Delegation of the European Union to Israel

09/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/12/2024 05:32

International Anti-Corruption Media Forum: A platform to foster the media's role in promoting transparency and integrity in Uzbekistan


International Anti-Corruption Media Forum: A platform to foster the media's role in promoting transparency and integrity in Uzbekistan

The first International Media Forum dedicated to anti-corruption was held in Tashkent on 10 September. Following the initiative put forward by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the forum was organised by the Government of Uzbekistan, the Delegation of the European Union to Uzbekistan, GIZ (German Enterprise for International Cooperation) and the United Nations Development Programme.

© EU in Uzbekistan

The forum participants discussed global and local challenges concerning media engagement in the fight against corruption, shared lessons learned, and identified opportunities for joint initiatives to increase transparency and accountability in society. The event centered on the development of strategies and recommendations to enhance journalists' skills in covering anti-corruption issues, with a focus on advancing investigative journalism. Key outcomes included the establishment of training programs for investigative reporting and crowdsourcing, increased collaboration between media and anti-corruption agencies, and the creation of regular platforms for media professionals to share best practices.

The forum commenced with a plenary session that gathered high-level speakers, who emphasized the critical role of media engagement in combating corruption and underscored the need for collaboration, transparency, and the cross-sectoral exchange of expertise.

EU in Uzbekistan

Mr. Аkmal Burkhanov, Director of the Anti-Corruption Agency of Uzbekistan, highlighted the importance of creating a healthy information environment through the correct approach to the effective implementation of reforms against corruption. He stated:

"In particular, to make wider use of opportunities of mass media and journalists in the fight against corruption, they are involved in the activities of various anti-corruption structures. For example, 12% of the members of the National Anti-Corruption Council, 14% of the members of the regional anti-corruption council, and 20% of the members of the Public Council under the Anti-Corruption Agency are media representatives and bloggers. Also, they have been working as part of the commissions for evaluating the efficiency of state bodies and organizations in fighting corruption and assessing their Openness Index."

EU in Uzbekistan

Ms. Akiko Fujii,UNDP Resident Representative in Uzbekistan in her opening speech emphasized:

"Corruption drains resources from people who need them most, undermines trust in institutions, and widens social inequalities. By uncovering, exposing, informing and educating about the detrimental effects of corruption for society at large, media contributes to ending social injustice and poverty at the same time".

She also mentioned the "watchdog" function of the media that prevents abuses of power and resources by public officials by monitoring and observing their actions.

EU in Uzbekistan

Mr. Wim Riepma, Counsellor, Head of Cooperation, Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Uzbekistan highlighted that

"More accountability of the government through fact-based journalism equals more trust between the government and the citizens. More transparency - can safeguard public interests across all sectors, such as education and health. This helps the government to serve its people, as is the priority of the 2030 Uzbekistan Strategy."

EU in Uzbekistan

Dr. Michael Wimmer, Deputy Head of Mission, Head of Cooperation at the Embassy of Germany in Uzbekistannoted:

"We are proud to be working alongside the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan in supporting anti-corruption reforms. The project "Improving Governance in Uzbekistan - Inclusive Corruption Prevention," which is co-funded by the EU and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented under the leadership of GIZ, aims to strengthen integrity within public institutions while fostering a culture of zero tolerance towards corruption. One of the essential components of the project is enhancing the capacity of media professionals, civil society organizations, and activists. Effectively addressing corruption relies on an informed and engaged public, which is supported by a media landscape that operates responsibly and independently. It is crucial for media organizations and journalists to have access to the necessary tools and knowledge to investigate and report on corruption while navigating the complexities of their environment".

Among the key participants of the forum there were journalists and editors of leading media outlets from Central Asian and European countries and beyond, as well as secretaries of government bodies, and international experts, including representatives from Transparency International Latvia, the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, Open Government Partnership, OSCE, Baltic Center for Media Excellence (BCME), and online news portal

EU in Uzbekistan

The forum was organised with the support of the Anti-Corruption Agency and the projects "Improving Governance in Uzbekistan - Inclusive Corruption Prevention" (carried out through the Good Governance Program, implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Latvian Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA), and the international NGO "Regional Dialogue" of Slovenia, co-funded by the EU and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)) and "Improving Governance in Uzbekistan: Strengthening the National Anti-Corruption Ecosystem" (implemented by UNDP and funded by the EU).