Prosper Funding LLC

12/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/12/2024 05:16

Supplemental Prospectus (Form 424B3)

Listing Report: Supplement No. 86 dated Dec 11, 2024 to Prospectus dated Oct 07, 2024
File pursuant to Rule 424(b)(3)
Registration Statement Nos. 333-257739 and 333-257739-01
Prosper Funding LLC
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes

Prosper Marketplace, Inc.
PMI Management Rights
This Listing Report supplements the prospectus dated Oct 07, 2024 and provides information about each loan request (referred to as a "listing") and series of Borrower Payment Dependent Notes (the "Notes") Prosper Funding LLC is currently offering. Prospective investors should read this Listing Report supplement together with the prospectus dated Oct 07, 2024 to understand the terms and conditions of the Notes and how they are offered, as well as the risks of investing in Notes. As described in the prospectus dated Oct 07, 2024, each Note will come attached with a PMI Management Right issued by Prosper Marketplace, Inc.
The following series of Notes are currently being offered:
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13490135
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $3,000.00 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $2,100 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 26.60% Borrower rate/APR: 27.60% / 35.85% Monthly payment: $123.44
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 1 First credit line: Nov-2011 Debt/Income ratio: 9%
TU FICO range: 600-619 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 15 / 15 Length of status: 10y 0m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 23 Occupation: Professional
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $24,292 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 4 Bankcard utilization: 101%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Texas
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13490090
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $4,000.00 Prosper Rating: AA Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $2,800 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 8.90% Borrower rate/APR: 9.90% / 15.72% Monthly payment: $128.88
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.33% - 6.01%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Jul-2021 Debt/Income ratio: 7%
TU FICO range: 780-799 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 3 / 3 Length of status: 0y 7m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 3 Occupation: Food Service
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $224 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 1%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Florida
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Large Purchase
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13490054
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $10,868.38 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $7,608 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 12.49% Borrower rate/APR: 13.49% / 19.44% Monthly payment: $368.75
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Dec-2002 Debt/Income ratio: 33%
TU FICO range: 820-850 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 2 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 8 / 8 Length of status: 8y 10m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 19 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $2,249 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 12%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Louisiana
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Home Improvement
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489994
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $7,000.00 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,900 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 13.80% Borrower rate/APR: 14.80% / 21.60% Monthly payment: $241.97
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 6 First credit line: Aug-2019 Debt/Income ratio: 22%
TU FICO range: 700-719 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 12 / 12 Length of status: 2y 2m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 13 Occupation: Clerical
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $9,636 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 40%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Nevada
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489976
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $6,592.68 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,615 Term: 48 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 13.15% Borrower rate/APR: 14.15% / 19.40% Monthly payment: $180.65
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 10 First credit line: Jan-2006 Debt/Income ratio: 27%
TU FICO range: 800-819 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 3 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 11 / 11 Length of status: 2y 6m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 24 Occupation: Clerical
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $3,214 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 4%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Mississippi
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489973
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $5,554.94 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $3,888 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 26.70% Borrower rate/APR: 27.70% / 35.95% Monthly payment: $228.87
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 2 First credit line: May-2006 Debt/Income ratio: 15%
TU FICO range: 620-639 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 7 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 24 / 24 Length of status: 13y 6m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 57 Occupation: Architect
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $21,799 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 5 Bankcard utilization: 95%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: South Carolina
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Household Expenses
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489949
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $14,781.00 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $10,347 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 10.45% Borrower rate/APR: 11.45% / 17.33% Monthly payment: $487.07
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 7 First credit line: Oct-2011 Debt/Income ratio: 52%
TU FICO range: 720-739 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 10 / 10 Length of status: 3y 0m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 22 Occupation: Food Service
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $14,781 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 1 Bankcard utilization: 58%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Maryland
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489940
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $5,000.00 Prosper Rating: C Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $3,500 Term: 24 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 16.86% Borrower rate/APR: 17.86% / 27.79% Monthly payment: $249.28
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.18% - 8.80%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 5 First credit line: Mar-2009 Debt/Income ratio: 41%
TU FICO range: 760-779 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 6 / 6 Length of status: 26y 6m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 16 Occupation: Truck Driver
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $1,446 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 1 Bankcard utilization: 9%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: North Carolina
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Auto / Motorcycle / RV / Boat
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489934
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $2,173.68 Prosper Rating: AA Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $1,522 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 9.35% Borrower rate/APR: 10.35% / 16.19% Monthly payment: $70.50
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.33% - 6.01%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Mar-2018 Debt/Income ratio: 8%
TU FICO range: 740-759 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 3 / 3 Length of status: 3y 5m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 5 Occupation: Skilled Labor
