: $750,000 for the Maniilaq Association to establish a 24/7 crisis stabilization center.

"Maniilaq Association would like to express a sincere appreciation for Senator Murkowski and her staff's efforts in securing an appropriation for the establishment of a Behavioral Health Crisis Stabilization Center. Her dedication to addressing mental health challenges in Northwest Alaska is evident, and we certainly join her in this effort. This project will undoubtedly make a significant difference in our communities, and will impact generations to come. Once again, our gratitude for her support in this effort cannot be overstated." - Bree Swanson, Social Services Administrator at Maniilaq Association

North Slope Region: $1 million for the Arctic Slope Community Foundation to develop and provide a local indigenous educator apprenticeship model.

"On behalf of the Arctic Slope Community Foundation, we would like to thank Senator Murkowski for your advocacy and steadfast support for our educator training program. Working as innovators in rural Alaska, we know the importance of having well-qualified Alaska Native educators serving in village schools. The Aullaagvik 2.1 Tribal Educator Apprenticeship was recently accepted by the U.S. Department of Labor, and we are preparing to enroll the first cohort in 2024." - Patuk Glenn, Executive Director at the Arctic Slope Community Foundation

Anchorage: $1 million for the Southcentral Foundation to construct and purchase equipment for a new Crisis Stabilization Center.

"Southcentral Foundation extends its thanks to Senator Lisa Murkowski for her efforts in securing crucial funding for rural health care workforce housing and equipment. Ensuring access to quality care is key to keeping Alaskans healthy. Being able to offer provider housing will allow us to attract additional health care professionals to work in some of the most amazing communities in Alaska." - April Kyle, President/CEO, Southcentral Foundation

Cordova: $5 million for the Native Village of Eyak to construct a primary care clinic and renovate a health care facility.

"We were extremely thrilled to learn Friday that we are one of several Tribes in Alaska to benefit from Senator Murkowski's FY2024 Congressional Designated Spending appropriation this year. Our Tribal Council has been engaged in discussion with the City of Cordova and other stakeholders for the past three years on how best to improve health services for our growing community. Our CDS application was one of over 300 requests which allows for the funding of locally prioritized projects within the State. This will bring us closer to realizing our dream for a new modernized health system for all our residents." - Brooke Mallory, Chairwoman of Native Village of Eyak (NVE)

"We appreciate that Senator Murkowski visited with us last Summer and saw firsthand the very real challenges we are facing with our aging healthcare facilities and how this impacts our ability to provide safe, quality care. This funding demonstrates her true commitment to improving critical health infrastructure in our rural communities." - Katuwaq Community Health Board (KCHB) Chairwoman Cheryl Eleshansky