California Chamber of Commerce

09/27/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/27/2024 09:36

Honor Roll Highlights California’s Top Schools Partnering with Business Leaders

Educational Results Partnership (ERP), a non-profit organization that applies data science to accelerate student success, has released its annual California Honor Roll list of top performing schools in partnership with California business leaders. This is the ninth year that ERP has completed the Honor Roll, which recognizes top public schools, school districts and charter schools that have outperformed their peers in closing achievement gaps, particularly among higher-poverty and historically disadvantaged student populations.

This year 1,430 schools and 109 school districts in California made the Honor Roll. This is approximately 17% of all schools and 14% of all school districts in the state. The full list of Honor Roll schools is now posted at

"This year's Honor Roll shines a positive light on schools where students are learning the fundamental skills that employers value and look for," said Dan Kinney ERP's Board Chair, and former Vice President, Operations, State Farm Insurance. "We are proud to recognize these higher performing schools and plan on learning more about their best practices for accelerating student learning in the critical areas of reading, writing and math."

The program is part of a national effort to engage business leaders in recognizing successful schools and educational systems and promote best practices that improve student outcomes. Honor Roll schools are recognized for demonstrating consistently higher levels of student achievement comprehensively across all student populations, improvement in academic achievement over time, and a reduction in achievement gaps among historically disadvantaged student populations. Data made publicly available by the California Department of Education for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for the years 2019-2023 was used to conduct the analysis. To learn more about the methodology used to determine Honor Roll schools and districts, click here.

The Honor Roll is the only school recognition program in California based solely on objective student achievement data. The goal of the Honor Roll program is to use data to find and highlight successful schools and encourage collaboration among educators on best practices for raising student achievement.

"ERP is all about improving educational equity and promoting career readiness for all students, regardless of family income, background or ZIP code," said James Lanich, ERP CEO. "By shining a light on successful systems and practices, we hope to spark dialogue amongst educators to replicate best practices throughout the state."

This year's California Honor Roll Schools list is being presented in collaboration with the California Foundation for Commerce and Education (a think tank affiliated with the California Chamber of Commerce), California Black Chamber of Commerce, CalAsian Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, San Joaquin A+, and other business leaders across the state.