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $358 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 3%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Oklahoma
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Large Purchase
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489919
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $7,000.00 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,900 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 10.57% Borrower rate/APR: 11.57% / 17.46% Monthly payment: $231.08
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Jul-2013 Debt/Income ratio: 22%
TU FICO range: 720-739 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 2 Employment status: Self-employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 19 / 20 Length of status: 19y 8m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 30 Occupation: Tradesman - Mechanic
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $24,426 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 1 Bankcard utilization: 32%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Georgia
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Home Improvement
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489868
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $4,347.35 Prosper Rating: AA Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $3,043 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 8.01% Borrower rate/APR: 9.01% / 14.80% Monthly payment: $138.26
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.33% - 6.01%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Sep-2004 Debt/Income ratio: 12%
TU FICO range: 780-799 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 2 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 11 / 11 Length of status: 27y 3m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 26 Occupation: Teacher
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $5,175 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 20%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Florida
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Home Improvement
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489859
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $2,197.56 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $1,538 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 11.65% Borrower rate/APR: 12.64% / 19.36% Monthly payment: $73.67
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 8 First credit line: May-2017 Debt/Income ratio: 41%
TU FICO range: 680-699 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 9 / 9 Length of status: 0y 6m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 17 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $1,880 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 5 Bankcard utilization: 20%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Alabama
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Special Occasion
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489784
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $12,000.00 Prosper Rating: C Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $8,400 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 19.43% Borrower rate/APR: 20.43% / 25.04% Monthly payment: $320.80
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.18% - 8.80%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Aug-2019 Debt/Income ratio: 33%
TU FICO range: 720-739 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: Not available Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 7 / 7 Length of status: 0y 8m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 10 Occupation: Food Service
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $6,351 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 24%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Virginia
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489772
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $15,553.83 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $10,888 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 26.70% Borrower rate/APR: 27.70% / 35.95% Monthly payment: $640.84
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 1 First credit line: Oct-2011 Debt/Income ratio: 32%
TU FICO range: 660-679 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 2 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 20 / 20 Length of status: 2y 11m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 23 Occupation: Accountant/CPA
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $11,446 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 15 Bankcard utilization: 63%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Texas
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Large Purchase
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489763
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $6,194.98 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,336 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 9.13% Borrower rate/APR: 10.12% / 15.96% Monthly payment: $200.26
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Aug-2000 Debt/Income ratio: 28%
TU FICO range: 740-759 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 20 / 20 Length of status: 10y 3m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 35 Occupation: Student - College Senior
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $17,608 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 16%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Texas
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Home Improvement
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489754
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $6,521.03 Prosper Rating: AA Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,565 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 7.65% Borrower rate/APR: 8.65% / 14.43% Monthly payment: $206.30
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.33% - 6.01%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Jul-2013 Debt/Income ratio: 7%
TU FICO range: 740-759 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 7 / 7 Length of status: 2y 0m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 21 Occupation: Social Worker
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $6,962 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 27%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Texas
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489742
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $15,000.00 Prosper Rating: AA Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $10,500 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 9.35% Borrower rate/APR: 10.35% / 16.19% Monthly payment: $486.48
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.33% - 6.01%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Feb-2018 Debt/Income ratio: 10%
TU FICO range: 720-739 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 3 / 3 Length of status: 7y 8m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 5 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $11,375 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 24%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Virginia
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13489562
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $14,128.90 Prosper Rating: AA Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $9,890 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 7.00% Borrower rate/APR: 8.00% / 13.76% Monthly payment: $442.75
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.33% - 6.01%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Nov-2015 Debt/Income ratio: 34%
TU FICO range: 760-779 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 5 / 5 Length of status: 5y 1m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 17 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $1,797 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 12%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: New Jersey
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13488677
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $13,000.00 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $9,100 Term: 24 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 10.28% Borrower rate/APR: 11.28% / 19.80% Monthly payment: $607.56
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Apr-1999 Debt/Income ratio: 53%
TU FICO range: 800-819 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: Not available Employment status: Other
