U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs

09/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/11/2024 12:54

Chairman McCaul Delivers Opening Remarks at Great Power Competition in Africa Hearing

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Washington, D.C. - Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul delivered opening remarks at a full committee hearing on the great power competition in Africa. In his remarks, Chairman McCaul emphasized that the failure of leadership from the Biden-Harris administration has fostered an increase in terrorism and the growing influence of the Chinese Communist Party and Russia throughout the African continent.


- Remarks as Delivered -

Twenty-three years ago, America was attacked without warning or provocation. The pain we felt as a nation in the aftermath was unspeakable. But our resolve remains unbreakable.

In honor of the nearly 3,000 innocent people who perished that day, please join me in a moment of silence to honor them.

Two days ago, I released my report on the failed Afghanistan withdrawal. This report outlines the systemic failures of the Biden-Harris administration's ill-fated decisions leading to the deadly and chaotic NEO from Afghanistan.

Under Secretary Bass, I want to say thank you for the role you played during [the withdrawal].

I appreciate you being here today. You were critical to the U.S. mission in Afghanistan as the ambassador, who took over Ambassador Wilson's position in Afghanistan as the ambassador until 2020. I know that wasn't easy what you were thrown into. In fact, you were the last Senate-confirmed ambassador to the country.

You were asked to return to Afghanistan for the NEO with only 24 to 48 hours' notice after the Biden-Harris administration failed to order an evacuation until the Taliban overran Kabul.

It is shameful to me that the NSC only spoke to you on Afghanistan once before your return.

That is a key reason why I have asked National Security Advisor Sullivan to testify before the committee and will compel [testimony] if necessary.

I have also subpoenaed Secretary Blinken to come and testify next week and will be moving for contempt should he fail to appear.

There was no actionable plan, and, as Benjamin Franklin said, "If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail."

Today, Afghanistan has returned to being a haven for terrorists and extremists.

Meanwhile, terrorism continues to flourish around the globe, especially in Africa.

More than 20 African nations are actively suffering under consistent attacks from groups like ISIS, Boko Haram, al-Shabab, and al-Qaeda.

In addition to the expansion of terrorism, we find ourselves amid a great power competition.

The failure of leadership from the Biden-Harris administration has led to a world in chaos - and a rise in adversaries around the globe - none more threatening than China.

And the African continent is ground zero for the CCP with its manipulative Belt and Road Initiative [and] crippling debt trap diplomacy.

Keep in mind, many CCP-funded projects are dual-use and can be used by the CCP's military, including potential naval bases in strategic locations - such as their port in Djibouti. Meanwhile, Putin continues to profit off the backs of Africans to finance his invasion of Ukraine and expand military partnerships at the expense of America, like in Niger.

Putin has also used mercenaries throughout Africa fostering instability around the continent.

In this global power struggle, a key component of our diplomatic efforts must be to deepen and establish partnerships in African countries, especially through the Development Finance Corporation (DFC).

I was pleased this committee could pass a bipartisan reauthorization to strengthen DFC, and I hope our colleagues in the Senate can do the same. It is absolutely critical.

This committee also ensured the extension of PEPFAR, a 20-year success story.

The president of Botswana personally told me that PEPFAR saved a generation.

I was also pleased the committee passed my bipartisan International Conservation Foundation Act, which prioritizes conservation efforts through public-private partnerships to help us counter China and Russia.

Also, I am sure you would agree to ensure success of these and related efforts we need to have our embassies fully staffed and ensure our [foreign service officers] are fully paid.

America's soft power is key to fostering freedom, while also preventing the spread of authoritarianism around the globe.
