City of Del Mar, CA

07/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/03/2024 15:16

Meeting to discuss response to SANDAG railway document rescheduled to July 16

The City Council is rescheduling its follow-up discussion on Del Mar's official response to SANDAG's Notice of Preparation for the LOSSAN Rail Realignment Project, the deadline for which is July 19. A Special City Council meeting is set for 2 p.m. July 16.

The NOP examines three alternate alignments to move the train tracks off of the Del Mar bluffs by 2035.

In related developments, July 1, the Del Mar City Council met and authorized the City Attorney's office to seek outside legal counsel to assist with the City's review of the NOP, CEQA and NEPA processes by SANDAG as part of the environmental review for the LOSSAN Realignment project.

In addition to seeking outside legal expertise, the City also plans to engage the services of outside planning, engineering, and communications consultants as part of the City's participation in the environmental review, and future design and construction, of this important project.