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 22 / 22 Length of status: 21y 3m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 39 Occupation: Not available
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $16,616 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 13%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Michigan
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13488581
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $32,000.00 Prosper Rating: C Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $22,400 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 20.72% Borrower rate/APR: 21.72% / 28.82% Monthly payment: $1,217.55
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.18% - 8.80%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 4 First credit line: Jun-1999 Debt/Income ratio: 21%
TU FICO range: 680-699 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 7 / 7 Length of status: 2y 2m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 27 Occupation: Professional
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $38,059 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 6 Bankcard utilization: 89%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Michigan
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13488425
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $21,975.61 Prosper Rating: C Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $15,383 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 19.35% Borrower rate/APR: 20.35% / 27.39% Monthly payment: $820.62
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.18% - 8.80%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 6 First credit line: Apr-2004 Debt/Income ratio: 29%
TU FICO range: 660-679 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Self-employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 21 / 21 Length of status: 18y 11m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 33 Occupation: Sales - Commission
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $32,088 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 6 Bankcard utilization: 78%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: North Dakota
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13488251
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $7,000.00 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,900 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 13.22% Borrower rate/APR: 14.22% / 21.00% Monthly payment: $239.99
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 6 First credit line: Oct-2014 Debt/Income ratio: 26%
TU FICO range: 660-679 (Nov-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 13 / 13 Length of status: 3y 1m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 16 Occupation: Teacher
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $6,928 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 100%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Illinois
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13487549
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $17,389.41 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $12,173 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 10.45% Borrower rate/APR: 11.45% / 17.33% Monthly payment: $573.02
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 8 First credit line: Sep-2007 Debt/Income ratio: 34%
TU FICO range: 720-739 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 2 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 36 / 37 Length of status: 4y 8m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 59 Occupation: Pharmacist
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $17,499 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 25%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Georgia
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13487282
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $8,887.90 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $6,222 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 26.70% Borrower rate/APR: 27.70% / 35.95% Monthly payment: $366.20
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 1 First credit line: Jul-2016 Debt/Income ratio: 19%
TU FICO range: 660-679 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 12 / 12 Length of status: 4y 9m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 18 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $8,742 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 1 Bankcard utilization: 94%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Florida
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13482407
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $4,944.51 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $3,461 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 12.85% Borrower rate/APR: 13.85% / 20.61% Monthly payment: $168.63
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 8 First credit line: Aug-2007 Debt/Income ratio: 16%
TU FICO range: 640-659 (Nov-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 5 / 5 Length of status: 12y 7m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 14 Occupation: Food Service
Public records last 24m/10y: 0 / 1 Revolving credit balance: $3,359 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 6 Bankcard utilization: 56%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Washington
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13670098
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $4,500.00 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $3,150 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 23.90% Borrower rate/APR: 24.90% / 30.31% Monthly payment: $131.82
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 3 First credit line: Sep-2004 Debt/Income ratio: 14%
TU FICO range: 680-699 (Nov-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 7 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 24 / 24 Length of status: 27y 9m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 29 Occupation: Military Officer
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $20,824 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 8 Bankcard utilization: 51%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Virginia
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Household Expenses
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13670071
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $22,000.00 Prosper Rating: D Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $15,400 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 21.20% Borrower rate/APR: 22.20% / 30.17% Monthly payment: $842.47
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 2.73% - 10.68%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 3 First credit line: Dec-2013 Debt/Income ratio: 34%
TU FICO range: 700-719 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 13 / 13 Length of status: 10y 9m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 25 Occupation: Skilled Labor
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $58,346 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 62%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Georgia
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13670023
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $11,000.00 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $7,700 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 12.32% Borrower rate/APR: 13.32% / 20.06% Monthly payment: $372.33
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 5 First credit line: Dec-2011 Debt/Income ratio: 35%
TU FICO range: 720-739 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 3 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 22 / 22 Length of status: 11y 10m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 32 Occupation: Laborer
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $19,491 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 27%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Massachusetts
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13670014
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $3,750.00 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $2,625 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 11.66% Borrower rate/APR: 12.66% / 18.58% Monthly payment: $125.74
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 10 First credit line: Sep-2007 Debt/Income ratio: 11%
TU FICO range: 680-699 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 13 / 13 Length of status: 22y 2m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 25 Occupation: Sales - Retail
