Ministry of National Defence of the Hellenic Republic

09/13/2024 | Press release | Archived content

The Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias attends the celebrations of the 81st anniversary of the Liberation of Megisti island

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The Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias attends the celebrations of the 81st anniversary of the Liberation of Megisti island

September 13, 2024


The Minister of National Defence Mr. Nikos Dendiasattended on Friday, 13 September 2024 the events for the celebration of the 81stanniversary of the Liberation of Megisti island, representing the Government.

The Minister was accompanied by the Chief HAGS Lieutenant General Georgios Kostidis, the Commander of the Higher Military Command of Interior and Islands Lieutenant General Emmanouil Theodorouand the Commander of the 95 Higher National Guard Battalions Command Major General Emmanouil Chatzis.

In the morning, Mr. Dendias attended the official Doxology Service that took place at the Metropolitan Church of Saint Constantine and Helen, which was presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Chrysostomosof Symi, Tilos, Chalki and Kastellorizo. Then, the Minister visited the island's Memorial of the Fallen and laid a wreath.

Present among others were, the Member of Parliament for Ileia Region DimitrisAvramopoulos, as a representative of the Hellenic Parliament, the Members of Parliament for the Dodecanese Islands Mr. Ioannis Pappas, Mr. Emmanouil Konsolas, Ms. Tsambika Iatridi, Mr. Vasileios - Nikolaos Ypsilantisand Mr. Georgios Nikitiadis, the Deputy Regional Governor of the Dodecanese Mr. Apostolos Asprakis, the Mayor of Megisti Mr. Nikolaos Asvestis, as well as other representatives of the local authorities and people from the island.

In his statement after the end of the celebrations, the Minister of National Defence emphasized the following:

"It is a great pleasure and honour for me to be here, in Megisti, once again today to honour the 81stanniversary of its Liberation from the Italian occupation. On 13 September 1943, the destroyer "Kountouriotis" sailed here to the port and liberated Kastellorizo from the Axis forces.

Kastellorizo is the remotest island in the Archipelago on the eastern edge of the Aegean Sea and forms part of the Megisti complex. A complex of huge geopolitical importance. And, certainly, a complex that forms an integral part of the Dodecanese Islands. A focal point for the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and our Country's continental shelf.

I would like to stress that any attempt to separate the island from the Dodecanese because of its proximity to the Turkish coast, or any special treatment of Kastellorizo outside the international legal framework and the Hague, is an unfounded claim.

Greece's stance on Kastellorizo is clear and fully supported by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. A convention that under the case-law produces customary rules and is also binding for the States that are not signatories to Convention.

In accordance with article 121, par. 2 of the Convention, all islands have a right to territorial waters, a contiguous zone, an exclusive economic zone and a continental shelf. And no distinction is made based on the size of islands.

Any opposing view is unacceptable and Greece is constitutionally obliged to defend its rights under the Law of the Sea. Allowing any violation would create a legal paradox and challenge international maritime law.

Moreover, as I said earlier, the importance of Kastellorizo both for Greece and the European Union, our big family, is invaluable.

Greece's agreement with Egypt on the Exclusive Economic Zone strengthens both national and European interests and underscores Greece's sovereign rights in the region. Greece, Egypt and Cyprus share aligned positions due to their respect for International Law and the International Law of the Sea.

In addition, I should remind you that article 1 of the Agreement with Egypt explicitly stipulates that if a Party negotiates on the determination of the Exclusive Economic Zone in the wider region with a third state, it should consult with the other Party of the Agreement.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The reference to the defence of sovereignty and sovereign rights suggests another need. The need to have modern and powerful Armed Forces. Thucydides in the well-known Melian Dialogue reminds us of something that remains true through time: "The Strong do what they can and the Weak suffer what they must". Well, we have no intention of being the weak.

By the "Agenda 2030", we create the most powerful Armed Forces in the history of Hellenism, for our Country to be capable no matter the threat to defend its sovereignty and its sovereign rights, thus ensuring peace and stability in the wider region.

Today's anniversary is of particular importance.

We are living at a time where freedom and independence are facing between the Symplegades and are being threatened by authoritarianism and revisionism.

Therefore, freedom should not be taken for granted. It should be maintained at a cost, with effort, unity and historic memory.

Thank you very much".