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $20,615 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 3 Bankcard utilization: 64%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: California
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Home Improvement
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669996
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $10,000.00 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $7,000 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 26.70% Borrower rate/APR: 27.70% / 35.95% Monthly payment: $412.02
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 1 First credit line: Feb-2016 Debt/Income ratio: 42%
TU FICO range: 660-679 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 2 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 1 Current / open credit lines: 8 / 8 Length of status: 6y 10m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 17 Occupation: Skilled Labor
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $9,522 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 3 Bankcard utilization: 64%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Texas
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669939
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $5,434.19 Prosper Rating: AA Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $3,804 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 8.51% Borrower rate/APR: 9.51% / 15.32% Monthly payment: $174.10
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.33% - 6.01%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Feb-2018 Debt/Income ratio: 36%
TU FICO range: 760-779 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 16 / 16 Length of status: 8y 2m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 41 Occupation: Skilled Labor
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $862 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 0%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Oregon
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Home Improvement
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669936
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $26,000.00 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $18,200 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 10.85% Borrower rate/APR: 11.85% / 18.53% Monthly payment: $861.71
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 6 First credit line: Jul-2012 Debt/Income ratio: 49%
TU FICO range: 760-779 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 2 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 14 / 14 Length of status: 12y 4m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 32 Occupation: Military Enlisted
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $8,665 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 1 Bankcard utilization: 34%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: California
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669906
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $3,296.34 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $2,307 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 13.08% Borrower rate/APR: 14.08% / 18.41% Monthly payment: $76.85
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 8 First credit line: Jun-2008 Debt/Income ratio: 38%
TU FICO range: 740-759 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 5 / 5 Length of status: 17y 4m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 19 Occupation: Laborer
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $9,040 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 87%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Texas
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669879
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $18,476.25 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $12,933 Term: 48 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 10.95% Borrower rate/APR: 11.95% / 16.50% Monthly payment: $486.10
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 9 First credit line: Sep-2012 Debt/Income ratio: 39%
TU FICO range: 740-759 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 13 / 13 Length of status: 2y 6m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 22 Occupation: Professional
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $5,209 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 1 Bankcard utilization: 37%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Texas
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669867
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $6,500.00 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,550 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 10.48% Borrower rate/APR: 11.48% / 15.19% Monthly payment: $142.87
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 8 First credit line: Nov-2007 Debt/Income ratio: 40%
TU FICO range: 740-759 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 15 / 15 Length of status: 35y 3m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 41 Occupation: Skilled Labor
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $3,135 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 1 Bankcard utilization: 22%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: New Jersey
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669846
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $11,000.00 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $7,700 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 12.15% Borrower rate/APR: 13.15% / 19.88% Monthly payment: $371.43
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 4 First credit line: Sep-2006 Debt/Income ratio: 40%
TU FICO range: 720-739 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Other
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 10 / 10 Length of status: 24y 10m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 25 Occupation: Not available
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $28,413 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 1 Bankcard utilization: 65%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: South Carolina
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669837
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $15,000.00 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $10,500 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 10.66% Borrower rate/APR: 11.66% / 17.55% Monthly payment: $495.78
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: May-2010 Debt/Income ratio: 44%
TU FICO range: 680-699 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 37 / 37 Length of status: 5y 10m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 61 Occupation: Sales - Commission
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $169,956 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 1 Bankcard utilization: 47%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: California
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669828
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $5,493.90 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $3,846 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 12.82% Borrower rate/APR: 13.82% / 18.13% Monthly payment: $127.31
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 8 First credit line: Mar-2017 Debt/Income ratio: 5%
TU FICO range: 700-719 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 5 / 5 Length of status: 0y 9m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 9 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $42 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 1 Bankcard utilization: 4%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: North Carolina
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Large Purchase
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669801
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $16,302.58 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $11,412 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 11.11% Borrower rate/APR: 12.11% / 18.01% Monthly payment: $542.34
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 9 First credit line: Feb-1995 Debt/Income ratio: 35%
TU FICO range: 680-699 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 7 / 7 Length of status: 12y 1m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 16 Occupation: Truck Driver
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $13,653 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 66%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Michigan
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669786
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $8,887.90 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $6,222 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 25.02% Borrower rate/APR: 26.02% / 31.50% Monthly payment: $266.21
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 1 First credit line: Apr-2013 Debt/Income ratio: 28%
TU FICO range: 680-699 (Nov-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 2 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 23 / 24 Length of status: 10y 2m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 39 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $60,875 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 79%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Texas
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669768
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $6,000.00 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,200 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 14.36% Borrower rate/APR: 15.36% / 22.18% Monthly payment: $209.05
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 8 First credit line: May-2019 Debt/Income ratio: 17%
TU FICO range: 640-659 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 8 / 8 Length of status: 6y 4m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 10 Occupation: Food Service Management
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $6,257 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 95%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Florida
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669717
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $10,000.00 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $7,000 Term: 48 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 28.30% Borrower rate/APR: 29.30% / 35.96% Monthly payment: $356.00
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 5 First credit line: Jul-2013 Debt/Income ratio: 51%
TU FICO range: 720-739 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Other
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 6 / 6 Length of status: 0y 0m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 7 Occupation: Not available
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $13,269 Stated income: $1-24,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 43%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: California
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669708
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $4,944.51 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $3,461 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 12.80% Borrower rate/APR: 13.80% / 20.56% Monthly payment: $168.51
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 6 First credit line: Jun-2016 Debt/Income ratio: 9%
TU FICO range: 700-719 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 6 / 6 Length of status: 4y 5m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 7 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $25,024 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 40%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Nevada
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13669669
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $2,221.98 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $1,555 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 26.30% Borrower rate/APR: 27.30% / 32.85% Monthly payment: $68.25
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 3 First credit line: Jan-2022 Debt/Income ratio: 15%
TU FICO range: 640-659 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 2 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 5 / 5 Length of status: 0y 10m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 9 Occupation: Nurse's Aide
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $5,308 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 97%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Illinois
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13668907
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $3,888.46 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $2,722 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 26.30% Borrower rate/APR: 27.30% / 32.85% Monthly payment: $119.43
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 1 First credit line: Mar-2011 Debt/Income ratio: 16%
TU FICO range: 680-699 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 7 / 7 Length of status: 8y 9m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 8 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $15,171 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 109%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Arizona
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13668676
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $6,665.93 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,666 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 24.50% Borrower rate/APR: 25.50% / 33.64% Monthly payment: $266.80
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 1 First credit line: Oct-2005 Debt/Income ratio: 11%
TU FICO range: 640-659 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 5 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 1 Current / open credit lines: 11 / 11 Length of status: 15y 0m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 32 Occupation: Medical Technician
Public records last 24m/10y: 0 / 1 Revolving credit balance: $2,511 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 6 Bankcard utilization: 26%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Indiana
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13668364
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $6,554.83 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,588 Term: 48 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 28.06% Borrower rate/APR: 29.06% / 35.71% Monthly payment: $232.44
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 1 First credit line: Jan-2014 Debt/Income ratio: 34%
TU FICO range: 700-719 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: Not available Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 8 / 8 Length of status: 0y 0m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 23 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $15,794 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 95%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Maryland
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13665574
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $2,221.98 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $1,555 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 28.91% Borrower rate/APR: 29.91% / 35.62% Monthly payment: $71.77
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 1 First credit line: Apr-2018 Debt/Income ratio: 23%
TU FICO range: 660-679 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 9 / 9 Length of status: 7y 5m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 10 Occupation: Retail Management
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $15,654 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 1 Bankcard utilization: 69%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Arizona
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Household Expenses
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13664068
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $4,443.95 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $3,111 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 28.91% Borrower rate/APR: 29.91% / 35.62% Monthly payment: $143.53
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 1 First credit line: Jan-1987 Debt/Income ratio: 36%
TU FICO range: 700-719 (Nov-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 21 / 21 Length of status: 37y 11m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 43 Occupation: Laborer
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $34,025 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 59%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: California
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13662574
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $6,521.03 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,565 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 10.45% Borrower rate/APR: 11.45% / 15.17% Monthly payment: $143.25
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Feb-2008 Debt/Income ratio: 6%
TU FICO range: 740-759 (Nov-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 8 / 8 Length of status: 0y 9m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 14 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $694 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 2 Bankcard utilization: 3%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Arkansas
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Home Improvement
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692546
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $3,845.73 Prosper Rating: C Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $2,692 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 17.95% Borrower rate/APR: 18.95% / 25.93% Monthly payment: $140.87
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.18% - 8.80%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 6 First credit line: Dec-2003 Debt/Income ratio: 13%
TU FICO range: 720-739 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 11 / 11 Length of status: 0y 2m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 19 Occupation: Attorney
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $9,947 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 4 Bankcard utilization: 42%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Florida
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692534
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $10,000.00 Prosper Rating: C Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $7,000 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 22.16% Borrower rate/APR: 23.16% / 30.32% Monthly payment: $387.91
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.18% - 8.80%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 4 First credit line: Jul-2012 Debt/Income ratio: 15%
TU FICO range: 640-659 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 38 / 38 Length of status: 11y 9m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 55 Occupation: Professional
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $58,329 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 92%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Texas
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692531
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $21,000.00 Prosper Rating: C Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $14,700 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 20.15% Borrower rate/APR: 21.15% / 28.22% Monthly payment: $792.79
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.18% - 8.80%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 9 First credit line: Jan-2013 Debt/Income ratio: 16%
TU FICO range: 640-659 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: Not available Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 3 / 3 Length of status: 3y 8m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 6 Occupation: Nurse (RN)
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $2,493 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 1 Bankcard utilization: 22%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: California
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692480
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $5,554.94 Prosper Rating: D Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $3,888 Term: 48 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 19.10% Borrower rate/APR: 20.10% / 26.27% Monthly payment: $169.33
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 2.73% - 10.68%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 7 First credit line: Jul-2013 Debt/Income ratio: 13%
TU FICO range: 660-679 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 5 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 33 / 33 Length of status: 34y 3m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 53 Occupation: Professional
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $27,692 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 2 Bankcard utilization: 45%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Idaho
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Household Expenses
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692471
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $6,592.68 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,615 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 12.15% Borrower rate/APR: 13.15% / 19.88% Monthly payment: $222.61
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 6 First credit line: Aug-2007 Debt/Income ratio: 13%
TU FICO range: 700-719 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 5 / 5 Length of status: 3y 3m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 9 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $2,349 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 32%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Pennsylvania
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Large Purchase
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692450
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $11,000.00 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $7,700 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 12.45% Borrower rate/APR: 13.45% / 20.20% Monthly payment: $373.02
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 6 First credit line: May-2021 Debt/Income ratio: 7%
TU FICO range: 680-699 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Other
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 7 / 7 Length of status: 4y 10m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 10 Occupation: Not available
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $3,271 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 2 Bankcard utilization: 18%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Ohio
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692447
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $13,185.36 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $9,230 Term: 48 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 15.85% Borrower rate/APR: 16.85% / 22.21% Monthly payment: $379.44
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 8 First credit line: Apr-2008 Debt/Income ratio: 40%
TU FICO range: 700-719 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 7 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 37 / 37 Length of status: 23y 8m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 49 Occupation: Engineer - Mechanical
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $19,577 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 4 Bankcard utilization: 16%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Texas
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692420
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $10,000.00 Prosper Rating: D Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $7,000 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 18.87% Borrower rate/APR: 19.87% / 25.01% Monthly payment: $264.23
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 2.73% - 10.68%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 5 First credit line: Jun-2012 Debt/Income ratio: 50%
TU FICO range: 740-759 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 16 / 16 Length of status: 4y 0m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 23 Occupation: Teacher
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $2,817 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 10%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Kentucky
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692384
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $17,000.00 Prosper Rating: C Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $11,900 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 16.86% Borrower rate/APR: 17.86% / 24.79% Monthly payment: $613.40
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.18% - 8.80%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 8 First credit line: Oct-1996 Debt/Income ratio: 27%
TU FICO range: 700-719 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 27 / 27 Length of status: 20y 0m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 67 Occupation: Executive
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $58,042 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 85%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: California
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692339
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $11,411.80 Prosper Rating: AA Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $7,988 Term: 48 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 7.10% Borrower rate/APR: 8.10% / 12.51% Monthly payment: $279.13
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.33% - 6.01%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Sep-2019 Debt/Income ratio: 20%
TU FICO range: 720-739 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 6 / 6 Length of status: 0y 5m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 9 Occupation: Tradesman - Mechanic
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $5,600 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 21%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Tennessee
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692321
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $10,000.00 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $7,000 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 15.20% Borrower rate/APR: 16.20% / 20.62% Monthly payment: $244.24
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Sep-2019 Debt/Income ratio: 20%
TU FICO range: 760-779 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 4 / 4 Length of status: 10y 3m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 4 Occupation: Sales - Retail
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $490 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 5%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Pennsylvania
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692288
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $6,592.68 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,615 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 15.15% Borrower rate/APR: 16.15% / 23.01% Monthly payment: $232.27
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 6 First credit line: Sep-1996 Debt/Income ratio: 41%
TU FICO range: 700-719 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 15 / 15 Length of status: 5y 3m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 27 Occupation: Sales - Retail
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $60,432 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 76%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: California
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Home Improvement
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692279
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $19,000.00 Prosper Rating: AA Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $13,300 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 7.01% Borrower rate/APR: 8.01% / 11.60% Monthly payment: $385.34
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.33% - 6.01%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Mar-2014 Debt/Income ratio: 17%
TU FICO range: 760-779 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 11 / 11 Length of status: 3y 1m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 30 Occupation: Analyst
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $5,588 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 15%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Texas
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692267
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $9,000.00 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $6,300 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 25.10% Borrower rate/APR: 26.10% / 34.27% Monthly payment: $363.10
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 5 First credit line: Apr-2012 Debt/Income ratio: 26%
TU FICO range: 660-679 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 20 / 20 Length of status: 22y 7m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 65 Occupation: Police Officer/Correction Officer
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $20,450 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 5 Bankcard utilization: 60%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Texas
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692231
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $10,000.00 Prosper Rating: C Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $7,000 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 21.56% Borrower rate/APR: 22.56% / 27.28% Monthly payment: $279.38
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.18% - 8.80%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 5 First credit line: Mar-2013 Debt/Income ratio: 10%
TU FICO range: 640-659 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 3 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 7 / 7 Length of status: 4y 6m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 11 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $4,852 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 2 Bankcard utilization: 73%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: California
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13691343
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $9,781.55 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $6,847 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 9.75% Borrower rate/APR: 10.75% / 16.60% Monthly payment: $319.08
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Nov-2004 Debt/Income ratio: 22%
TU FICO range: 800-819 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 18 / 18 Length of status: 6y 4m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 23 Occupation: Food Service
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $7,193 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 9%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Wisconsin
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13690992
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $22,000.00 Prosper Rating: D Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $15,400 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 23.50% Borrower rate/APR: 24.50% / 32.59% Monthly payment: $868.91
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 2.73% - 10.68%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 3 First credit line: Sep-2016 Debt/Income ratio: 17%
TU FICO range: 640-659 (Nov-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 19 / 19 Length of status: 3y 8m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 25 Occupation: Professional
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $16,938 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 2 Bankcard utilization: 69%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Ohio
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13690884
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $14,000.00 Prosper Rating: D Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $9,800 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 20.10% Borrower rate/APR: 21.10% / 26.30% Monthly payment: $379.53
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 2.73% - 10.68%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 7 First credit line: Aug-2006 Debt/Income ratio: 37%
TU FICO range: 680-699 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 19 / 19 Length of status: 25y 8m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 34 Occupation: Professional
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $10,704 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 28%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Oklahoma
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13690641
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $10,000.00 Prosper Rating: D Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $7,000 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 19.70% Borrower rate/APR: 20.70% / 25.88% Monthly payment: $268.85
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 2.73% - 10.68%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 3 First credit line: Jun-2014 Debt/Income ratio: 20%
TU FICO range: 680-699 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 10 / 10 Length of status: 12y 2m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 10 Occupation: Laborer
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $8,653 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 90%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Ohio
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13689669
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $3,500.00 Prosper Rating: E Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $2,450 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 26.70% Borrower rate/APR: 27.70% / 35.95% Monthly payment: $144.21
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.16% - 13.10%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 8 First credit line: Sep-2018 Debt/Income ratio: 34%
TU FICO range: 740-759 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 10 / 10 Length of status: 5y 1m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 18 Occupation: Food Service
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $7,404 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 21%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: New Jersey
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Large Purchase
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13688535
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $6,000.00 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $4,200 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 14.75% Borrower rate/APR: 15.75% / 19.63% Monthly payment: $145.11
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 8 First credit line: Sep-2015 Debt/Income ratio: 10%
TU FICO range: 680-699 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Other
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 16 / 16 Length of status: 13y 3m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 34 Occupation: Not available
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $4,679 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 1 Bankcard utilization: 14%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Oregon
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Large Purchase
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13686150
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $16,481.71 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $11,537 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 11.25% Borrower rate/APR: 12.25% / 18.95% Monthly payment: $549.40
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 8 First credit line: Apr-2009 Debt/Income ratio: 16%
TU FICO range: 700-719 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: Not available Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 11 / 11 Length of status: 3y 3m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 32 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $8,742 Stated income: $75,000-99,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 12 Bankcard utilization: 30%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: California
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13683660
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $10,324.96 Prosper Rating: AA Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $7,227 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 8.90% Borrower rate/APR: 9.90% / 15.72% Monthly payment: $332.67
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.33% - 6.01%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: Nov-2022 Debt/Income ratio: 24%
TU FICO range: 760-779 (Nov-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 4 / 4 Length of status: 1y 11m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 5 Occupation: Military Enlisted
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $279 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 3%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Delaware
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Large Purchase
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13670137
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $8,000.00 Prosper Rating: A Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $5,600 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 10.48% Borrower rate/APR: 11.48% / 15.19% Monthly payment: $175.84
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.55% - 7.25%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 9 First credit line: Mar-2018 Debt/Income ratio: 25%
TU FICO range: 740-759 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: Not available Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 5 / 5 Length of status: 7y 10m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 6 Occupation: Other
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $4,599 Stated income: $50,000-74,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 58%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Tennessee
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13670122
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $9,339.63 Prosper Rating: B Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $6,538 Term: 60 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 16.88% Borrower rate/APR: 17.88% / 22.38% Monthly payment: $236.56
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.68% - 7.84%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 11 First credit line: May-2002 Debt/Income ratio: 11%
TU FICO range: 700-719 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 1 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 3 / 4 Length of status: 20y 4m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 19 Occupation: Food Service
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $6,461 Stated income: $25,000-49,999
Delinquencies in last 7y: 7 Bankcard utilization: 77%
Has Mortgage: No Borrower's state: Indiana
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Auto / Motorcycle / RV / Boat
Information in the Description is not verified.
Borrower Payment Dependent Notes Series 13692615
The following information pertains to the borrower loan being requested, that corresponds to the series of Notes to be issued upon the funding of the borrower loan, in the event the listing receives commitments to purchase Notes in an amount that equals or exceeds the minimum amount required for the loan to fund.
Amount: $3,845.73 Prosper Rating: C Listing Duration: 14 days
Minimum Amount to Fund: $2,692 Term: 36 months Initial Status: F
Investor yield: 15.52% Borrower rate/APR: 16.52% / 23.40% Monthly payment: $136.20
Investor servicing fee: 1.00% Historical Return*: 3.18% - 8.80%
* Historical Return Range for Single or Multiple Prosper Ratings (e.g., Loan Listing, Auto Invest) Represents the Historical Return Range for the Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) as of November 30, 2024. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans). To be included in the historical return ("Historical Return") calculation, the loan must have originated (a) on or after July 1, 2009, and (b) at least 12 months prior to the calculation date. We calculate the Historical Return for loans originated through Prosper as follows. First, loans are separated into distinct "Groups" based on the specific month and year in which they were originated and their Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) at origination. For each Group, we calculate: (a) the sum of the interest paid, plus late fees, minus servicing fees, minus collection fees, in each case on active loans, plus net recoveries on charged-off or defaulted loans, plus net debt sale proceeds on sold loans, minus gross principal losses; divided by (b) the sum of the principal balances outstanding on active loans at the end of each day since origination. We then annualize the result to get the "Historical Return" for the Group. Once this calculation is performed for every Group, we compute the 10th and 90th cumulative-outstanding-principal-dollar-weighted percentiles of the Historical Returns of the Groups within each Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings (as applicable) to get the "Historical Return Range" of the relevant Prosper Rating or mix of Prosper Ratings. For purposes of this calculation, "active" means loans that are current in payments or delinquent less than 120 days; loans that have paid off, charged-off or are in default are not considered active. The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related non-cash corrective adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
Borrower's Credit Profile
Prosper score (1-11): 9 First credit line: Jun-2005 Debt/Income ratio: 23%
TU FICO range: 680-699 (Dec-2024) Inquiries last 6m: 0 Employment status: Employed
Current delinquencies: 0 Current / open credit lines: 20 / 20 Length of status: 2y 10m
Amount delinquent: $0 Total credit lines: 34 Occupation: Accountant/CPA
Public records last 24m/10y: Not available / 0 Revolving credit balance: $96,121 Stated income: $100,000+
Delinquencies in last 7y: 0 Bankcard utilization: 96%
Has Mortgage: Yes Borrower's state: Georgia
Credit information was obtained from borrower's credit report and displayed without having been verified. Employment and income was provided by borrower and displayed without having been verified.

"Not available" indicates the information could not be obtained by the credit bureau.
Debt Consolidation
Information in the Description is not verified.